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作者 標題 [討論] 獨眼龍角色回到X戰警:未來昔日?
時間 Thu May 9 23:34:21 2013
前幾天在一班飛往蒙特屢的班機上 記者看到James Marsden坐在荷莉貝瑞旁邊
James Marsden是之前X戰警系列飾演獨眼龍角色的演員
蒙特屢正是X戰警:未來昔日的拍攝地點 代表Marsden將再次飾演獨眼龍角色
雖然在X戰警3這角色已經掛了 但這部未來昔日包含時空旅行的元素
Cyclops Returning for "X-Men: Days of Future Past"
A NewsWeek journalist was taking a flight to Montreal, and on his plane he
spotted Halle Berry sitting next to James Marsden. Montreal is the location
of the "X-Men: Days of Future Past" shoot, which means that Marsden will be
reprising his Cyclops role in the film.
Cyclops seemingly died in "X-Men: The Last Stand," along with Professor X
(Patrick Stewart). But since "Days of Future Past" includes time-travel,
director Bryan Singer previously said that he'll use that to "correct a few
The problem is that Singer already posted a set photo showing two wheelchairs
that will be used by the young (James McAvoy) and old (Stewart) Professor Xs.
But in "X-Men: The Last Stand," Professor X transferred his mind into the
body of his brain-dead twin brother. So why is older Professor X in the
wheelchair again?
Adding Cyclops to the story, makes it that much more difficult to explain
everything and to successfully merge the original "X-Men" trilogy with
"X-Men: First Class."
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :可能是去拍再死一次的橋段1F 05/09 23:36
推 :可以不要再虐待他了嗎??明明是超威的角色...2F 05/09 23:41
→ :獨眼龍一定非常非常被導演討厭,被弱化、個性不討喜、3F 05/09 23:44
→ :女朋友被狼叔勾引最後還被女朋友掛掉了...
→ :女朋友被狼叔勾引最後還被女朋友掛掉了...
推 :我想問這演員演過的角色還有哪個沒被NTR嗎..XD5F 05/09 23:45
→ :27件禮服的秘密?6F 05/09 23:51
→ :其實最近漫畫好像也把他弄得挺黑的不是..XD7F 05/10 00:08
→ :有點怕電影搞到最後只有金鋼狼是重要腳色 其他都是快樂8F 05/10 00:09
→ :夥伴 看看人家復仇者電影...
→ :Marvel的電影真的有計畫性多了
→ :夥伴 看看人家復仇者電影...
→ :Marvel的電影真的有計畫性多了
→ :X戰警也是漫威的吧11F 05/10 00:17
推 :樓樓上講的是Marvel製片的電影,X-men版權賣給福斯了12F 05/10 00:26
推 :漫畫裡的獨眼龍也不是很糗就是黑化阿XDDD13F 05/10 00:27
→ :至少漫畫裡黑化還能耍帥,有一陣子還很熱衷於變種人的公關14F 05/10 00:29
→ :黑歸黑 至少還是個魔王阿XD 電影裡的話....15F 05/10 00:40
推 : 根本是個路人16F 05/10 01:13
推 :漫畫裡是黑掉 但說真的..他也是堅持為了變種人吧17F 05/10 03:33
→ :漫畫裡反倒是東尼沒那麼討喜
→ :漫畫裡反倒是東尼沒那麼討喜
推 :好討厭不斷用舊人 然後第一戰幾個有趣的新人就不用19F 05/10 08:43
推 :辛格真的知道重開機是甚麼意思嗎...20F 05/10 10:16
推 :原來不是重開 是休眠而已21F 05/10 12:25
推 :討厭辛格拍的X戰警, 捨棄了第一戰許多有趣的新人+122F 05/10 12:54
→ :真的很火,人家第一戰重開的很棒,整個就是一幅新氣象23F 05/10 14:21
→ :這導演偏偏就要把它導回老掉牙又沒新鮮感的舊系列
→ :這導演偏偏就要把它導回老掉牙又沒新鮮感的舊系列
推 :感覺應該全部重拍比較好25F 05/10 19:06
※ 看板: CookyCat 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 212
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