※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-03-15 08:12:06
看板 Free_box
作者 標題 Re: [空間] "Copy" 雲端硬碟,免費空間無上限
時間 Wed Mar 13 00:57:31 2013
※ 引述《lalaqqqq (9s 2 meet u~~)》之銘言:
: Copy 是一個新的雲端硬碟服務 (類似 Dropbox)
: 免費空間為 5 GB,用以下推薦連結註冊可得到 10 GB
: https://copy.com?r=kQb7oG
Copy helps keep your amazing things (like photos, videos and documents) handy everywhere, safe and easy to share with others. Get 5GB of FREE storage now. ...
Copy helps keep your amazing things (like photos, videos and documents) handy everywhere, safe and easy to share with others. Get 5GB of FREE storage now. ...
: 雖然是新的雲端硬碟服務,不過 Windows/MacOS/Linux/Andriod/iOS 的軟體都已經有了
: 註冊完後記得確認 Email 並安裝任何一種平台的軟體, 再登入即可
: 剛發現使用 Android 的朋友若要快速推薦自己增加空間的話,
: 可以登入軟體得到 5GB 之後移除重裝, 再重新登入你自我推薦的其他帳號
: 這樣可以快速幫自己加空間~
: 此外用這個推薦連結註冊可以將免費空間從 10 GB 起跳哦
: https://copy.com?r=kQb7oG
Copy helps keep your amazing things (like photos, videos and documents) handy everywhere, safe and easy to share with others. Get 5GB of FREE storage now. ...
Copy helps keep your amazing things (like photos, videos and documents) handy everywhere, safe and easy to share with others. Get 5GB of FREE storage now. ...
Copy - Android Apps on Google Play
Copy is the easiest way to store, protect, and share all your amazing things. With FREE storage for new accounts and competitive pricing plans, you have enough space t...
Copy is the easiest way to store, protect, and share all your amazing things. With FREE storage for new accounts and competitive pricing plans, you have enough space t...
Copy for iOS for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Copy is the easiest way to store, protect, and share all your amazing things. With free storage for new accounts and competitive pricing plans, you have enough space to store virtually everything you've got. And anything you save with Copy is instantly accessible on your computers, iPhone, iPad, and ...
Copy is the easiest way to store, protect, and share all your amazing things. With free storage for new accounts and competitive pricing plans, you have enough space to store virtually everything you've got. And anything you save with Copy is instantly accessible on your computers, iPhone, iPad, and ...
登入帳號後按功能鍵>Preferences>Log out再直接登入就可以了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :.......... ←這樣就 50G了1F 03/13 01:06
→ :不需要換IP嗎 我都會把網路斷開重聯
→ :不需要換IP嗎 我都會把網路斷開重聯
→ :不用3F 03/13 01:10
→ :比抓盒子好洗… 當初還要開VM一直改MAC…
→ :比抓盒子好洗… 當初還要開VM一直改MAC…
推 :老實說這個空間真的超好洗的....5F 03/13 01:12
推 :我的用...無法耶QQ6F 03/13 01:56
推 :Gmail->右上角齒輪->設定->帳號和匯入->以這個地址寄送7F 03/13 02:27
→ :郵件
→ :郵件
推 :洗到85G 好累9F 03/13 03:24
推 :750G路過 目標1T10F 03/13 03:30
推 :樓上好神11F 03/13 03:36
推 :我有點洗上癮了 不洗他感覺怪怪的XD12F 03/13 03:36
推 :第一次加.可以用,接下來都會說已經註冊了QQQ 加.無效13F 03/13 09:37
推 :Azusa5566@gmail.com跟A.zusa5566@gmail.com都可以
→ :不過Az.usa5566m或Az..usa5566@都不行,是哪裡沒設定嗎?
推 :Azusa5566@gmail.com跟A.zusa5566@gmail.com都可以
→ :不過Az.usa5566m或Az..usa5566@都不行,是哪裡沒設定嗎?
→ :也可以 AAPL+xxxx@gmail.com ,xxxx可以代換成任何字串16F 03/13 11:49
→ :好像被改掉了,都說已經註冊過了~17F 03/13 12:51
推 :奇怪 我都還可以用欸18F 03/14 15:20
推 :請問樓上是怎樣改帳號,也是加.而已嗎19F 03/14 21:31
推 :加.沒有用了吧20F 03/14 23:45
→ :用了500GB ...好像沒有意義....21F 03/15 01:26