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看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] 大聯盟超透明球褲要走入歷史了
時間 Mon Apr 29 10:36:44 2024
MLB to address uniforms after player complaints, per memo - ESPN
Major League Baseball plans to address its uniform fiasco after changes this spring to the standard jerseys and pants led to widespread complaints fro ...
Major League Baseball plans to address its uniform fiasco after changes this spr
ing to the standard jerseys and pants led to widespread complaints from players
and fans, according to a memo obtained Sunday night by ESPN.
The most prominent modifications include a return to larger lettering on the bac
k of jerseys, remedying mismatched gray tops and bottoms and addressing the new
Nike jerseys' propensity to collect sweat, according to the memo distributed to
players by the MLB Players Association on Sunday.
The changes, which will happen at the latest by the beginning of the 2025 season
, will also include fixes to the pants, widely panned this spring for being see-
The union informed players of the coming changes in a letter that placed the bla
me on Nike and the debut of its Vapor Premier uniform, which was advertised for
its superior performance but remains disliked by players.
"This has been entirely a Nike issue," the memo to players read. "At its core, w
hat has happened here is that Nike was innovating something that didn't need to
be innovated."
工會:Nike在不需要創新的地方搞創新 = =
The union also absolved Fanatics, the manufacturer of the uniform that has recei
ved the majority of public scorn for the uniform mess, saying the company "recog
nizes the vital importance of soliciting Player feedback, obtaining Player buy-i
n and not being afraid to have difficult conversations about jerseys or trading
cards. Our hope is that, moving forward, Nike will take a similar approach."
Nike's partnership with MLB began in 2019, when it took over as the league's off
icial uniform supplier as part of a 10-year, $1 billion deal for MLB. Fanatics h
as partnerships with the league and the union, both of which have invested in th
e company and own small stakes.
As the MLBPA hammers Nike and praises Fanatics, did you know that the MLBPA rece
ived $44 million in licensing revenue from Fanatics in 2023?
The MLBPA also lists a $13 million investment in Fanatics.
(This information comes from the 2023 financial statement the union filed with t
he Department of Labor earlier this month, called an LM-2.)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-04-29 10:36:44
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cBmV0di (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1714358208.A.9EC.html
※ zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB 04/29 10:36
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/29/2024 10:37:39
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/29/2024 10:37:39
推 : 耐克不要亂搞好嗎1F 04/29 10:37
推 : 粉絲福利沒了2F 04/29 10:39
推 : 女性觀眾退票中3F 04/29 10:39
→ : 一樓念錯發音,小心老公發文公審喔XD4F 04/29 10:39
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/29/2024 10:40:00推 : 耐克傷風敗俗5F 04/29 10:41
推 : 球衣名字真的受不了 變小變彎還變低 真的醜 材質薄到有夠廉6F 04/29 10:42
→ : 價
→ : mlb logo也不要再下移了
→ : 價
→ : mlb logo也不要再下移了
推 : 收視率下降10F 04/29 10:43
→ : 爪洋將怎麼了11F 04/29 10:43
推 : 一樓沒老公 不用擔心被罵12F 04/29 10:47
推 : 靠北啊 今年買球衣的13F 04/29 10:50
→ : 靠 才剛入手球衣就說要改14F 04/29 10:50
推 : 棒球要滑壘撲接的,球褲真的不能太薄15F 04/29 10:56
→ : 球員工會都說話了,聯盟也只能改掉
→ : 球員工會都說話了,聯盟也只能改掉
推 : 工會:Nike在不需要創新的地方搞創新17F 04/29 11:01
推 : Nike錢給太多不敢罵 可撥18F 04/29 11:05
推 : 今年的客場深色球衣19F 04/29 11:07
→ : 汗漬都很明顯
→ : 汗漬都很明顯
推 : 工會:Nike在不需要創新的地方搞創新,笑死XD21F 04/29 11:11
推 : 笑死 這波虧大22F 04/29 11:17
推 : 八成又是什麼環保材質23F 04/29 11:18
→ : 庫存轉賣猛男秀應該賣得掉?24F 04/29 11:23
推 : nike接手啥就爛啥 nba當初給nike接收 球衣爛到一塌糊25F 04/29 11:42
→ : 塗 愛迪達真的很可惜
→ : 塗 愛迪達真的很可惜
推 : Nike球衣售價又比Majestic貴很多真是笑話27F 04/29 11:47
推 : M牌精美的多層電繡 成了夢幻收藏逸品28F 04/29 11:48
推 : 笑死 真的硬要搞29F 04/29 12:17
→ : NIKE最會惡搞球衣了30F 04/29 12:18
推 : majestic 球衣真的棒 為什麼要換Nike啊………崩潰31F 04/29 14:50
→ : 球褲真的不能太薄32F 04/29 15:34
推 : 終於33F 04/29 15:37
推 : Nike的籃球球衣也是品質極差 majestic跟adidas都好很多34F 04/29 15:51
推 : 哇 所以今年的成為期間限定版本了35F 04/29 16:05
推 : 通透世界完結36F 04/29 18:29
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 697
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