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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-07-03 19:53:05
看板 Baseball
作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] 山本由伸肩膀不會痛了 暫時沒有回歸時間
時間 Wed Jul  3 11:52:36 2024




Dave Roberts said Yoshinobu Yamamoto still doesn’t have a timeline to resume th
rowing. It’s dependent on how he’s feeling.


Roberts said he thinks Yamamoto is pain free at the moment. The hope is he start
s playing catch soon.



Brusdar Graterol近日會丟模擬賽

Brusdar Graterol will pitch a sim game soon at Camelback ranch, per Roberts.



Walker Buehler去找躲人熟悉的球團外部人員進行調整

Walker Buehler has been away from the club working on things. Some work has been
 done with people the #Dodgers are familiar with, but not necessarily club staff





Dave Roberts said Clayton Kershaw will throw a bullpen tomorrow. Said he looks b
etter now than he looked making his way back a few weeks ago. He’s encouraged b
y the progress.

He could resume a rehab assignment after that, and doesn’t think the timeline c
hanges all that much.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2024-07-03 11:52:36
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cXCiA9S (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1719978762.A.25C.html
charlie01: 不會痛了!1F 07/03 11:53
makyan: 不會痛了  :(2F 07/03 11:53
ericinttu: 跟腳麻是同一個意思嘛?3F 07/03 11:53
WeGoStyle: 大谷的拘束器4F 07/03 11:54
zagioo59598: 肩膀不痛了 但看到大谷心寒暫時不上5F 07/03 11:57
jack34031: Betts跟Muncy呢6F 07/03 12:04
sdiaa: 不痛跟好了是兩回事7F 07/03 12:07
moment612: 不過不會痛了就是一大進展了啦,希望他趕快傷好回來8F 07/03 12:09
b99202071: 大谷:休久一點沒關係9F 07/03 12:10
Axy8: 肩膀不會痛了 變心痛10F 07/03 12:12
autoexecbat: 已經…不會痛了11F 07/03 12:13
slluu2: 沒知覺了12F 07/03 12:14
yunjay1220: 大谷:麻煩休久一點13F 07/03 12:16
huma7912: 多多休息~14F 07/03 12:18
jeff95123: 不會痛還是沒知覺15F 07/03 12:18
giunrz: 山本 :我痛不是肩膀 痛的是學長16F 07/03 12:19
andy818102: 大谷:擊了17F 07/03 12:20
nsman: 痛痛飛走了18F 07/03 12:23
ericinttu:   學弟說 肩膀不會痛了 笑死就趕緊轟一隻19F 07/03 12:23
OneSong: 不回來大谷繼續轟20F 07/03 12:23
Artist: Ohtani:在我轟出50發HR之前請好好休息~21F 07/03 12:24
inlon: 沒事兒,多投就不痛了!22F 07/03 12:27
GABA: 盤23F 07/03 12:27
ponsquare: 要變躺平了嗎24F 07/03 12:27
ericinttu:   學弟躺平時 我就不躺平的意思25F 07/03 12:28
abcnelson654: 會痛代表丟太少了26F 07/03 12:36
dd1115dd1115: 盤子嘻嘻27F 07/03 12:37
poru: 沒投球都不算28F 07/03 12:38
yukosakura: 翔平澀澀發抖29F 07/03 13:02
saffron27: 多投就不會痛了30F 07/03 13:07
HSKAO: 是沒感覺了嗎XDD31F 07/03 13:09
HSKAO: 山本的合約會不會變史上最雷合約?
ramirez: 不會痛了....33F 07/03 13:24
ko74652: 學弟回來 學長又要開始爛了34F 07/03 13:39
mstar: 「身體變得好輕,這種感覺沒有過。」35F 07/03 13:47
xieh3rd: Betts 骨折應該沒那麼快吧36F 07/03 13:55
chopinlee: 誰的名言多投就不會痛了37F 07/03 14:45
r781207: 回來有人又要躺平了38F 07/03 15:01
Beakidd: 怎看起來像是要8月才有機會回歸39F 07/03 15:19
blackrx: 可以休到球季結束40F 07/03 16:49
willy4907: muncy更誇張 合約也不小41F 07/03 16:58

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 23 
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