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※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-04-25 22:53:16
看板 Gossiping
作者 nothisman (在人海中迷失)
標題 [新聞] SDO三歲了!
時間 Thu Apr 25 22:34:37 2013

Watch: NASA's SDO Captures 3 Years of Sun's Activity in 3 Minutes

Watch: NASA's SDO Captures 3 Years of Sun's Activity in 3 Minutes [VIDEO] - International Business Times
A time-lapse video created by NASA shows images of the sun taken every day over the last three years as it rises towards solar maximum - the peak of solar activity in its 11-year cycle. ...

A time-lapse video created by NASA shows images of the sun taken every day
over the last three years as it rises towards solar maximum - the peak of
solar activity in its 11-year cycle.

The images were taken by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which was
launched in 2010 to help in understanding the causes of solar activity and
its impact on Earth. SDO also studies how sun's magnetic field is generated
and structured, and how this magnetic energy is released into the heliosphere
in the form of energy particles and solar wind.

SDO monitors the sun daily and captures images every 12 seconds in 10
different wavelengths. The images found in the three-minute video are a
collage of two such images taken every day over the course of three years.

"The images shown here are based on a wavelength of 171 angstroms, which is
in the extreme ultraviolet range and shows solar material at around 600,000
kelvins (about 1.08 million F). In this wavelength it is easy to see the
sun's 25-day rotation as well as how solar activity has increased over three
years," NASA said in its news release.

The video shows the sun's solar activity increasing as it heads towards the
peak of its 11-year solar cycle. The images have regularly caught solar
flares and coronal mass ejections in the act. The sun appears to increase or
decrease in size during the course of the video. It is because the distance
between the SDO spacecraft and the sun varies over time.

Viewers can see partial eclipse by the moon (00:30;24), roll maneuver
(00:31;16), X6.9 Flare - largest solar flare of this solar cycle (01:11;02),
Comet Lovejoy, 15 December, 2011 (01:28;07), Roll Maneuver (01:42;29),
transit of Venus, 5 June 2012 (01:51;07) and partial eclipse of the sun by
the moon (02:28;13).

At the end of the video, it is shown how the sun appears in 4 different
synchronized wavelengths: 171, 304, 193, and 4500.

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timlin5566:樓下看成sod1F 04/25 22:34
jimboshih:對2F 04/25 22:34
fhuocrkt:無翻譯會列退3F 04/25 22:34
leonchu54:樓下一定看成SOD....4F 04/25 22:35
JoshBeckeet:yap5F 04/25 22:35
ko232: 害領北看成SOD6F 04/25 22:35
pkpk10654:我還以為是SD0,原來是SOD啊~真是嚇死我了7F 04/25 22:35
w113353:無翻譯 掰8F 04/25 22:35
poplai:我也看成SOD樓下也是嗎9F 04/25 22:35
hbk20491:公鯊小10F 04/25 22:35
lj5831:SOD無誤11F 04/25 22:35
iam168888888:看成SDO12F 04/25 22:35
ShinyaNakano:靠  看成sod13F 04/25 22:35
ms70019:SOD14F 04/25 22:35
ha0118:SOD+1   XD15F 04/25 22:36
Murasaki0110:原來是SOD 我還以為是什麼阿哩不搭16F 04/25 22:36
wch67121:SOD17F 04/25 22:36
B1984107:被騙了!sod18F 04/25 22:36
adi5566:SOD三歲了?19F 04/25 22:36
qq13159:SOD加一20F 04/25 22:36
ken3616001:SOD+121F 04/25 22:36
XDGEE:原來是SOD 我還以為是什麼阿哩不搭22F 04/25 22:36
ShinyaNakano:還以為要辦台灣感謝祭了23F 04/25 22:36
loveve5566:SOD24F 04/25 22:36
no5566:配樂應援   http://youtu.be/gMLeRX3-ZzY25F 04/25 22:37

pio:看成SOD+126F 04/25 22:37
gavin925:看不懂趕快看SOD壓壓驚27F 04/25 22:37
※ 編輯: nothisman       來自:       (04/25 22:38)
jo3pcafe:原來是SOD ..還以為是DOS 好險28F 04/25 22:37
FFXII:這裡是中文討論區29F 04/25 22:37
cool10528:真的看成sod30F 04/25 22:37
a159753:樓下看錯31F 04/25 22:37
htaedamay:SOD才三歲@@?32F 04/25 22:37
steward135:SOD+133F 04/25 22:37
peoplefu5566:可惡 騙我34F 04/25 22:38
coon182:SOD永遠都是三歲35F 04/25 22:38
chenyeart:SOD+1   (掩面36F 04/25 22:38
zhvul3u4:一長串翻譯只有一行37F 04/25 22:38
whiteadam:板規看一下38F 04/25 22:39
lovekangin:看成SOD...39F 04/25 22:39
cc618000:身寸  惹40F 04/25 22:39
inshadow:恭喜SOD三歲,來場大感謝祭吧41F 04/25 22:39
rabbit77610:咦~怎麼不是SOD42F 04/25 22:39
jay5566:43F 04/25 22:39
S1:哩A工蝦洨 拎北跨謀啦44F 04/25 22:39
ak4790049:文字順序不影響閱讀45F 04/25 22:39
k556670741:看成SOD+1....46F 04/25 22:40
ilove1530:SOD+147F 04/25 22:40
richshaker:外星事務48F 04/25 22:40
storyf66014:SOD= =49F 04/25 22:41
Toleriane210:SOD..........50F 04/25 22:42
hagane39:看成SOD再+1,我想說怎麼會有這種新聞51F 04/25 22:46
littlepity:...SOD?52F 04/25 22:48
a259526:SOD XDDDD53F 04/25 22:48
bugya:靠北不是SOD喔54F 04/25 22:49
jily:SOD三歲惹? XD55F 04/25 22:50
toehold:sod無誤56F 04/25 22:50

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