※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-29 21:35:15
看板 LoL
作者 標題 [外絮] Bigfatjiji 小小回憶錄
時間 Wed May 29 20:59:42 2013
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i have a lot of superold pictures! Classick back in like 2010 or something when he ditched me and lilballz to go ninja play league and gets caught. g
i have a lot of superold pictures! Classick back in like 2010 or something when he ditched me and lilballz to go ninja play league and gets caught. g
i have a lot of superold pictures! Classick back in like 2010 or something
when he ditched me and lilballz to go ninja play league and gets caught. g
i play jax = Dyrus 回應裡說的
OS:沒經歷過的美服年代 我雷玟梯的
AoD - I Just Played Jax (feat. CLG)
AoD - I Just Played Jax (feat. CLG) - YouTube
Our first collaboration with HotshotGG and Saintvicious of CLG! I Just Played Jax (Parody of I Just Had Sex by the Lonley Island) Music by Heart Attack Mixin...
Our first collaboration with HotshotGG and Saintvicious of CLG! I Just Played Jax (Parody of I Just Had Sex by the Lonley Island) Music by Heart Attack Mixin...

AoD - 我召喚了賈克斯 (feat. CLG) 翻譯 by 音寧Musilent - YouTube No Copyright Intended. I translated and put on Chinese subtitles to these videos. 原片網址 :

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how far the client has come, not that far
how far the client has come, not that far
how far the client has come,
not that far
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legendary puregoldenboy, went afk for 5 mins after our 58min queue to walk his dog. and q popz
legendary puregoldenboy, went afk for 5 mins after our 58min queue to walk his dog. and q popz
legendary puregoldenboy, went afk for 5 mins after our 58min queue to walk
his dog. and q popz
排了58分鐘 去溜狗5分鐘 = GG
內有老查 聖光球
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lilballz and me dominating in 2007 h4h4
lilballz and me dominating in 2007 h4h4
lilballz and me dominating in 2007 h4h4
threesmall = lilballz = 三小 = 小球z = 小 ㄇ
小小 ㄚˊ
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alex = lilballz, my team name ownz dont remember why some names underlined. think jus cus somewat funny?
alex = lilballz, my team name ownz dont remember why some names underlined. think jus cus somewat funny?
alex = lilballz, my team name ownz
dont remember why some names underlined. think jus cus somewat funny?
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◆ From:
推 :雷玟梯給推1F 05/29 21:00
推 :我也雷文梯2F 05/29 21:02
推 :第二張圖有印象3F 05/29 21:03
推 :夜曲梯推一個 下面的菜逼巴一梯退三步懂嗎4F 05/29 21:04
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推 :達克的年代..8F 05/29 21:05
推 :蔡旻佑 打不倒男孩嗎wwwww9F 05/29 21:06
AoD - I Just Played Jax (feat. CLG) - YouTube
Our first collaboration with HotshotGG and Saintvicious of CLG! I Just Played Jax (Parody of I Just Had Sex by the Lonley Island) Music by Heart Attack Mixin...
Our first collaboration with HotshotGG and Saintvicious of CLG! I Just Played Jax (Parody of I Just Had Sex by the Lonley Island) Music by Heart Attack Mixin...

→ :時代的眼淚11F 05/29 21:06
推 :汎梯給推12F 05/29 21:06
推 :魔豆梯的站出來13F 05/29 21:06
推 :雷文梯+1 有球Z有大肥雞給推14F 05/29 21:06
推 :貓凱梯的 笑而不語15F 05/29 21:06
推 :雷文梯16F 05/29 21:07
推 :忘了哪一梯!!!好像比史加納還早(思17F 05/29 21:07
推 :塔龍梯18F 05/29 21:07
推 :球女梯推19F 05/29 21:07
推 :勒布朗梯\^o^/20F 05/29 21:08
推 :塔龍梯21F 05/29 21:08
→ :約瑞克梯22F 05/29 21:09
推 :3小 這個ID 球Z在DNF也是繼續用..23F 05/29 21:09
推 :I JUST PLAY JAX - HSGG時代的眼淚呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!24F 05/29 21:09
推 :歐拉夫梯25F 05/29 21:10
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推 :汎梯推推27F 05/29 21:11
推 :趙信梯推28F 05/29 21:12
推 :也才一年多一點 就變時代的眼淚了 ;W;31F 05/29 21:13
推 :Irelia梯32F 05/29 21:14
推 :JAX梯...XD33F 05/29 21:14
推 :鱷魚梯XD 好懷念~34F 05/29 21:14
※ 編輯: andy30093 來自: (05/29 21:16)推 :回頭看TSM神一般的團隊合作 裡面還有Rainman 哭了35F 05/29 21:14
推 :J4梯...好像是2011/0236F 05/29 21:15
推 :雷歐娜梯37F 05/29 21:15
推 :什麼梯..忘記了,我只知道我玩美服半年 台服才開38F 05/29 21:17
推 :各位學長好...我維克特梯(遮臉)39F 05/29 21:18
推 :塔龍踢40F 05/29 21:19
推 :推JIJI41F 05/29 21:20
推 :jiji<342F 05/29 21:20
推 :去網咖還要自己抓客戶端,一堆人都問這啥遊戲43F 05/29 21:20
推 :李星踢44F 05/29 21:21
推 :我老了 魔德凱薩梯45F 05/29 21:24
推 :拉克斯梯拜見46F 05/29 21:26
推 :魔豆踢 推47F 05/29 21:27
【閒聊】英雄的登場順序 @英雄聯盟 League of Legends 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特
因為睡不著閒著,忽然很想知道英雄們登場的順序,所以稍為查了一下,美服官網會自動跳到台服,還好年表可以點開來看。我是台服有才開始玩的,所以如果有錯請指正。以下整理結果。美服營運,40位英雄 &nb ...
推 :鱷魚梯路過 我印象中鱷魚梯時的潘森潮強Der49F 05/29 21:29
推 :以前JAX肥起來真的是大魔王王王王王王王王王!!!50F 05/29 21:30
推 :吸血鬼梯報到51F 05/29 21:30
推 :約瑞克梯52F 05/29 21:31
※ 編輯: andy30093 來自: (05/29 21:31)推 :趙信梯+153F 05/29 21:31
推 :全身上下的閃避快撐到 50%啊!!54F 05/29 21:32
推 :GG有點引申過度了55F 05/29 21:33
※ 看板: Doracacazin 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 239