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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-10-25 16:18:46
看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 道奇今年贊助收入達驚人的三億美金
時間 Fri Oct 25 09:10:11 2024

MLB Team Sponsorship Revenue Soars To Nearly $1.9 Billion In 2024
MLB Team Sponsorship Revenue Soars To Nearly $1.9 Billion In 2024
Revenues in Major League Baseball continue to climb, with sponsorships providing a significant portion of them. ...


Revenues in Major League Baseball continue to climb, with sponsorships providing
 a significant portion of them. A report released today highlighting the 30 club
s in the league show revenues approaching $2 billion.



The report by SponsorUnited, shows that team sponsorship revenue has grown to ne
arly $1.9 billion in 2024, an increase of +23% over 2023 at this time. Even more
 remarkable, team sponsorship revenues have increased +55% since 2022.




The report details that across the 30 clubs, 325 new sponsorship deals were reac
hed across 30 categories.



Of those, key growth was in Construction & Industrial, Automotive, and Insurance
. The Construction & Industrial channel saw the largest increase of +45% year-ov
er-year from 2023 for a total of $76 million.



與去年相比 +45%,達到7600萬美金

Dodgers And The Shohei Ohtani Effect


Ohtani had a season for the ages becoming the first 50 home runs, 50 stolen base
s player in MLB history. While he was drawing interest from Japanese brands look
ing to capitalize on his star power before arriving with the Dodgers, it has sin
ce taken off. All told, in two years Japanese sponsor brands have gone from rom
11 brands across 10 stadiums in 2022 to 35 brands across 15 stadiums in 2024.




While not in the report, Bob Lynch, CEO and Co-Founder of SponsorUnitied said to
 me that while the total number of sponsorship deals the Dodgers have ranks them
 25th of out the 30 clubs, they represent a staggering amount of the team total
for sponsorships at close to $300 million for 2024, exceeding many clubs in the




Areas Of Sponsorship Growth: Digital Signage, Continued Jersey Patch Deals


MLB and its associated clubs continue to creatively work to place sponsor activa
tion in a number of areas, growing inventory and creating flexibility.



Digital signage is now seen regularly on the Batter’s Eye, back of the pitching
 mound, and more.


One growth areas has been digital dugout ads. SeatGeek, Toyota, and Delta Air Li
nes are just some of the brands that have engaged in ad inventory with this plac



Since the league adopted digital advertising around the dugout in 2022 there has
 been 118% increase in placement. And according to the report, there is still ro
om for growth with 77% of clubs still unsold.





In 2023, 53% of the league had seen jersey patch deals. That grew to 73% in 2024
 with the addition of the Orioles, Cubs, Phillies, Giants, Rangers, Royals, and
Pirates. That grew sponsor patch revenues by 59% for 2024 over last season.




The report goes deeper, looking at player endorsements and social media growth.
Other findings show:

Justin Turner, who was traded midseason to the Seattle Mariners, leads the leagu
e in total active sponsorship deals at 20.

目前贊助合約最多的球員是Justin Turner


With over 200 total, the club with the largest total number of sponsorship deals
 were the Cincinnati Reds.



The most active brands in Major League Baseball are Budweiser at #1, followed by
 Toyota, T-Mobile, and Coca-Cola.




  轉播金          3.34億鎂
  贊助            3億鎂
  全美轉播約平分  6000萬鎂
  共計            7億鎂


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-10-25 09:10:11
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1d6k_sl3 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1729818614.A.BC3.html
zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB                                        10/25 09:10
mikilin23: 鑽爛.....1F 10/25 09:11
mikilin23: 這麼剛好7億
Krishna: 誰簽大谷誰發財3F 10/25 09:11
ct13579: 聯盟19億道奇就三億算最多的嗎4F 10/25 09:12
ken1825: 現在覺得大谷簽的7億還是便宜了5F 10/25 09:12
cyp001: 中職球衣補丁領先MLB 20年6F 10/25 09:12
yankeefat: 大谷根本簽免費的7F 10/25 09:12
abc1234586: 買大谷很貴嗎 一年就賺回來了8F 10/25 09:12
mikilin23: 別說延遲付款...不用延遲付款直接7億也是鑽爛9F 10/25 09:13
ken1825: 就算沒延遲付款,看這個收入7億簽大谷根本賺爛 才第一年10F 10/25 09:13
dk971355: 大谷的七億還延遲支付實際上第一年根本就大賺了11F 10/25 09:13
qwerty6z: 贊助也需要分潤嗎?12F 10/25 09:15
polanco: 沒延期的話就不太可能到這個價 對豪華稅影響太大了13F 10/25 09:16
mikilin23: 道奇鑽爛..大谷也鑽爛...明年代言費要突破天際14F 10/25 09:16
ct13579: 紅人200個贊助合約,小看紅人人氣了15F 10/25 09:18
mikilin23: 道奇質大於量..一個抵好幾個16F 10/25 09:19
just206: 補丁的部分落後30年了?某東方小島早就倒入了17F 10/25 09:20
MoWilliams: 賺爛了18F 10/25 09:21
LatteCat5566: 大谷的商業價值找不到第二人19F 10/25 09:22
phix: 有大谷就有整個日本啊20F 10/25 09:23
revise: 賺爛了21F 10/25 09:24
tobbaco: 獅子王是有什麼魅力嗎 贊助那麼多?22F 10/25 09:25
ct13579: 該文沒看到有提到洋基多少23F 10/25 09:25
LatteCat5566: 大谷不只是日本 還包括整個亞洲棒球24F 10/25 09:25
nnbak85551: 好猛25F 10/25 09:25
coyoteY: 還行還行,衣服還一堆空位可以貼26F 10/25 09:26
Yjizz: 難怪小資摳門球隊不想賣,等別人努力招XDD27F 10/25 09:28
zego41: 保證明年會更多28F 10/25 09:30
globe1022: 賺爛,真的賺爛29F 10/25 09:31
MarchelKaton: 紅人200個贊助不稀奇吧,當地企業贊助幾十萬也算一30F 10/25 09:32
MarchelKaton: 個啊
mtcoat: 大谷延遲付款 根本超佛 道奇幾年的贊助、轉播、周邊就賺32F 10/25 09:34
mtcoat: 回來了 再拿去投資 多年後再支付薪水 超划算
Redchain: 天使表示:我不太想追價34F 10/25 09:38
weakerman: 之前有日商說過了啊,道奇今年開始對所有的日商都加價35F 10/25 09:39
weakerman: 了...大谷的薪水大概兩年道奇就能賺回來了
mikilin23: 看到了這麼大的商機...37F 10/25 09:40
mikilin23: 大家一起賺
askdrlin: 有大谷幾乎等於吃掉了半個以上的亞洲市場 加上美國人也39F 10/25 09:42
askdrlin: 瘋的要死
wplinwp: 其實大谷的合約不用延後支付也行啊41F 10/25 09:50
gstar175: 這樣天使今年血虧42F 10/25 09:50
Jimmywin: 搖錢樹太香43F 10/25 09:52
liangmain: 天使高層的腦袋裝屎的,唯一做對的事就是讓大谷玩44F 10/25 09:53
liangmain: 雙刀流
icywater: 大谷想拿冠軍阿 天使出高薪他應該也不會留下46F 10/25 09:54
MARTINA3016: 說七億貴的人現在要裝死了47F 10/25 09:55
yu800910: 等世界冠軍賽開打後,MLB高層會爽到做夢都會笑出聲48F 10/25 09:56
hidexjapan: 大谷延後付款是要空出薪資額度給道奇多簽人49F 10/25 09:59
icecreamdog: UCLA Health... Haha50F 10/25 10:01
yoysky: 同一幅廣告在天使跟在道奇價碼差超多吧,大市場就是不一樣51F 10/25 10:03
mightymouse: 那些錢一大部份要收益分潤給其他隊,大谷一個人可52F 10/25 10:20
mightymouse: 以養5-6隻小市場球隊
mightymouse: 最賺的是那些摳門球隊,大谷的薪水不用付半毛就可
mightymouse: 以爽拿收益
iam0718: 會說大谷貴的不用想太多 就看太少56F 10/25 10:23
keler: 道奇:大谷薪水都是你們日本人幫忙的(茶57F 10/25 10:23
moike22: 以大谷那熱潮真的不算貴58F 10/25 10:27
deeping774: 賺爛了☺☺59F 10/25 10:32
Elmo: 哇JT魅力這麼大 20個代言60F 10/25 10:42
ru04hj4: 賺爛了 賺爛了61F 10/25 11:04
riddle1304: 賺翻62F 10/25 11:05
ru04hj4: 大谷vs法官 道奇vs洋基 才是聯盟樂見 爽賺63F 10/25 11:05
yeeNeko: 報價時真的很會算XD64F 10/25 11:06
emprex9027: 睏霸數籍65F 10/25 11:21
t79102xw: 上次有看到星宇的廣告看板欸66F 10/25 11:26
willy4907: 三億美 這樣季中補強就太小氣了67F 10/25 11:33
rappig: 目前看起來 7億真的還低估了68F 10/25 11:35
CaminoI: 內文就提到 道奇贊助數量少排倒數的 但總金額最高69F 10/25 11:46
CaminoI: 可以說是以價制量吧 大谷的贊助也是這個路線
jiaxie: 真的三年回本71F 10/25 11:51
tom0090117: 賺爛了72F 10/25 12:05
its0130: 發大財73F 10/25 12:12
daydreamer13: 大谷價值就不只球場上74F 10/25 12:15
benboy: 大谷應該簽十億的(?)75F 10/25 12:20
sinon17: 魔術2012買下道奇也才花20億鎂 真的賺翻賺爛 了76F 10/25 12:20
wu2183: 道奇應該是開價高  小的不想要77F 10/25 12:36
PartinG: 紅人 一看就是中產小額也都收78F 10/25 12:41
casablanka: 之前我說大谷7億根本超值 還被不懂的酸酸在那邊反駁79F 10/25 12:50
ctes940008: 賺爛了80F 10/25 14:10

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