※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-04-22 22:50:38
看板 Beauty
作者 標題 [正妹] 小康妮 Connie Talbot
時間 Sun Apr 22 10:07:32 2012
她還有來台灣演唱 那時她6歲
Connie Talbot ( 小康妮 ) - Over The Rainbow & I Wii Always Love You by lululok.avi - YouTube 小康妮在台灣「超級星光大道」中表演,演唱「Over The Rainbow」及「I Will Always Love You」,讓現場所有人及評審都聽得如痴如醉。

這是他現在 一個訪問
Connie Talbot Recent Interview - Lorraine - Young Voices - YouTube Connie Talbot and mom Sharon interviewd by Lorraine Kelly about the Young Voices, Connie's new own writen single Beautiful World and more 6 dec 2011 Connie's...

最重要的是她的歌聲 里歐娜的 Run
Connie Talbot - Run - Snow Patrol/Leona Lewis Cover - YouTube This song is very special to me. I would love to dedicate this song to Jake and his dear family love Connie x Download Connie's "Beautiful World" http://itun...

大家耳熟能詳的 Rolling in the deep
Connie Talbot - Rolling in the Deep - Adele cover / Home Video - YouTube hope you like it : ) Connie sings "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele in this live impromptu home video, recorded at the request of some of Connie's friends when ...

Connie Talbot - Rolling In The Deep (O2 Arena Live Performance) - YouTube Arranged, rehearsed and performed all on the same day. But I was so happy that I had the chance to sing this at such a large venue as the O2 arena, hope you ...

已經是個 Mega Star了
Set Fire to the Rain也唱過
Connie Talbot - Adele cover - Set Fire to the Rain - YouTube
hope you like it : ) x Download Connie's "Beautiful World" http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/beautiful-world-single/id484117029 Visit Connie's website http://...
hope you like it : ) x Download Connie's "Beautiful World" http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/beautiful-world-single/id484117029 Visit Connie's website http://...

當然 someone like you 也不能錯過
Connie Talbot Someone Like You Cover - YouTube
Download Connie's "Beautiful World" http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/beautiful-world-single/id484117029 Visit Connie's website http://www.connietalbot.com Fo...
Download Connie's "Beautiful World" http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/beautiful-world-single/id484117029 Visit Connie's website http://www.connietalbot.com Fo...

I will always love you
Connie Talbot - I Will Always Love You in Germany 2008 - YouTube This song was originally recorded by Dolly Parton. Connie Talbot covered it in her first album and performed it on Ein Herz für Kinder (A Heart for Children)...

ConnieTalbotOfficial - YouTube
Connie Talbot is a phenomenon, and much beloved around the world for her peerless vocal talent and her heart-warming persona. A normal lovely little girl, she melts the hardest souls with her angelic voice. Connie is now 11 years of age. She first achieved fame at the age of only 6 in 2007 as Britai ...
Connie Talbot is a phenomenon, and much beloved around the world for her peerless vocal talent and her heart-warming persona. A normal lovely little girl, she melts the hardest souls with her angelic voice. Connie is now 11 years of age. She first achieved fame at the age of only 6 in 2007 as Britai ...
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◆ From:
→ :轉音1F 04/22 10:08
推 :他的轉音純粹靠天分2F 04/22 10:12
推 :他的轉音到底是怎麼練的3F 04/22 10:46
天分!※ 編輯: Ftou 來自: (04/22 10:59)
推 :長大會很漂亮!4F 04/22 11:47
推 :好正5F 04/22 12:21
→ :超正的6F 04/22 13:22
→ :他的轉陰部可能純粹就是天分的
→ :他的轉陰部可能純粹就是天分的
推 :樓上故意不選字XD8F 04/22 13:34
推 :他的轉陰部錯9F 04/22 13:40
推 :GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD10F 04/22 15:13
推 :小虎老師表示11F 04/22 15:40
推 :她轉音經常練習12F 04/22 16:09
推 :陰莖長練習13F 04/22 16:32
推 :不笑比較好看14F 04/22 17:16
→ :超喜歡小康妮笑的時候 天阿 真的好可愛喔 >///////////<15F 04/22 17:49
推 :好正@@16F 04/22 18:47
推 :但不得不說 她的轉音締造了世界奇蹟17F 04/22 18:50
推 :好棒的聲音 長大了還是很會唱歌18F 04/22 21:20
推 :還沒點進來就猜到一定出現一堆轉音梗...19F 04/22 21:35
推 :我願意20F 04/22 21:50
推 :可以吃了21F 04/22 22:33
※ 看板: Beauty 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 3029
作者 Ftou 的最新發文:
- 先前因為看完小書痴來版上發文求類似的小說 有版友就推薦 李榮道的龍族 最近花點時間一口氣看完 真的很精彩 劇情很順暢 對話很好笑 但很多人類與不同種族的觀念卻讓人發人深省 回味無窮 先講讓人鼻酸的橋 …65F 18推
- 景美站這邊 一個婦人在斑馬線附近腳被碾過 拍這張照片的同時小腿還在輪子下 已經血肉模糊 約13:50時已經送醫 意識清楚 真的很討厭公車 機車通勤族的應該跟我一樣很有感 台北市的公車根本沒在管你行人 …180F 78推 42噓
- 大家熟知的擅長捉弄的高木同學 作者 山本崇一朗老師畫的凜 @udon0531 沙耶師傅 小忍 \\\< 05/31 18:34 → Leaflock: 這額頭充滿魔性 05/31 18:35 推 …57F 44推 1噓
- 剛剛在家裡的洗手槽 發現一隻東西 一開始以為是老鼠甚麼的 原來是蝙蝠 後來把他抓到外面野放 仔細看好像連眼睛都沒開 還是小寶寶 也不會飛 目前放在外面 要養我們也不會養 放在外面大概明天就掛了 該怎麼 …52F 30推
( ̄︶ ̄)b gf127974612, pop5537 說讚! ( ̄︿ ̄)p j1992624 說瞎!
1樓 時間: 2012-04-23 00:46:31 (台灣)
04-23 00:46 TW
→ henrygod:他的轉陰部可能純粹就是天分的 故意不選字是哪招XDDDDDDD