※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-05-15 09:28:00
看板 MobileComm
作者 標題 [閒聊] 最新 LG G3 三色渲染照曝光
時間 Wed May 14 22:58:41 2014
http://tinyurl.com/qy6j6kk (來源:www.phonearena.com)
First LG G3 press renders appear, showing the QHD flagship in all its brushed finish glory
Want to know how the LG G3 will really look like outside of blurry spy shots and murky concepts? We got tipped the first press shots of the upcoming LG flagship, telling us that the golden chassis trend has laid its eggs deep in the host. We kid, but the hotly-anticipated flagship is indeed going to ...
Want to know how the LG G3 will really look like outside of blurry spy shots and murky concepts? We got tipped the first press shots of the upcoming LG flagship, telling us that the golden chassis trend has laid its eggs deep in the host. We kid, but the hotly-anticipated flagship is indeed going to ...
越來越接近 5/27 的發表日了,LG G3 的消息也慢慢變多了,
除了昨天首發的官方宣傳影片,今天在 phonearena.com 上,
又多了幾張 G3 的新照片,照片的解析度高,三種顏色都有,
很清楚的表現出 G3 的外觀,白、黑、金,三種顏色都好看!
快點在台灣上市吧~~~! 快忍不住想買紅色雞婆兔的慾望了!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1400079525.A.853.html
→ :快進大省吧 我要換手機惹1F 05/14 22:59
推 :快進大省吧好想換手機!2F 05/14 23:00
推 :不錯看3F 05/14 23:04
推 :快進大省吧 我要脫離按鍵機!4F 05/14 23:04
推 :快快快 !!!!5F 05/14 23:10
推 :看起來不錯 坐等G3 藍M8 I66F 05/14 23:10
推 :背後改金屬?G3如果來個冰晶紅我就馬上等…快忍不住7F 05/14 23:11
→ :衝gpro2紅了…
→ :衝gpro2紅了…
→ :拜託別是那種正面黑後面白的醜機14F 05/14 23:16
→ :你說對了!15F 05/14 23:20
推 :這質感真的不錯16F 05/14 23:29
→ :外觀有進步17F 05/14 23:36
推 :好看!18F 05/14 23:47
推 :美!!19F 05/14 23:50
推 :質感棒!20F 05/14 23:52
推 :大省不是只到6/30!?會在那之前進嗎!?21F 05/14 23:54
推 :學 GJ 的髮絲紋?22F 05/14 23:55
→ :放心啦,到時候應該會變成 4G大省 XD23F 05/14 23:58
→ :搭配這支剛剛好~
→ :搭配這支剛剛好~
→ :4G大省聽起來不錯耶~~~ XD25F 05/15 00:01
推 :質感不錯,比起另一間韓機,美多了26F 05/15 00:14
推 :質感很好 三明治結構有跟上去年m7的水準!27F 05/15 00:20
推 :白的(銀?)不錯看阿28F 05/15 00:55
→ :好看耶!29F 05/15 01:13
推 :金色的!我一定要衝一隻!30F 05/15 01:17
推 :期待6月能購入31F 05/15 01:21
推 :黑色很好看!!32F 05/15 01:44
推 :渲染圖看起來好多了 之前那個金屬感好恐怖33F 05/15 02:11
推 :黑色質感好好!!34F 05/15 02:48
→ :額頭下巴顏色不依樣 令我有點退火 @@35F 05/15 07:59
推 :想換 希望價錢能跟雞婆兔一樣36F 05/15 07:59
推 :怎感覺邊邊沒有iphone6 還要薄阿37F 05/15 08:24
※ 看板: CPLife 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 272
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