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※ 本文為 topchris.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-27 21:25:49
看板 movie
作者 alljerry04 (Jas)
標題 Re: [討論] 超人:鋼鐵英雄 多支新電視廣告
時間 Mon May 27 02:35:54 2013

※ 引述《alljerry04 (Jas)》之銘言:
: "You will help them. You will guide them. You will give them hope.
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXOqXVSRZrQ
Man of Steel - TV Spot 6 - YouTube
  In theaters June 14th. From Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures comes "Man of Steel", starring Henry...

: 帥翻啦!!!!!!
: 超人:鋼鐵英雄 6.12上映 就快到了!
: 其他未上線電視廣告,翻拍版
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yR-QPvSdOAc 這動作!!!
: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/nailbiter111/news/?a=80262
UPDATE: Superman Is "Kind Of Hot" In 3 New MAN OF STEEL TV Spots (Low-Res)
Three more, new low-resolution Man Of Steel television spots have been aired, and found their way online. There is plenty of new footage and dialogue that pertains to Superman and his two fathers. Jor-El is even seen riding a winged-Kryptonian beast. ...
: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/JoshWildingNewsAndReviews/news/?a=80258
New (Low-Res) MAN OF STEEL Spot; "You're A Monster, Zod"
Despite being a little blurry, this latest Man of Steel TV spot still features some new lines of dialogue and some exciting snippets of action-packed footage from Zack Snyder's highly anticipated reboot. Hit the jump to check it out! ...
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zGLCiSGJBk 本日第五支
Man of Steel TV spot - YouTube
another TV commercial for Man of Steel


Man of Steel - TV Spot 7 - YouTube
  In theaters June 14th. From Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures comes "Man of Steel", starring Henry...





超人:鋼鐵英雄 6.12

Potholes - Super Bacon Cheeseburger only at Carl's Jr. - YouTube Coupon:  A lot of work calls for a lot of bacon. Introducing the Super Bacon Cheeseburger. A charbroiled 100% Black Angus beef Six Dolla...



https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151459040002123 華納菲律賓的另外一支廣告
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◆ From:
togmogo:可惡 想看1F 05/27 02:51
※ 編輯: alljerry04      來自:          (05/27 03:09)
mecca:集滿100支即贈送完整電影一部2F 05/27 09:43
bluemei:這戰鬥畫面太棒了3F 05/27 10:58
blackyady:超想看啊啊啊啊啊4F 05/27 12:09
tomoti:滿期待的這次超人....5F 05/27 12:16
WilliamEX:這超人不只劇情令人期待 戰鬥畫面也好讚6F 05/27 12:31
sixpence789:HARRY POTTER當時華納也是撥20支以上廣告 這有什麼好7F 05/27 13:57
sixpence789:大驚小怪的? 每多一支廣告  就要發一篇文章? 浪費資源
LoudPark:認同樓上9F 05/27 14:13
alljerry04:有新台詞和新畫面的我才貼10F 05/27 14:27
※ 編輯: alljerry04      來自:          (05/27 14:27)
alljerry04:而且我會多支廣告貼一篇,這兩篇已經隔超過24小時11F 05/27 14:30
proprome:推 我愛看預告13F 05/27 16:14
NANJO1569:謝謝更新~~其實all大一直是這樣貼的呀!鋼鐵人3也是這樣14F 05/27 17:45
seiyafang:這樣貼很好啊。誰會刻意去看一天前看過的文15F 05/27 19:27
onetwo01:這叫浪費資源?XD版上一堆莫名其妙的問題怎麼不先去管管?16F 05/27 19:42

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