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看板 fastfood
作者 標題 [新聞] 麥當勞內部網站︰建議少吃速食
時間 Wed Dec 25 16:54:11 2013
麥當勞內部網站︰建議少吃速食 - 自由電子報 即時新聞
〔本報訊〕全球速食龍頭麥當勞(Mcdonld)昨天在內部員工資源網站「McResource Line」,引用健康網站的文章,建議不要吃速食,並遠離高卡路里、高飽 ...
〔本報訊〕全球速食龍頭麥當勞(Mcdonld)昨天在內部員工資源網站「McResource Line」,引用健康網站的文章,建議不要吃速食,並遠離高卡路里、高飽 ...
全球速食龍頭麥當勞(Mcdonld)昨天在內部員工資源網站「McResource Line」,引用
。該訊息被媒體報導調侃後,McResource Line已進入緊急維修狀態。
McResource Line的網站工作人員張貼「不健康選項」訊息,警告人們在飲食上,應盡
麥當勞發言人莉莎(Lisa McComb)回應,麥當勞非常贊同該健康網站的建議,雖然部
McResource Line的內容首先被CNBC報導,被其它美國媒體爭相調侃,目前該網站引進
McDonald's employee site bashes fast food
Katie Little, CNBC
Dec. 23, 2013 at 1:03 PM ET
McDonald's employee site bashes fast food - NBC News.com
McDonald's employee resources website once again is giving out worker advice that doesn't seem to fit. This time, it's about the industry... ...
McDonald's employee resources website once again is giving out worker advice that doesn't seem to fit. This time, it's about the industry... ...
McDonald's employee resources website once again is giving out worker advice
that doesn't seem to fit. This time, it's about the industry it helped make
ubiquitous — fast food.
"Fast foods are quick, reasonably priced, and readily available alternatives
to home cooking. While convenient and economical for a busy lifestyle, fast
foods are typically high in calories, fat, saturated fat, sugar, and salt and
may put people at risk for becoming overweight," reads one post on the site,
which includes a picture of a hamburger and fries, two items that the
fast-food giant specializes in selling.
Another post labels a meal with a cheeseburger and fries as the "unhealthy
choice" and one with a submarine sandwich and salad as the "healthier
choice," noting that it's more of a challenge to eat healthy when visiting a
A separate post writes, "it is hard to eat a healthy diet when you eat at
fast-food restaurants often," adding that large portions make it easy to
overeat.The site also advises people to limit how many fries they eat.
"In general, people with high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease
must be very careful about choosing fast food because of its high fat, salt,
and sugar levels," the post said, adding that items from fast-food places are"almost always high" in calories, fat, sugar and salt.
options at a fast food restaurant.
The posts appear to be content provided by a third-party vendor.
McDonald's defended the posting in a statement issued Monday afternoon.
"Portions of this website continue to be taken entirelyout of context,"
McDonald's statement said. "This website provides useful information from
respected third-parties about many topics, among them health and wellness. It
also includes information from experts about healthy eating and making
balanced choices. McDonald's agrees with this advice."
The company also noted that it has added healthier menu options in recent
years, including "oatmeal, grilled chicken, egg whites and real-fruit
It was the latest in a series of gaffes involving the site.
Last month, the company detailed tipping advice for workers, many of whom
make around minimum wage. It listed pricey suggestions for tipping au pairs,
personal fitness trainers and pool cleaners from etiquette maven Emily Post —
advice it removed after a CNBC inquiry. McDonald's told CNBC the post was
third-party material and said it would "continue to review the resource and
will ask the vendor to make changes as needed."
Although the McResource Line is nominally a site for employees, it is
accessible via a registration process that does not actually verify employee
credentials, meaning anyone can register for it by providing a username and
email address and selecting a McDonald's region.
This advice is available on McDonald's site at a time when the fast-food
giant has been working hard to distance itself from fast-food's reputation as
bad for you, adding more fruits and vegetables and fat-free chocolate milk.
At its annual shareholder meeting in late May, McDonald's CEO Don Thompson
defended his company's food, saying, "We don't sell junk food."
McDonald's also saw backlash after it advised employees to get out of holiday
debt by returning unopened purchases and after it published a budget guide
that included no money for heat and $20 a month for health care.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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