※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-04-19 16:26:19
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 波士頓爆炸案逮一嫌
時間 Fri Apr 19 16:20:21 2013
※ 引述《seafood (河豚生魚片)》之銘言:
: Boston Globe (波士頓環球報?) 新聞
: One suspect apprehended, another remains on the loose
: 一嫌被逮,另一嫌在逃
: http://ppt.cc/lmiw
Boston Marathon bombing suspect in custody, another on the loose - Metro - The Boston Globe
One suspect in Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings has been apprehended, according to an official with knowledge of the investigation. Another appears to remain on the loose in Watertown after a firefight with police. A 20-block perimeter was established as authorities searched for him. A scene of cha ...
: apprehended, according to an official with knowledge of the investigation.
: Another appears to remain on the loose in Watertown after a firefight with
: police. A 20-block perimeter was established as authorities searched for him.
: A scene of chaos descended on Cambridge and Watertown late Thursday night and
: early Friday morning, as police confirmed an MIT police officer was shot and
: killed, and an apparent carjacking led police on a frenetic chase into
: Watertown. Hundreds of police officers flooded Cambridge and Watertown.
: A spokesman for the MBTA said that a transit officer had been shot and was in
: serious condition.
: (後略,自己看)
完了 伊朗要被滅國了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :猴~~~~ 嗨了了了1F 04/19 16:20
→ :恭喜伊朗、賀喜伊朗!2F 04/19 16:21
推 :其實美國自導自演成份很大 找藉口出兵OR內亂奪權3F 04/19 16:21
→ :看起來就是美國人自己搞的,別再推給阿拉伯人了
→ :看起來就是美國人自己搞的,別再推給阿拉伯人了
推 :回教那麼愛護世界和平 怎麼可能這樣幹呢5F 04/19 16:21
→ :恭喜伊朗!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6F 04/19 16:21
推 :中獎了7F 04/19 16:22
推 :那麼剛好的每次都是敵國 只會讓人感覺更假9F 04/19 16:22
推 :XD 伊朗不是前幾天才在譴責嗎 結果10F 04/19 16:22
推 :美國要打伊朗了11F 04/19 16:23
→ :所以伊朗地震不會真的是美國的武器吧XD12F 04/19 16:23
推 :看來美國有白鬍子13F 04/19 16:23
推 :伊朗可以推說個人行為嗎14F 04/19 16:23
→ :還是說伊朗人要抗議亞果出任務嗎15F 04/19 16:23
→ :北韓:................16F 04/19 16:24
推 :自導自演的想法哪來的? 就不會想過炸到自己親人?17F 04/19 16:24
推 :將由下一任小小布希出兵報仇18F 04/19 16:24
→ : 美國:可以呀,但是我沒在聽19F 04/19 16:24
→ :沒有證實任何嫌犯的國籍跟身份..嫌犯也未死亡 現仍在押20F 04/19 16:24
推 :賓拉登就是沙烏地阿拉伯的人啊 結果美國也沒打它21F 04/19 16:24
※ 看板: Doracacazin 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 155