※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-08 15:36:47
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 王葛葛上大聯盟囉
時間 Sat Jun 8 01:53:26 2013
王葛葛 大樹哥
台灣之光 王建民 上大聯盟囉
藍鳥隊 讚讚讚
Chien-Ming Wang opts out of contract with Yankees, set to join Blue Jays | HardballTalk
Chien-Ming Wang has opted out of his minor-league contract with the Yankees and is once again a free agent. Wang had a 2.33 ERA in nine starts at Triple-A, but managed just 25 strikeouts in 58 innings and there was little indication that the Yankees would seriously consider calling him up. ...
Chien-Ming Wang has opted out of his minor-league contract with the Yankees and is once again a free agent. Wang had a 2.33 ERA in nine starts at Triple-A, but managed just 25 strikeouts in 58 innings and there was little indication that the Yankees would seriously consider calling him up. ...
→ :我朋友開車去加油沒下車 工讀生加完油A走油蓋 直接把 03/20 21:57
→ :攬較插進去~ 03/20 21:57
→ : 然後射了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :18勝以上再叫我1F 06/08 01:54
推 :宣布今天為藍鳥記念日2F 06/08 01:54
推 :爽!3F 06/08 01:54
※ 編輯: toni09 來自: (06/08 01:55)推 :爽!4F 06/08 01:55
→ :幹真的假的5F 06/08 01:55
推 :看到洋基就討厭,終於離開了6F 06/08 01:55
推 :恭喜王葛葛!!7F 06/08 01:55
→ :所以5/31有脫逃?!8F 06/08 01:55
→ :早點走早點解脫 養雞隊根本不想鳥他9F 06/08 01:55
推 :爽 洋基吃屎10F 06/08 01:55
推 :還不是靠藍焦阿11F 06/08 01:56
噓 :連結縮一下12F 06/08 01:56
推 :藍鳥棲大樹13F 06/08 01:57
推 :期待他教訓洋基14F 06/08 01:57
推 :爽啦15F 06/08 02:00
推 :x藍鳥擇樹而棲16F 06/08 02:00
推 :肛死養雞17F 06/08 02:00
推 :洋基再秋阿 沒幾個能打的還死不升18F 06/08 02:01
推 :爽!!!!19F 06/08 02:01
推 :Good20F 06/08 02:01
推 :爽~~~21F 06/08 02:02
→ :藍叫讚22F 06/08 02:02
推 :爽.....23F 06/08 02:02
→ :洋基真的對休斯不離不棄24F 06/08 02:02
推 :無情義的CCW 會有報應的25F 06/08 02:03
→ :CMW
→ :CMW
→ :問一下,藍鳥內野強嗎?不強的話猜一下會爆幾分27F 06/08 02:03
推 :離開養雞就是爽29F 06/08 02:04
→ :游擊有川崎宗則30F 06/08 02:05
Chien-Ming Wang opts out of contract with Yankees, set to join Blue Jays | HardballTalk
Chien-Ming Wang has opted out of his minor-league contract with the Yankees and is once again a free agent. Wang had a 2.33 ERA in nine starts at Triple-A, but managed just 25 strikeouts in 58 innings and there was little indication that the Yankees would seriously consider calling him up. ...
Chien-Ming Wang has opted out of his minor-league contract with the Yankees and is once again a free agent. Wang had a 2.33 ERA in nine starts at Triple-A, but managed just 25 strikeouts in 58 innings and there was little indication that the Yankees would seriously consider calling him up. ...
推 :藍鳥內野還可以 但是打擊就時好時壞 連慣性普普32F 06/08 02:05
Chien-Ming Wang opts out of contract with Yankees, set to join Blue Jays | HardballTalk
Chien-Ming Wang has opted out of his minor-league contract with the Yankees and is once again a free agent. Wang had a 2.33 ERA in nine starts at Triple-A, but managed just 25 strikeouts in 58 innings and there was little indication that the Yankees would seriously consider calling him up. ...
Chien-Ming Wang has opted out of his minor-league contract with the Yankees and is once again a free agent. Wang had a 2.33 ERA in nine starts at Triple-A, but managed just 25 strikeouts in 58 innings and there was little indication that the Yankees would seriously consider calling him up. ...
推 :休斯爛的要死 洋基會有報應的XD34F 06/08 02:06
推 :讚35F 06/08 02:06
推 :藍鳥勝36F 06/08 02:08
推 :大樹~37F 06/08 02:08
推 :藍鳥本來就該棲大樹!!!!38F 06/08 02:08
推 :Yankee sucks, 以後可以大聲說了.....39F 06/08 02:08
推 :哈哈! 爪爪隊沒得趁火打劫了,漂亮!40F 06/08 02:10
推 :誠心發問 藍鳥的台語怎麼念41F 06/08 02:11
推 :*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜42F 06/08 02:11
→ :多倫多超多華人的,改天來去看現場,爽43F 06/08 02:12
推 :恭喜 洋基跟本____44F 06/08 02:12
推 : $$$$45F 06/08 02:12
→ :居然不回我們兄弟46F 06/08 02:12
推 :讚阿 !!!!!!!47F 06/08 02:13
推 :哪尼!? 恭喜 祝成功復出身體無病無痛平安投到光榮退休48F 06/08 02:13
推 :宋……49F 06/08 02:13
推 :星期二先發對白襪嘛??? 水喔!!50F 06/08 02:13
推 :樹藍鳥讚哦51F 06/08 02:14
推 :希望控球有回來52F 06/08 02:15
推 :大樹!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!53F 06/08 02:16
推 :54F 06/08 02:16
→ :和鄉民的最愛包爺同隊耶!!!!55F 06/08 02:17
推 :現在打可以入選明星賽嗎 有沒有機會得賽揚獎?56F 06/08 02:17
推 :期待他教訓洋基57F 06/08 02:18
推 :大樹的藍鳥 硬硬der58F 06/08 02:18
推 :多倫多天際線比紐約漂亮多了 ROGERS CENTER又在CN TOWER59F 06/08 02:21
Ken RosenthalSource: Chien-Ming Wang to sign with #BlueJays. Expected to start Tuesday. Opted out of deal with #Yankees today.
Ken RosenthalSource: Chien-Ming Wang to sign with #BlueJays. Expected to start Tuesday. Opted out of deal with #Yankees today.
→ :隔壁 附近還可以順便看nba暴龍隊比賽 超先進的城市61F 06/08 02:21
噓 :這是所謂 藍鳥擇樹而棲阿!!!!!Y62F 06/08 02:22
推 :超強 擺脫馬毒 重返榮耀 史上第一人63F 06/08 02:23
推 :另一個問題是 合約是多少錢啊64F 06/08 02:24
推 :去過一次多倫多真覺得比曼哈頓乾淨整齊多了65F 06/08 02:24
推 :第一場先發什麼時候?66F 06/08 02:24
推 :我八月要去多倫多欸 希望可以看到67F 06/08 02:26
推 :洋基黑暗兵法68F 06/08 02:26
推 :推多倫多69F 06/08 02:28
推 :怎麼隨便加一隊鄉民都能立刻想好梗啊70F 06/08 02:28
推 :恭喜大樹葛格71F 06/08 02:29
推 :可惜多倫多現在傍晚就都還滿冷的 冬天更冷72F 06/08 02:30
→ :希望不會影響球速
→ :希望不會影響球速
推 :藍鳥+大樹 猛猛74F 06/08 02:33
推 :天氣冷 下沉快 OK拉 漸民當初最喜歡投籃鳥了75F 06/08 02:34
推 :無論如何,希望洋基今年一樣季後繼續吃屎76F 06/08 02:35
推 :洋基太現實勢利77F 06/08 02:37
推 :嗯嗯 簽這樣的合約 跳脫點一堆 還很現實勢利78F 06/08 02:39
→ :第一次有大聯盟約 馬上就可以跳 這合約真現實勢利呀
→ :根本就是提供一個3A規律賽程強度給王 現實勢利在哪?
→ :只因為洋基先發投手沒有崩盤到需要call王 就很現實?
→ :第一次有大聯盟約 馬上就可以跳 這合約真現實勢利呀
→ :根本就是提供一個3A規律賽程強度給王 現實勢利在哪?
→ :只因為洋基先發投手沒有崩盤到需要call王 就很現實?
推 :洋基太現實勢利,究部要怪人限時82F 06/08 02:43
推 :我真的很高興王健民願意離開 ... 不要一直賴在洋基83F 06/08 02:44
→ :洋基真的很現實,呆在那裡根本上不了大聯盟
→ :洋基真的很現實,呆在那裡根本上不了大聯盟
推 :終於!85F 06/08 02:45
推 :推啦,等這麼久終於又看到王要上大聯盟投了86F 06/08 02:50
推 :有甚麼好現實不現實的 對他們來講 就是交易阿87F 06/08 02:51
推 :我指的不是後來的小聯盟約耶! 我是指當初他還在洋基時,隊88F 06/08 02:52
→ :友和他的互動
→ :友和他的互動
推 :洋基 休斯沒三小路用還占一先發90F 06/08 02:53
→ :且不光是他摔下來後,是整段來看91F 06/08 02:53
→ :去年還棄A.J 看看人家這一年多投得多威猛92F 06/08 02:54
→ :就感覺..那種隊裡的球員,就只是把彼此當同事而已93F 06/08 02:54
推 :樹哥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!94F 06/08 03:01
推 :職業球團本就在商言商 哪有什麼現實不現實95F 06/08 03:01
→ :一朗待水手10多年也是說走就走 這怎麼說呢?
→ :一朗待水手10多年也是說走就走 這怎麼說呢?
推 :請仔細看上下文,不是隊與他,是隊員之間的互動97F 06/08 03:13
→ :逃不了 最後誰也都蒼老 寫下我 時間和琴聲交錯的城堡98F 06/08 03:19
推 :答..答..答..答..99F 06/08 03:27
推 :100F 06/08 03:29
推 :推個101F 06/08 03:33
推 :推一下102F 06/08 03:38
→ :慢走啊 不送了 祝一路順風103F 06/08 03:39
推 :別再下去了拜託104F 06/08 03:45
推 :有沒有大樹哥CD這麼久der8掛105F 06/08 03:50
推 :請尊稱 神木哥106F 06/08 03:56
推 :NYY真的莫名其妙 簽王不知道幹麻 先發抖得要死也不換107F 06/08 03:57
推 :藍鳥大力樹阿108F 06/08 04:08
推 :推 andrewyllee:還不是靠藍焦阿 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD109F 06/08 04:42
推 :恭喜王變加拿大樹XD110F 06/08 04:54
→ :Page not Found!111F 06/08 05:15
推 :加油 建仔 別忘記我們曾經當過兵的官田112F 06/08 05:35
推 :YA! 打爆洋基吧113F 06/08 05:44
→ :大樹加油114F 06/08 06:08
推 :領MLB底薪 沒激勵獎金 也沒承諾先發場數115F 06/08 06:09
推 :私心希望看他進紅襪打爆洋基116F 06/08 06:23
推 :OK了啦 都美東耶117F 06/08 06:26
→ : 大樹哥加油 幹爆老東家洋基118F 06/08 06:40
推 :投爆洋基119F 06/08 06:57
推 :讚120F 06/08 07:07
推 :可以對上洋基教訓一下了121F 06/08 07:33
→ :藍鳥棲大樹122F 06/08 07:38
推 :大樹哥 QQ123F 06/08 07:38
推 :大樹哥進化! ~~~ 藍鳥王!124F 06/08 08:36
推 :台灣藍鳥隊!!!125F 06/08 08:44
→ :貨真價實的懶教王126F 06/08 08:49
推 :大樹哥加油 記得別再馬英九握手了127F 06/08 09:41
推 :推! 希望他再創第2春!!128F 06/08 10:12
推 :推一下~加油囉~禮拜三我準時收看~哈129F 06/08 10:17
推 :爽 黑洋吃洨吧130F 06/08 10:44
→ :樹仔加油吧 隊友皮繃緊一點 不要扯大樹哥後腿131F 06/08 11:23
推 :老王加油阿 痛宰養雞 別讓囧吉看衰132F 06/08 11:26
推 :王建民加油!!133F 06/08 12:02
推 :加油!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!134F 06/08 12:28
推 :水拉135F 06/08 12:48
推 :還真的重返大聯盟了 王建民不簡單 真的不簡單...136F 06/08 13:12
推 :137F 06/08 14:15
推 :樹哥加油138F 06/08 14:32
→ :推示139F 06/08 14:38
推 :電爆洋基140F 06/08 15:34
作者 toni09 的最新發文:
- 62F 22推 18噓
- 23F 8推
- 19F 6推 2噓
- 哥倫比亞一架輕型飛機上月1日墜機於亞馬遜雨林,機上3名成人罹難,4名兒童在雨林生 存了40天,本月9日終於被尋獲。年紀最大的13歲姊姊對父親表示,母親在墜機後仍活著 ,撐了4天才過世,臨死前叫他們「 …145F 104推 1噓