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作者 標題 Fw: [情報] Lumix GX8現身
時間 Tue Jul 14 23:04:46 2015
※ [本文轉錄自 DSLR 看板 #1LfHHxzF ]
作者 標題 [情報] Lumix GX8現身
時間 Tue Jul 14 21:53:54 2015
-20MP sensor
-WiFi、NFC、QR code
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LfHHxzF (DSLR)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DSLR/M.1436882043.A.F4F.html
→ : 內閃GG1F 07/14 21:54
→ : 欸真的,沒注意到XD,話說後轉盤改到那個位置不知順不順手2F 07/14 21:56
→ : 規格不差啊,反正內閃通常沒多大用處,有熱靴比較重要3F 07/14 21:56
推 : Sensor和gx7比不知道差多少?4F 07/14 21:58
→ : AFC從4.3fps升到8fps,看來應該有把DFD做進去5F 07/14 22:02
推 : 本來想衝G7 好猶豫阿XD6F 07/14 22:03
→ : 我覺得GX8把防塵防滴和多角度翻轉螢幕做進去後,已經沒理7F 07/14 22:03
→ : 由回頭買G7惹XD
→ : 由回頭買G7惹XD
→ : Dual IS 聽起來似乎是可以跟鏡頭 OIS 一起打開的東西9F 07/14 22:04
→ : 之前的GX7只有2軸,很期待新的機身防手震效果10F 07/14 22:05
推 : 雞插扒還是跳過,繼續等雞系列下一代11F 07/14 22:12
推 : 新的CMOS原本都是先由GH系列出來的,直到GX7打破此規定12F 07/14 22:27
→ : 另外,Pana終於也下放防塵防滴給GX系列了,這原本也是
→ : GH系列的專利,難道GH的優勢只剩下電池手把了嗎?
→ : 另外,Pana終於也下放防塵防滴給GX系列了,這原本也是
→ : GH系列的專利,難道GH的優勢只剩下電池手把了嗎?
→ : 感覺G系列這樣定位有點尷尬,搞不好不會有G8惹15F 07/14 22:30
推 : 好像沒有觸控耶 故意的嗎 再下一代會不會完全體 多觸控16F 07/14 22:30
→ : 結果售價比G7多一萬,這樣就不會打到了17F 07/14 22:31
推 : 自從G2之後,所有的後續機都有觸控功能,若GX8把此功能18F 07/14 22:31
→ : 然後 G10再多內閃 超完全體19F 07/14 22:32
→ : 拿掉,那GX8就變成可換鏡的LX100...20F 07/14 22:32
→ : GX8把觸控拿掉,家電P就別玩了...M43 mount機身應該不敢吧21F 07/14 22:32
→ : 售價比G7多一萬,以P家跳水功力來說好像問題不大XD23F 07/14 22:33
→ : 總之這規格還不是正式的,等發表再來評論也不遲24F 07/14 22:33
→ : 不知道耶 情報沒寫有沒有觸控@@25F 07/14 22:34
→ : 原po可否借轉至DC板?26F 07/14 22:35
→ : 好像就是鏡頭與機身同時作動,索尼表示:29F 07/14 22:36
推 : GH有麥克風接口 GX無30F 07/14 22:37
→ : EL monitor EL EVF 那個EL是什麼意思啊@@31F 07/14 22:38
→ : 像FZ300的情報 就有特別寫 Touch panel耶 QQ
→ : 像FZ300的情報 就有特別寫 Touch panel耶 QQ
→ : 不是EL 是organic EL33F 07/14 22:42
→ : 應該就是OLED吧?我突然發現EVF點數比GX7(276萬)退步XD34F 07/14 22:44
→ : 反正43R消息是7/16發表,再等兩天就知道惹
→ : 反正43R消息是7/16發表,再等兩天就知道惹
→ : 結果不是有機感光元件,而是EVF用有機發光面板......36F 07/14 22:59
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: canandmap (, 07/14/2015 23:04:46
推 : 好像能給的都給了1F 07/14 23:22
→ : 多數人期待的是 有機感光元件這東西2F 07/15 00:06
推 : 看看人家升級多有誠意(看著GR II、RX100 IV3F 07/15 00:07
→ : 有誠意到有點心動了,可惜手上已有三台現役機...4F 07/15 00:47
推 : 實拍OK的話,買來替換掉GX7~5F 07/15 00:58
推 : 這升級真是太有誠意了6F 07/15 00:58
推 : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 天啊好誘人7F 07/15 13:52
推 : Canon的G8X應該也要出來了吧 有人知道什麼時候出嗎?8F 07/15 17:04
→ : 還蠻期待今年的Canon G8X會有什麼新功能的
推 : 鰻想看到Canon G8X 大戰松下的GX8
→ : 還蠻期待今年的Canon G8X會有什麼新功能的
推 : 鰻想看到Canon G8X 大戰松下的GX8
Studio shot comparison: Digital Photography Review
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
推 : 看來是牙膏廠的G7X被家電廠的GX7屌打了14F 07/15 17:44
→ : 不知道何時開始流行 屌打 這辭彙 不是很好聽...15F 07/15 17:50
→ : 主要是一個是M43片幅塞1600百萬畫素 一個是一吋塞
→ : 2000萬畫素..高ISO肯定可以知道表現結果
→ : 同為一吋裡面nikon1是最慘的 很多紅綠雜訊...
→ : 手機板一天到晚在戰誰被誰屌打 都男的 想到那畫面..
→ : 上面有寫錯 1600萬畫素
→ : 主要是一個是M43片幅塞1600百萬畫素 一個是一吋塞
→ : 2000萬畫素..高ISO肯定可以知道表現結果
→ : 同為一吋裡面nikon1是最慘的 很多紅綠雜訊...
→ : 手機板一天到晚在戰誰被誰屌打 都男的 想到那畫面..
→ : 上面有寫錯 1600萬畫素
→ : 眼殘看成G8X21F 07/15 19:13
→ : 不要變成XG8就好22F 07/15 19:27
推 : GX系列好歹也隔了快兩年 大要升級了23F 07/15 23:52
→ : 倒是很意外CM1的高ISO表現竟然和GX7差不多24F 07/16 00:49
推 : 6X8是好相機25F 07/16 04:19
→ : 點其他地方看,可以看出CM1很糟,A6000也會輸GX7的26F 07/16 09:04
→ : 高ISO高速快門下 差異沒太明顯 但高ISO慢快門或長曝27F 07/16 10:29
→ : 差異就很明顯了
→ : 不過我對1吋期待也就只有日拍低ISO要乾淨細節要扎實
→ : 拍夜景最低ISO上腳架可以有一個基本品質 就夠
→ : 差異就很明顯了
→ : 不過我對1吋期待也就只有日拍低ISO要乾淨細節要扎實
→ : 拍夜景最低ISO上腳架可以有一個基本品質 就夠
Studio shot comparison: Digital Photography Review
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Studio shot comparison: Digital Photography Review
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Studio shot comparison: Digital Photography Review
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Studio shot comparison: Digital Photography Review
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Studio shot comparison: Digital Photography Review
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Studio shot comparison: Digital Photography Review
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Studio shot comparison: Digital Photography Review
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Studio shot comparison: Digital Photography Review
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ...
→ : 暗電流35F 07/16 14:23
推 : A6000不是APSC嗎??怎ISO3200和M43 GX7比是這樣子??36F 07/16 17:52
→ : A6000畫素太高,導致高ISO沒有低畫素好。所以差不多37F 07/16 19:51
→ : 像A7R與A7RII,畫素高,高ISO差,A7S才12MP高ISO好
→ : 高ISO不是看片幅就能決定勝負的,跟技術與畫素有關
→ : A6000高ISO跟M43表現差不多,很多評測都是如此。
→ : M01這篇也可參考: http://bit.ly/1gDlejS
→ : 像A7R與A7RII,畫素高,高ISO差,A7S才12MP高ISO好
→ : 高ISO不是看片幅就能決定勝負的,跟技術與畫素有關
→ : A6000高ISO跟M43表現差不多,很多評測都是如此。
→ : M01這篇也可參考: http://bit.ly/1gDlejS
推 : M01的結果根本是Apsc的A6000被M43的GX7屌打加碾壓42F 07/16 21:05
→ : 這個結果很理所當然吧,配那顆爛kit..43F 07/16 21:18
推 : 那顆kit鏡名聲爛到我試拍一張就賣了44F 07/16 21:25
→ : 重點應該是高ISO比較拉,鏡頭畫質就大家心知肚明XD45F 07/16 21:29
推 : 當初nikon d40x換gf1 感覺伯仲 各有優缺 難說好壞46F 07/16 22:13
→ : GF1升級GX7 升級非常非常有感 GX8也不錯 但
→ : 那種升級感比不太上GF1升級GX7 是次元的差異 所以
→ : GX7買還沒很久 再繼續著等 GX9 希望能有機感光元件
→ : 這次GX8很夠份量 價位也滿有份量的
→ : GF1升級GX7 升級非常非常有感 GX8也不錯 但
→ : 那種升級感比不太上GF1升級GX7 是次元的差異 所以
→ : GX7買還沒很久 再繼續著等 GX9 希望能有機感光元件
→ : 這次GX8很夠份量 價位也滿有份量的
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