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※ 本文為 dryfish.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-07-07 12:59:32
看板 iPhone
作者 evan410 ()
標題 [情報] LINE的額外付費表情
時間 Thu May  3 20:27:43 2012

Thank you for contacting LINE Customer Support.

We’re very sorry to say that you are not able to buy the stickers in your region, if you see the message “Not for Sale.” We ask for your kind understanding.

However, we would like to pass on your comments to the relevant departments, where they may be used in future versions of LINE.

We are always aiming to improve our services for the satisfaction of our users, and we appreciate any comments/suggestions you provide us with.

Thank you for using our service, and please let us know if you need any additional assistance.


LINE Customer Support Office


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
lordmi:我看了版權主:史奴比是不可能了,崔弟/多摩君倒是有機會1F 05/03 20:47
qvp:期待史努比+1 史努比真的不可能了嗎>"<2F 05/03 20:49
miuu:如果去日本的app store下載line 可以用台灣的號碼註冊嗎?@@3F 05/03 21:07
imbarbie:樓上的方法我試過,沒用喔4F 05/03 22:24
sadQQ:似乎是認電話號碼的 要日本的號碼才行5F 05/03 22:29
miuu:Orz 謝謝你 我知道了T^T6F 05/03 22:39
kop291:好想要崔弟!!!!7F 05/04 00:51
zoey28:如果有懶懶熊的,就太好了(幻想中)8F 05/04 21:49

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