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※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-12-29 20:22:06
看板 Gossiping
作者 hvariables (Carl)
標題 [新聞] 日本學者建議對帥哥徵稅
時間 Sat Dec 29 19:31:41 2012


《中英對照讀新聞》Japanese scholar:Tax the handsome日本學者建議對帥哥徵稅


As part of the end of year windup, Japan’s Asahi Shimbun newspaper has
created a Facebook page where readers can discuss solutions to various issues
facing Japan. The current topic of debate is the declining birthrate.


Takuro Morinaga, an economic analyst, weighed in with this controversial
proposal:"If we levied a ’handsome tax’ on good-looking guys, that would
serve to correct a little bit of the unfairness in dating, making it easier
for homely guys to find a partner and the number of marriages would increase."


Morinaga goes on to say, "There’s a lot of discussion about income
disparity, but no one is talking about attractiveness disparity. Good-looking
guys get an insane amount of women. At one time, some of them are dating over
a 100 women. The result is that women are converging around one type of guy."


He goes on to point out the prevalence of the "lady-killer" in popular
culture as evidence that good-looking guys do better with the fairer sex.


Morinaga suggests doubling the income tax on good-looking guys while reducing
the tax rate for homely guys by 10-20 percent. Currently, the highest rate of
income tax in Japan is 40 percent, so this would mean high-earning,
good-looking fellows are in for an 80 percent income tax rate.




weigh in:慣用語:在討論或爭執中提供看法。例句:One angry participant weighed
in to remind us that a lot of what we’d read was not true.(一名憤怒的參與者

homely:形容詞,相貌平庸的。例句:A homely child often develops into an
attractive girl.(相貌平庸的小孩時常長大成為美女。)



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
hankwanghow:還好我沒駐日本1F 12/29 19:32
kent:太好了 我可以被退稅了2F 12/29 19:32
https:XDD3F 12/29 19:32
QBian:那我不能去日本了 會破產4F 12/29 19:32
minoru04:兩津有幹過啊  醜的還可以退稅5F 12/29 19:32
jshuang:牛郎稅嗎  XD6F 12/29 19:32
FatalLuna:呼~ 還好我不是日本人7F 12/29 19:32
urzarage:這種無聊小事也報 朝日新聞變成日本ETtoday了嗎8F 12/29 19:32
ILOVEWAVE:FBI表示9F 12/29 19:32
final00095:帥哥錯了嗎10F 12/29 19:32
JAYMA56:天生的還要稅 不然先對整形的下手11F 12/29 19:33
aggressorX:幾百年前的新聞12F 12/29 19:33
blacktea5566:火燒QBξξξξξξξξξξξξξξξξξξξξξ13F 12/29 19:33
jeanvanjohn:是森永卓郎喔。14F 12/29 19:33
ilove1530:阿兩:15F 12/29 19:33
paladin90974:我會退稅退到日本破產16F 12/29 19:33
OyAlbert:那是不是還要區分整型前整型後?17F 12/29 19:34
tetani:我去日本會破產18F 12/29 19:34
cacasi:這學者一定長的不帥19F 12/29 19:34
Cervelo1995:還好我在台灣, 不然真的是帥慘了...20F 12/29 19:34
paladin90974:有錢之後再整帥就好了21F 12/29 19:34
darkbrigher:這是啥經濟分析家...22F 12/29 19:34
lc301:那我在日本永遠不會被科稅23F 12/29 19:35
heartstrings:酸宅只會被退稅吧24F 12/29 19:35
porygonz:還好我不住日本  不然就要破產了25F 12/29 19:36
Safin:贊成26F 12/29 19:36
gca00631:那美女也要課稅嗎?27F 12/29 19:37
djcc:白吃洨日本  顆顆  蠢28F 12/29 19:37
Hahrhahahahr:好險沒住日本 不然破產。            雖然本來就沒錢29F 12/29 19:38
sisko196:SoBaDRush表示:30F 12/29 19:38
linsmile:鍵盤帥哥傾巢而出31F 12/29 19:38
nelly5477:這是完全合理且正確的32F 12/29 19:39
jeans520:我覺得他們是變向的跟牛郎科稅啦33F 12/29 19:40
nelly5477:猴群中唯有猴王能得到眾多母猴的親賴且交配34F 12/29 19:40
a78914124:還好我不住日本 不然不知道被課多少35F 12/29 19:41
nelly5477:文明與野蠻的洪溝其實沒有你想像的那麼大36F 12/29 19:42
HNO3:這個學者一定是個臭酸宅38F 12/29 19:44
madden:幹,那我一定會被抽稅39F 12/29 19:45
HOPEFIRE:結果被河西給放鳥XD40F 12/29 19:45
garnett1118:幹 這學者ptt來的吧41F 12/29 19:50
lulocke:黃金傳說裡一個月一萬日幣 他就有講這個了 XD42F 12/29 19:50
eric2099:台科證 vs 帥哥證43F 12/29 19:50
lulocke:他還有在大學任教44F 12/29 19:50
airlow:贊成!!!!反正不用繳,幹!45F 12/29 19:52
koushimei:怎麼讓我想起電影帥哥西裝46F 12/29 19:52
chicham:應該針對有在幹砲的開徵,無論是不是帥哥47F 12/29 19:53
luckyBF:幹,次我以後不能入籍日本了48F 12/29 20:00
gohome0083:沒人會對QB徵稅 QB是外星人49F 12/29 20:01
final00095:以後入籍要被收稅了50F 12/29 20:07
toyamaK52:當然要榨乾睪負帥51F 12/29 20:12
tokyoto:那女的不用嗎?會不會一堆人都跑去變性了?52F 12/29 20:12
toyamaK52:不用.露出____道歉就可以抵稅了53F 12/29 20:18
serendipity:醜男幫推!!!54F 12/29 20:20

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