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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-02-28 10:06:23
看板 Baseball
作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] 洋基與Snell的最新乳摸
時間 Wed Feb 28 08:18:32 2024


Feb. 27: Where talks stand between Yanks and Snell (report)

Discussions between Snell and the Yankees are ongoing, but MLB Network insider J
on Heyman hears that there has been little progress between the two sides.

談判進行中,不過Jon Heyman聽說幾乎毫無進展

Writing for the New York Post, Heyman reports that the Yankees and agent Scott B
oras have discussed multiple concepts for a contract but haven’t been able to f
ind common ground. One Yankees person characterized the chances of a deal with S
nell as “extremely low.”


Boras floated the possibility of a shorter-term deal with a higher average annua
l value and multiple opt-outs, like the one he negotiated with the Cubs (per a s
ource) for Cody Bellinger.


However, the Yankees aren’t interested in that concept for multiple reasons. Th
e first is the Competitive Balance Tax ramifications -- any deal with Snell will
 push the Yankees north of the highest tax line of $297 million, and a higher AA
V would come with a higher tax.


The Yanks would also need to surrender Draft compensation and international bonu
s pool money to sign Snell after he rejected a qualifying offer, so they aren’t
 keen on the idea of the pitcher having a chance to opt out after only one or tw
o years.


New York offered Snell a five-year deal in January, and Heyman hears that the te
am was willing to go to six years with an AAV around $28 million. However, that
didn’t work for Snell.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2024-02-28 08:18:32
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1btdlQFK (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1709079514.A.3D4.html
johnwu: 是還要更長的約嗎1F 02/28 08:20
RodrigueZ810: 拜託別簽談崩最好2F 02/28 08:21
rayterzll: 別簽談崩+13F 02/28 08:22
Notif520: 拜託別簽 直接談崩就好4F 02/28 08:24
abc12812: 洋基去年簽了某波拉斯客戶 現在整個被當冤大頭5F 02/28 08:31
c2578910: 都在春訓了 感覺誰簽誰倒楣6F 02/28 08:31
alex8725: 來富邦 史耐戈7F 02/28 08:33
bingreen: 簽長約容易變盤子約呀,看誰接盤8F 02/28 08:34
Kaberman569: 來中信 福來穩9F 02/28 08:35
yeah8466: 別簽啦10F 02/28 08:36
hansvonboltz: 現在是只剩下洋基484,去找別隊啦11F 02/28 08:38
jwptt: 感覺去天使了12F 02/28 08:44
RodrigueZ810: 如果去年沒簽Rodon可以衝 高風險約別再簽了13F 02/28 08:47
max011060: 怕又是另一個羅東...14F 02/28 08:49
jianoon: 2y 10M 不要拉倒15F 02/28 08:51
a25270672: 兩屆賽揚應該值得賭賭看吧!而且去年剛拿耶16F 02/28 08:53
hdotistyle: 巨人好像也在追17F 02/28 08:56
RodrigueZ810: 去年洋基季初號稱最強輪值 結果除了Cole全躺18F 02/28 08:57
RodrigueZ810: 連帶搞崩牛棚 沒空間去賭這種啦
RodrigueZ810: 現在先發除了Cole一樣滿滿鬼牌 多一張何必呢
yaes111: 再長就不要了 現在耐投的比較稀有21F 02/28 09:01
AZBTPATONY: 洋基又要當盤子了 為什麼我說又?22F 02/28 09:06
sustainer123: 不爽不要簽啊 snell直接空一年 嘻嘻23F 02/28 09:09
edhuang: 考前30天24F 02/28 09:13
Minihil: Rodon能恢復水準的話是可以不用簽啦 頂多季中買個打工仔25F 02/28 09:18
loloool: 洋基吃不下蝸牛啦26F 02/28 09:20
Minihil: 短約至少一年35M  加上快加倍的稅爆貴27F 02/28 09:20
Notif520: Rodon跟小鬍子恢復水準的話我基只要季中補強就好了28F 02/28 09:30
Notif520: 真的沒必要簽蝸牛
b99202071: 可憐 誰叫你拖30F 02/28 09:38
maimai2063: 摸摸摸31F 02/28 09:41
kevinftjiang: 帶蒙哥回家還比較有期待感32F 02/28 09:41
NG1028: 過譽仔33F 02/28 09:46
hexokinase: 蝸牛拜託別撐了 快簽34F 02/28 09:48

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