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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-02-16 16:50:30
看板 iPhone
作者 ysocrious (Kurt)
標題 [情報] Apple Store 限時贈送 Tetris by EA
時間 Sat Feb 15 10:56:33 2014

請先下載 Apple Store App,並從中下載 Tetris。

Apple Store on the App Store on iTunes
When you’re on the go, the Apple Store app is the best way to research, personalize, and buy products from Apple. You can also use it to make Genius Bar and workshop reservations at the Apple Store. And it’s also the easiest way to get a new iPhone — right from your current iPhone.
Here’s what you c ...

進入 Featured,往下拉就可以看到。
贈送時限到 2014/4/7 為止。

只測試美區 Apple Store,其他區不確定有無相關活動。

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 編輯: ysocrious       來自:       (02/15 10:57)
s92233033:日本app store也有1F 02/15 11:11
p82222:以下有推2F 02/15 11:11
WindowsXP:看到EA就...3F 02/15 14:03
ptttrk:EA好歹以前是運動遊戲第一把交椅耶4F 02/15 14:59
LotusD:EA game challenge ever shit5F 02/15 15:53
kuro50624:EA games destroy everything6F 02/15 16:04
Rollnmeow:EA games challenge everyone7F 02/15 17:02
Elderoops:EA game charges everything8F 02/15 17:33

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