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看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] 消息人士:曼佛地魔續任MLB主席已成定局
時間 Fri Jul 21 00:01:15 2023
Commissioner Election Vote Scheduled For Next Week; Manfred Expected To Be Re-El
Major League Baseball’s owners will vote next week to determine whether to keep
Rob Manfred as commissioner, report Evan Drellich and Ken Rosenthal of the Athl
etic. There’s little intrigue expected with the outcome, as one person told The
Athletic it’s “a foregone conclusion” Manfred will be re-elected.
That’s no surprise. The last time Manfred’s job was up for debate — over the
2018-19 offseason — he was unanimously approved for a five-year extension. Manf
red will only need to secure a simple majority for an extension, with 16 of the
30 ownership representatives approving. He’ll almost certainly get that and cou
ld have a chance at another unanimous vote.
The terms of a new extension aren’t clear. Manfred’s current deal runs through
2024. If he’s re-upped for another five years, that’d take him through the ’
29 campaign.
Within the past few seasons, MLB and the Players Association were at odds both r
egarding the return-to-play measures during the 2020 pandemic peak and saw the f
irst official work stoppage in more than two decades with the 2021-22 lockout. M
LB revenues reportedly bounced back above pre-pandemic levels once the CBA was h
ammered out last spring, however. Manfred told Bill Shaikin of the Los Angeles T
imes towards the end of last season that league revenues were approaching a reco
rd $11 billion for 2022. Manfred first took over as commissioner in November 201
而根據一位知情人士告知The Athletic的訊息
2013 71.0億美金
-------------------------------- Rob Manfred當選主席(擊敗Tom Werner)
2014 76.8億美金
2015 83.9億美金
2016 90.3億美金
2017 94.6億美金
2018 99.0億美金
-------------------------------- Rob Manfred成功連任主席(續五年約)
2019 100.3億美金
2020 36.6億美金
2021 95.6億美金
2022 100.8億美金
據報導他前任的MLB主席Bud Selig
Rob Manfred第一次選主席時共計經過六輪投票才當選
Rob Manfred voted next MLB commissioner - ESPN
Rob Manfred was elected baseball's 10th commissioner Thursday, winning a three-man competition to succeed Bud Selig. ...
One baseball executive who attended the meeting, speaking on condition of anonym
ity to the Associated Press because details of the 4 1/2-hour session were not t
o be divulged, said Manfred was elected on approximately the sixth ballot. The i
nitial vote was 20-10 for Manfred, three short of the required three-quarters ma
His total increased to 21 on the second ballot and 22 on the third. While teams
put written ballots into envelopes, keeping their choices secret, from team offi
cial speeches it was evident that the Tampa Bay Rays' Stuart Sternberg and Milwa
ukee Brewers' Mark Attanasio likely switched their votes, the source said.
光芒老闆Stuart Sternberg、酒鬼老闆Mark Attanasio在這兩輪改投曼佛地魔
Manfred's total dropped to 20, then increased to 22 before a dinner break. He go
t the needed 23rd vote on the next ballot, apparently from the Washington Nation
als. Owners then made the final vote unanimous. The source said that it appeared
the Arizona Diamondbacks, Red Sox, Chicago White Sox, Cincinnati Reds, Los Ange
les Angels, Oakland Athletics and Toronto Blue Jays had been the final holdouts.
第四輪 20
第五輪 22
第六輪 23(國民隊老闆投下關鍵一票)
White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf and Toronto president Paul Beeston spoke out str
ongly against Manfred, the source told the AP. Angels owner Arte Moreno joined R
einsdorf in leading Werner's support. Other teams have said Reinsdorf wanted a c
ommissioner who would take a harsher stance in labor negotiations.
白襪老闆Jerry Reinsdorf和藍鳥總裁Paul Beeston當時極力反對曼佛地魔
支持紅襪主席Tom Werner擔任MLB主席
之後天使老闆Arte Moreno也加入它們陣營
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-07-21 00:01:15
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1akLfD6J (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1689868877.A.193.html
※ zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB 07/21 00:01
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/21/2023 00:02:20
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/21/2023 00:03:21
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/21/2023 00:02:20
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/21/2023 00:03:21
推 : 佛地魔續當1F 07/21 00:09
推 : 這樣確定WBC會繼續辦吧 好事2F 07/21 00:09
推 : 這本來就很正常 他對MLB這幾年來說的確是有革新的3F 07/21 00:15
→ : 反觀一下前一任Selig 真的是領高薪又沒幹啥事
→ : 反觀一下前一任Selig 真的是領高薪又沒幹啥事
推 : 這咖每次出場都被噓爆5F 07/21 00:18
推 : 雖然出場倍噓爆跟一些言論爭議 但實際上帶來的革新還是6F 07/21 00:24
→ : 不錯的 投球時間限制加大壘包pitch com這一季出現的東
→ : 西都蠻不錯的
→ : 不錯的 投球時間限制加大壘包pitch com這一季出現的東
→ : 西都蠻不錯的
推 : 帶著大家賺錢 正常9F 07/21 00:32
推 : 投球時間很好,期待可以抗議好壞球10F 07/21 00:35
→ : 並且改判亂判,一場好比賽別被誤判毀了
→ : 並且改判亂判,一場好比賽別被誤判毀了
推 : 一瞬間看成FED升息已成定局12F 07/21 00:44
推 : 光他任內作了多少改革棒球的事13F 07/21 00:44
→ : 任內讓MLB球迷不爽的也只有太空人那件事14F 07/21 00:47
推 : 跟阿銀一樣被人討厭但是還是有做事15F 07/21 01:19
推 : WOC疫情三年除了第一年虧 其他都比以前好16F 07/21 01:29
→ : 他好像是技術官僚?那不選他也沒其他人了
→ : 他好像是技術官僚?那不選他也沒其他人了
→ : 黑臉總有人要當18F 07/21 01:31
→ : 哈酷那馬他他19F 07/21 01:34
推 : 台灣也學一下別只是給主席榮譽職 沒錢給資源也好20F 07/21 01:35
推 : 光芒老闆贊成?腦袋燒了?21F 07/21 01:36
推 : 他願意改規則担炮火22F 07/21 02:09
推 : 公園公園公園23F 07/21 04:51
噓 : 而且考慮通膨,這營收不怎樣把
噓 : 而且考慮通膨,這營收不怎樣把
推 : 他比NBA總裁好太多了25F 07/21 06:01
推 : 讓老闆發大財,看不出有什麼理由他會走..26F 07/21 06:05
推 : 老實說除了太鼓人事件處理不好外,對聯盟來說還算是正27F 07/21 07:41
→ : 向的,有創新且營收有增加
→ : 向的,有創新且營收有增加
推 : 光投手計時器就讓比賽好看非常多了29F 07/21 07:58
→ : 改革的路上被討厭很正常的,但是效益很好30F 07/21 08:35
推 : 話說如果怎麼投都沒到23那就是一直投嗎31F 07/21 10:19
推 : 但是輕放太鼓人估計要被嘴到退休32F 07/21 12:25
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 10
作者 zxc906383 的最新發文:
- 鄧愷威前陣子休賽季的訪談 也提到去了運科中心調整 休賽季訓練, 找出控球不穩癥結點?大聯盟春訓邀請, 重返巨人積極備戰! 運科有料?21F 16推
- 18F 10推 2噓
- 今天的自辦熱身賽吸引了大批的球迷入場,根據悍將提供的資料顯示本場有4800人到場, 且由於是採自由入座的方式 因此有球迷甚至凌晨就來到球場外排隊56F 36推 1噓
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