※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-03-20 23:33:06
看板 Beauty
作者 標題 [正妹] 不認識的外國正咩
時間 Tue Mar 13 21:28:10 2012
Cinnamon Challenge - YouTube
This sucked. Also, King of the Web has come to a close! I ended up getting 5th the first part of the month and 6th the second part of the month with a total ...
This sucked. Also, King of the Web has come to a close! I ended up getting 5th the first part of the month and 6th the second part of the month with a total ...
I Went To London - YouTube
It was incredible. I miss everything about it so much. The two lovely boys who I can't seem to stop talking about: http://www.youtube.com/icoeprproductions h...
It was incredible. I miss everything about it so much. The two lovely boys who I can't seem to stop talking about: http://www.youtube.com/icoeprproductions h...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :不錯 很像我前女友1F 03/13 21:34
推 :臺灣也有長這樣的啊2F 03/13 21:51
推 :好喜歡她的髮型3F 03/13 22:05
推 :我愛這種的 正4F 03/13 22:18
推 :好正哦5F 03/13 22:21
推 :讚喔6F 03/13 22:36
推 :他的髮型會讓男人瘋掉Orz9F 03/13 22:43
推 :讚10F 03/13 22:45
推 :好正喔...11F 03/13 22:45
推 :又是挑戰肉桂粉XD12F 03/13 22:56
推 :英國腔超重的~~13F 03/13 23:00
→ :夭壽還真的講的有夠快 = =14F 03/13 23:02
推 :好漂亮@@~他的眼睛會說話15F 03/13 23:08
推 :去倫敦玩那集有一瞬間可以看到她的腿很漂亮19F 03/13 23:21
推 :正翻!!!20F 03/13 23:23
推 :跟妙麗同一型的聰明臉21F 03/13 23:24
推 :真的讚22F 03/13 23:27
推 :我可以23F 03/13 23:44
推 :外國的妹難得這麼像東方的型 正!!24F 03/13 23:45
I Went To London - YouTube
It was incredible. I miss everything about it so much. The two lovely boys who I can't seem to stop talking about: http://www.youtube.com/icoeprproductions h...
It was incredible. I miss everything about it so much. The two lovely boys who I can't seem to stop talking about: http://www.youtube.com/icoeprproductions h...
推 :26F 03/13 23:46
推 :我的菜!!!!27F 03/13 23:48
推 :還好 前女友就是長這樣28F 03/13 23:55
推 :GOOD29F 03/14 00:01
Howdy Do - YouTube
My YouTube story, silly facts about me, and all that jazz bundled up into one convenient video. Cool.
My YouTube story, silly facts about me, and all that jazz bundled up into one convenient video. Cool.
→ :原來她才15歲!! @@31F 03/14 00:09
她名子好怪而且我聽是14歲耶XDD 14歲長這樣我ok...推 :可以當明星了32F 03/14 00:11
推 :李毓芬型?33F 03/14 00:11
※ 編輯: douglasyeh 來自: (03/14 00:12)推 :讚35F 03/14 00:13
推 :人正就好 管她幾歲36F 03/14 00:15
I Am Stressed - YouTube
King of the Web has come to a close! I ended up getting 5th the first part of the month and 6th the second part of the month with a total of nearly 150,000 v...
King of the Web has come to a close! I ended up getting 5th the first part of the month and 6th the second part of the month with a total of nearly 150,000 v...
推 :就瑞莎款38F 03/14 00:19
推 :夠資格當我馬子39F 03/14 00:26
推 :Savannah Brown 跟了好一陣子囉40F 03/14 00:31
推 :噢噢去年六月14歲 現在就15歲啦!! 她說她七月21生41F 03/14 00:34
→ :她講話真是世界快 可以練英聽
→ :她講話真是世界快 可以練英聽
推 :漢堡大第一個連結下面的最佳評論...lol43F 03/14 00:56
推 :真的正44F 03/14 00:59
推 :戀愛了45F 03/14 01:03
推 :外國妞這種等級很普遍吧46F 03/14 01:07
推 :這樣的講話速度應該是美國女生的標準速度47F 03/14 01:12
推 :她是在趕時間喔,講話講這麼快48F 03/14 01:19
推 :好正49F 03/14 01:20
推 :不錯50F 03/14 01:25
推 :講這麼快幹嘛= = 講中文都不一定聽得懂...算了 正就沒事了51F 03/14 01:28
推 :好正 並不普遍 是會看到一些但比例還是低52F 03/14 01:30
推 :講太快好想按噓..算了,剛好2壞掉,只好推了53F 03/14 01:31
推 :這裡面裝太妍吧 金太妍給我出來54F 03/14 01:37
推 :睡覺前居然讓我看到這個.........就可以安心睡了55F 03/14 02:07
推 :好正~~~~~~~~~~~~~我可以56F 03/14 02:20
推 :講得快嗎? 但咬字蠻清楚的說 另外真的很正~57F 03/14 02:20
推 :我可以58F 03/14 02:29
推 :他感覺長得蠻高的59F 03/14 02:31
推 :她的側面有陳意涵的FU耶60F 03/14 02:32
推 :她講得不難耶 我英文很廢都聽懂不少 真的正61F 03/14 03:00
→ : 他十四歲。62F 03/14 03:04
推 :兩眼距離有點寬...63F 03/14 03:45
推 :來 叔叔抱抱 幫妳檢查身體64F 03/14 03:51
推 :幹好正...65F 03/14 04:17
推 :好正啊!66F 03/14 05:33
推 :ㄈㄈ尺也不錯......67F 03/14 07:12
推 :推68F 03/14 09:11
推 :只跟歪國男生抱 一看就知道是個ㄈㄈ尺69F 03/14 09:12
推 :上一篇都能爆 沒道理這一篇爆不了70F 03/14 09:38
推 :正71F 03/14 10:07
推 :正72F 03/14 10:21
推 :15歲長這樣...那真的23以後就開始老了吧 冏73F 03/14 11:20
→ :正妹!!大推啊!!74F 03/14 11:29
推 :超正@@75F 03/14 11:49
推 :這麼年輕就這麼美 20歲過後不就會開始老化了...76F 03/14 11:53
推 :手臂肌肉線條明顯 GOOD77F 03/14 12:31
推 :妙麗款78F 03/14 13:53
推 :不錯耶79F 03/14 13:54
推 :感覺像是Yankee80F 03/14 14:09
推 :想制裁他!!81F 03/14 14:10
推 :國外好像14~18歲就差不多等同我們這邊20~24歲82F 03/14 14:10
推 :超讚ㄈㄈ尺~~~~83F 03/14 14:16
推 :粉噴出來的瞬間我笑了...這影片好笑!!84F 03/14 17:00
推 :我願意為這個十四歲的吃牢飯...85F 03/14 17:03
推 :joke板也有 那篇說是吃肉桂粉86F 03/14 18:17
推 :15歲................看起來像25歲87F 03/14 18:25
→ :好老88F 03/14 18:27
→ :嘴巴看起來歪歪的89F 03/14 18:37
→ :樓上+190F 03/14 19:02
推 :RIO91F 03/14 19:25
推 :有一點點像... 王心凌92F 03/14 21:08
推 :各位男士也開始CCR了XDDDD93F 03/14 21:32
→ :我覺得她會美 是因為她不是『非常的外國人』
→ :而是在她深邃的五官中 又融合了些許的東方特色
→ :我覺得她會美 是因為她不是『非常的外國人』
→ :而是在她深邃的五官中 又融合了些許的東方特色
推 :英國13歲就可以了耶~大家快上96F 03/14 21:33
→ :頭髮和眼睛都是黑色的話 就真的是中西合璧混血兒了97F 03/14 21:34
→ :這種忽東忽西 混來混去的美感 最是無敵
→ :這種忽東忽西 混來混去的美感 最是無敵
→ :右邊是有什麼東西一直看那裡99F 03/14 21:54
推 :讚100F 03/14 22:03
推 :正101F 03/14 22:14
推 :好正...102F 03/14 22:53
推 :103F 03/15 00:43
推 :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD104F 03/15 01:01
推 :.....................................105F 03/15 01:15
→ :CCR應該也是台灣男人的夢才對
→ :CCR應該也是台灣男人的夢才對
推 :推!! CCR107F 03/15 06:03
推 :能跟她來一發死而無憾了108F 03/15 11:02
推 :..戀愛惹109F 03/15 12:36
推 :好可愛110F 03/15 14:52
→ :髮型幫她加很多分 尤其是瀏海111F 03/15 21:16
推 :very good112F 03/15 21:37
推 :有紀培慧的fu耶~~~113F 03/16 02:02
推 :對我來說完美了>\\\<114F 03/16 05:35
推 :戀愛了115F 03/16 21:55
※ Zuyi:轉錄至某隱形看板 03/16 23:40推 :字尾連下一個字的字首.......116F 03/17 01:54
推 :推117F 03/17 02:08
→ :推
→ :推
推 :GJ119F 03/17 13:57
推 :讓他爆120F 03/17 15:57
推 :121F 03/17 16:04
推 : rio122F 03/17 20:09
推 :太扯了..才14歲@@天阿...........123F 03/17 23:10
推 :誰放我女朋友的連結的???124F 03/20 12:06
( ̄︶ ̄)b gf127974612, TLdark, mirk262632, hayate113568 說讚! ( ̄︿ ̄)p j1992624 說瞎!