※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-12 02:32:00
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 有人要多多認識菲律賓網站嗎 ?
時間 Sun May 12 02:22:20 2013
http://www.filipinotravel.com.ph/ 旅遊中心
http://www.wowphilippinestravelagency.com/ 聽說專辦菲律賓旅遊的公司~也聽說菲律
WOW Philippines Travel Agency - Official Website
WOW Philippines Travel Agency in Ortigas Center, Metro-Manila specializing in vacation packages, Hotel and Resort Reservations, and Flights to Boracay, Palawan, Bohol, Puerto Galera and over 100 other destinations. ...
WOW Philippines Travel Agency in Ortigas Center, Metro-Manila specializing in vacation packages, Hotel and Resort Reservations, and Flights to Boracay, Palawan, Bohol, Puerto Galera and over 100 other destinations. ...
http://www.pbcom.com.ph/ 菲律賓的交通銀行
http://www.immigration.gov.ph/ 菲律賓移民局
http://www.deped.gov.ph/ 菲律賓教育部
http://www.bpiexpressonline.com/ 菲律賓群島銀行
http://www.unionbankph.com/ 菲律賓聯合銀行
http://filipinofriendfinder.com/ 菲律賓交友網站
http://www.mb.com.ph/ 菲律賓公報網 ( 還有台灣的新聞 )
http://www.insularlife.com.ph/ 菲律賓最大的人壽公司
各位同學這樣介紹各位懂了嗎 ? 以下讓同學填空練習
WOW Philippines Travel Agency - Official Website
WOW Philippines Travel Agency in Ortigas Center, Metro-Manila specializing in vacation packages, Hotel and Resort Reservations, and Flights to Boracay, Palawan, Bohol, Puerto Galera and over 100 other destinations. ...
WOW Philippines Travel Agency in Ortigas Center, Metro-Manila specializing in vacation packages, Hotel and Resort Reservations, and Flights to Boracay, Palawan, Bohol, Puerto Galera and over 100 other destinations. ...
Artista Boracay, Boracay Resorts, Diniwid Beach
Artista Boracay beach resorts hotel accommodations, Boracay hotel packages, Diniwid beach front hotel accommodations. ...
Artista Boracay beach resorts hotel accommodations, Boracay hotel packages, Diniwid beach front hotel accommodations. ...
Boracay Hotel: Grand Boracay Resort, Luxurious Resort In Boracay Island, Philippines | Official Site Discover the homey feel of Grand Boracay Resort, nestled in the tranquil spot of the Boracay Island providing luxurious accommodation in Boracay Island. ...
Pearl of the Pacific Beach Resort Boracay Philippines
The Pearl of the Pacific is a contemporary tropical resort and spa that sits on a 8 hectare area of sprawling scenic views of lush forest, garden, hills and powder white pristine beachfront. ...
The Pearl of the Pacific is a contemporary tropical resort and spa that sits on a 8 hectare area of sprawling scenic views of lush forest, garden, hills and powder white pristine beachfront. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :嗯嗯1F 05/12 02:22
推 :菲律賓真是個好國家 我想多多瀏覽他們的網站>///<2F 05/12 02:22
→ :實用3F 05/12 02:22
※ 編輯: WeiMyWoW 來自: (05/12 02:23)推 :你可以弄一個專區可以直接複製貼上麻...4F 05/12 02:23
推 :XD5F 05/12 02:23
→ :原來上面根下面一樣 抱歉6F 05/12 02:23
→ :原來阿 學到了 洩洩你7F 05/12 02:23
推 :謝謝分享 已加入我的最愛8F 05/12 02:23
推 :好貼心有填空耶^_^9F 05/12 02:23
→ :迅速加入我的最愛11F 05/12 02:23
推 :很實用 我想去菲留學 旅遊 順便釣妹跟移民12F 05/12 02:23
→ :中文不要再後面啦13F 05/12 02:23
推 :有填空好貼心可以直接貼上^.^14F 05/12 02:23
→ :樓上 請愛用練習題15F 05/12 02:24
推 :謝分享16F 05/12 02:24
→ :謝謝>///<17F 05/12 02:24
→ :上一篇也有重點18F 05/12 02:24
推 :感謝大大無私分享19F 05/12 02:24
→ :總次數: 41538 稱號: 進擊台灣人(鎧)20F 05/12 02:24
推 :台灣多了好多哈菲族21F 05/12 02:24
推 :謝謝妳 www.facebook.com/vMario.1922F 05/12 02:25
推 :XD23F 05/12 02:25
推 :====>有證交所嗎?我想看星期一菲菲股市休市!24F 05/12 02:25
推 :我要找正妹助教問問題XD26F 05/12 02:25
推 :總次數: 454716 稱號: 進擊台灣人(巨大化)27F 05/12 02:25
推 :XD 樓上的推文讓我好想笑28F 05/12 02:25
推 :可以統整一下 旅遊相關的嗎 假日弄這個才有搞頭29F 05/12 02:26
噓 :紅明顯 弄個地方讓人複製貼上啦~30F 05/12 02:26
→ :請參考28407篇31F 05/12 02:27
※ 編輯: WeiMyWoW 來自: (05/12 02:27)→ :XDDDDDD33F 05/12 02:28
推 :夜市大學資訊教室50台i7全力支援中34F 05/12 02:28
推 :板上大大博學多聞~真實用^^35F 05/12 02:28
→ :樓上gj!!!36F 05/12 02:28
→ :只能推CUM5566了37F 05/12 02:29
※ 看板: Doracacazin 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 727
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