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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-10-16 11:51:34
看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [分享] 光芒主場七隻魟魚成功存活(颶風侵襲)
時間 Tue Oct 15 23:05:34 2024

After riding out Milton at Trop, stingrays relocate to Florida Aquarium
The 7 cownose rays survived the hurricane that shredded the MLB team’s roof. All appear to be doing well in their new home. ...


As Hurricane Milton’s 100-plus mph winds tore the roof off Tropicana Field on W
ednesday night amid extensive damage to the stadium, seven cownose rays rode out
 the storm in the 10,000-gallon tank beyond the outfield fence that is their reg
ular-season home.





All survived and appeared to be in good shape, and on Monday they were relocated
 to the Tampa-based Florida Aquarium, whose staff provides care for them at the




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-10-15 23:05:34
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1d3eJ0F8 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1729004736.A.3C8.html
pl726: 真 魔鬼魚1F 10/15 23:06
charlie01: 魔鬼魚:本來想投奔自由的2F 10/15 23:08
Yjizz: 還好沒事3F 10/15 23:10
cobras638: 魔鬼魚4F 10/15 23:10
cgnave: 差點叛逃成功5F 10/15 23:11
scott0104: 我們是光芒魔鬼魚你又是誰6F 10/15 23:12
PerFrancis: 真是太好了7F 10/15 23:15
apollo62: 萬幸8F 10/15 23:29
Yjizz: 算是受災魚了9F 10/15 23:32
TCPai: 居然還找得到10F 10/15 23:36
wenfei: 魔鬼魚XD11F 10/15 23:37
TrendJeff: 海底總動員12F 10/15 23:39
YYOO: 真是太好了 還好沒事13F 10/15 23:39
cool34: 這樣能活蠻厲害的吧14F 10/15 23:46
LEEWY: 以前隊名就叫魔鬼魚啊15F 10/15 23:57
tsai1453: RAY也有魔鬼魚的意思吧16F 10/16 00:03
ccmvic: 要死很難吧17F 10/16 00:18
pinky841118: 還好沒事,他們也是受災戶啊18F 10/16 00:19
fu456: 光芒可是改名後戰績大翻身的代表之一XD19F 10/16 00:21
earnformoney: 大難不死 必有後福!20F 10/16 00:25
kanokazurin: 前人取的隊名是有道理的21F 10/16 00:25
catsondbs: 球場可以不要 魔鬼魚必須活22F 10/16 00:33
hbkhhhdx2006: 改名直接飛天23F 10/16 00:54
orz65535: 追過簽名王的一定知道光芒的舊隊名阿24F 10/16 02:12
cat77133: 懷念的魔鬼魚 以前戰績大爛隊25F 10/16 03:37
chiz2: 叛逃到.....古巴?wwwwww26F 10/16 05:07
ericinttu:   吉祥物不能出事27F 10/16 06:13
TBdrays: 太好了沒事28F 10/16 06:55
kuaiphoto: 差點叛逃成功欸29F 10/16 09:26
victor87710: 竟然還活著30F 10/16 10:02

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 37 
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