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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-27 15:47:24
看板 Storage_Zone
作者 fantasylee (Aerosmith)
標題 [情報] PNY 64GB SDXC $34.99鎂
時間 Thu Nov 21 13:00:27 2013

PNY 64GB Elite Performance Class 10 SDXC
PNY 64GB Elite Performance Class 10 SDXC Up to 90 MB/s Write Speed; Up to 90 MB/s Read Speed, Magnet Proof, Temperature Proof, Shock Proof, Water Proof ...

PNY 64GB Elite Performance Class 10 SDXC
米國Costco特價 -15美金
Valid 11/07/13 through 12/08/13. While supplies last.

Format: SDXC*
Ratings: SD 3.0, Class 10, UHS-1
Capacity: 64 GB**
Write Performance: Up to 90 MB/s (233X)***
Read Performance: Up to 90 MB/s
Temperature: Tested to perform from -25°  C to 85°  C (-13°  F to 185°  F)
Durability: Magnet proof, Temperature proof, Shock proof, Water proof

想買卻買不到!! 誰有好意見 教一下

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
charmingone :想要+11F 11/21 13:24
jacksonx2000:PNY之前問過台灣原廠 美國買台灣可出保固2F 11/21 13:58
jacksonx2000:不過dram記憶體 台灣就無保了
loshihyen   :訂了兩次都被cancel @@''4F 11/27 08:34

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