※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-04-09 15:19:31
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 報柴契爾夫人過世新聞誤用英女王畫面 中
時間 Tue Apr 9 09:58:10 2013
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Taiwan news media erroneously reports on the death of the Queen of England
This morning a Taiwan news station reported that the Queen of England,
Queen Elizabeth, had passed away. However, we are happy to report that
the Queen is alive and well. The report headline said (as pictured below)
: "Queen of England passes away, and we will miss her." It appears that
the passing of Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of England,
was confused with the Queen.
Margaret Thatcher served England as prime minister from 1979 until 1990,
and holds the title as England's longest serving politician, and nicknamed
the "Iron Lady" because of her uncompromising politics and leadership
style. As prime minister, she implemented conservative policies that have
come to be known as Thatcherism.
While we at TweakTown are sad to hear of Baroness Thatcher's passing, we
are happy to report that the Queen is doing just fine. In general I hold
all media sources to the highest standards and as a journalist myself, I
fact check everything I post before hitting that submit button.
What has Taiwan news media been smoking this morning?
UPDATE: To be clear, there was some confusion to the translation of the
headline. Some are stating the Chinese wording translates to "Queen" and
others "Prime Minister". The fact remain for sure that the image used is
of the Queen of England, and not Margaret Thatcher.
UPDATE #2: As you can see below, more pictures are being posted to Facebook.
UPDATE #3: We apologize for the incorrect translation of the headline. Our
original news source provided an incorrect translation. The headline
statement is correct. However, the fact still remains that the wrong
imagery was used more than once, and we feel that is unforgiveable.
OopsTT: Taiwan news media erroneously reports on the death of the Queen of England :: TweakTown
Taiwan media mistakenly reports that the Queen of England has died, in reality Margaret Thatcher was the one to pass ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :台灣之光1F 04/09 09:58
→ :台灣之光2F 04/09 09:58
→ :好丟臉..........3F 04/09 09:58
→ :有加梅莉史翠普那段嗎4F 04/09 09:59
推 :丟臉丟到全世界 中天可以去死了5F 04/09 09:59
推 :中天:提升台灣國際能見度6F 04/09 09:59
推 :輸了面子贏了收視率!廣告賺飽飽~7F 04/09 09:59
推 :shame on you8F 04/09 09:59
→ :又沒差 反正 NCC 不罰9F 04/09 09:59
推 :你要被劣退了。這麼著急不看板規是幹麻?中天化了嗎?10F 04/09 09:59
→ :台灣之光11F 04/09 09:59
推 :讓人笑掉大牙12F 04/09 09:59
推 :爛到國外去了13F 04/09 10:00
推 :台灣之光14F 04/09 10:00
推 :ㄏㄏ15F 04/09 10:00
推 :NCC表示:無感16F 04/09 10:00
推 :台灣之光~面子丟光光17F 04/09 10:00
推 :還不是因為阿扁餘毒 封鎖國際新聞 大家才不知道這些名人18F 04/09 10:00
噓 :這一定是查爾斯的陰謀19F 04/09 10:00
噓 :明明就是中國媒體20F 04/09 10:01
推 :台灣的廢物媒體還滿常報新聞用舊畫面的,死也不想新畫面21F 04/09 10:01
→ :翻譯吧 不如會被劣22F 04/09 10:01
→ :這是草船借箭 刁民懂不懂阿.......23F 04/09 10:01
→ :中國資金挹注港資 這樣叫做台灣媒體?24F 04/09 10:01
→ :所以才會出現這種情形25F 04/09 10:01
推 :台灣之光26F 04/09 10:02
噓 :中天:可以帶賽台灣又拉到收視率,這招好用!27F 04/09 10:02
推 :鄉民高潮中28F 04/09 10:02
噓 :這一定是增加國際能見度 中天!!29F 04/09 10:02
→ :沒寫Taiwan,China哦30F 04/09 10:02
噓 :請更正為中國媒體31F 04/09 10:03
→ :中國台灣之光32F 04/09 10:03
→ :拜託 中天關我們什麼事? 中天是中國媒體 不是台灣的.....33F 04/09 10:04
噓 :台灣梅體界第一,顆顆34F 04/09 10:04
推 :英文版的沒水準認證!35F 04/09 10:04
→ :中天的英文-->CHINA SKY......36F 04/09 10:04
推 :科科37F 04/09 10:04
→ :拜託 中天關我們什麼事? 中天是中國媒體 不是台灣的.....38F 04/09 10:05
噓 :中國新聞,不是台灣新聞39F 04/09 10:05
推 :台灣之恥40F 04/09 10:05
推 :China news media 吧41F 04/09 10:05
噓 :傻傻的,人家故意用錯的照片,賺了收視率~~~42F 04/09 10:05
→ :不意外 689每每一做鳥事就要2300一起承擔43F 04/09 10:05
→ :根本不要去理它才對,還讓他們出名44F 04/09 10:06
推 :台灣讚啦45F 04/09 10:06
→ :有沒有人以為中天是台灣媒體的八卦?46F 04/09 10:06
噓 :呼 還好中天是支那天空47F 04/09 10:07
→ :台灣之光......48F 04/09 10:07
噓 :拜託加上媒體名稱,好唄49F 04/09 10:07
推 :支那人的水準不意外 XD50F 04/09 10:08
推 :Taiwan news media..51F 04/09 10:09
推 :支那之光52F 04/09 10:10
→ :傅瑞德 的回應好好笑 "hey, look at you!"53F 04/09 10:10
推 :台灣之光54F 04/09 10:11
推 :增加台灣能見度給推55F 04/09 10:12
推 :台灣之光56F 04/09 10:13
推 :台灣人不是最愛登上國際版面嗎 現在也登上了 台灣之光喔57F 04/09 10:13
推 :上次英國經濟學人罵台灣總統 這次英國媒體笑台灣媒體 XDDDD58F 04/09 10:13
噓 :一個中國的新聞台害整個台灣丟臉 幹59F 04/09 10:15
推 :1白痴中天60F 04/09 10:16
噓 :智障媒體61F 04/09 10:16
噓 :超級丟臉62F 04/09 10:16
→ :蔡老闆厲害 一出手 讓更多西方人認為台灣跟中國一個鳥樣63F 04/09 10:19
噓 :這外國媒體也沒好到哪去64F 04/09 10:23
推 :外國媒體不好 這麼說來中天超級好65F 04/09 10:25
噓 :新聞媒體爛成這樣~ncc是死到那裏去了~66F 04/09 10:25
推 :ncc專管乳溝跟卡通人物抽菸 這種事情他們不管的67F 04/09 10:26
→ :鳳梨又出糗了68F 04/09 10:30
推 :高調69F 04/09 10:31
推 :台灣媒體 真悲哀70F 04/09 10:32
推 :中國媒體~71F 04/09 10:33
推 :台灣被世界看見了72F 04/09 10:34
噓 :幹丟臉死了啦 為什麼要報出來ㄒ口ㄒ73F 04/09 10:35
推 :外國媒體不好 中天好到翻你說好不好74F 04/09 10:51
噓 :幹它媽丟臉丟到國外 廢物中婖操你妹75F 04/09 12:19
推 :哇oopsTT 耶!76F 04/09 12:30
噓 :爛透的中國媒體77F 04/09 12:30
※ 看板: Doracacazin 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 863
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