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看板 SRW
作者 標題 歷代getter robo BGM
時間 Sun Nov 17 01:52:08 2013
最膾炙人口的BGM應該就屬這首"GETTER ROBO"
第2次超級機器人大戰 任天堂 1991
The 2nd Super Robot Wars - Getter Robo! - YouTube
And now the main theme from Getter Robo from The 2nd Super Robot Wars for NES from 2nd Super Robot Wars OST Also is the theme Getter Dragon and other Getter ...
And now the main theme from Getter Robo from The 2nd Super Robot Wars for NES from 2nd Super Robot Wars OST Also is the theme Getter Dragon and other Getter ...

第3次超級機器人大戰S 超任 1993
Super Robot Wars 3 SNES--Musashi and Getter Robo G - YouTube
Heavy spoilers in this video. Don't watch if you want to be surprised. Londo Bell went to the Saotome Research Institute to pick up the Getter G, which is FI...
Heavy spoilers in this video. Don't watch if you want to be surprised. Londo Bell went to the Saotome Research Institute to pick up the Getter G, which is FI...

新超級機器人大戰 PlayStation 1996
Shin SRW - Getter Robo! - YouTube
Shin SRW version of "Getter Robo!" from Getter Robo. Original performed by Isao Sasaki and Koorogi '73.
Shin SRW version of "Getter Robo!" from Getter Robo. Original performed by Isao Sasaki and Koorogi '73.

超級機器人大戰F SEGA Saturn 1997
SRW F/F Final (SS) - Getter Robo! - YouTube
SRW F/F Final (Sega Saturn) version of "Getter Robo!" from Getter Robo. Original performed by Isao Sasaki and Koorogi '73.
SRW F/F Final (Sega Saturn) version of "Getter Robo!" from Getter Robo. Original performed by Isao Sasaki and Koorogi '73.

超級機器人大戰64 N64 1999
Super Robot Wars 64 Karaoke (Getter Robo G) - YouTube
Here are some quick music videos from super robot wars 64 they are found in the options menu of the game.
Here are some quick music videos from super robot wars 64 they are found in the options menu of the game.

超級機器人大戰α PlayStation 2000
SRW Alpha/Alpha Gaiden - Getter Robo! - YouTube
SRW Alpha/Alpha Gaiden version of "Getter Robo!" from Getter Robo. Original performed by Isao Sasaki and Koorogi '73.
SRW Alpha/Alpha Gaiden version of "Getter Robo!" from Getter Robo. Original performed by Isao Sasaki and Koorogi '73.

超級機器人大戰IMPACT PlayStation 2 2002
SRW Impact - Getter Robo! - YouTube
SRW Impact version of "Getter Robo!" from Getter Robo. Original performed by Isao Sasaki and Koorogi '73.
SRW Impact version of "Getter Robo!" from Getter Robo. Original performed by Isao Sasaki and Koorogi '73.

第3次超級機器人大戰α PlayStation 2 2005
SRW @3: Getter Robo! (Extended) - YouTube
Getter Robo series main BGM as heard in SRW Alpha 3. With Stoner Sunshine and Shin Shine Spark, the bad guys'll get a real taste of Getter's true terror!
Getter Robo series main BGM as heard in SRW Alpha 3. With Stoner Sunshine and Shin Shine Spark, the bad guys'll get a real taste of Getter's true terror!

超級機器人大戰Z PlayStation 2 2008
Super Robot Wars Z - Getter Robo! - YouTube
Register at if you want free games for Steam! It's a site like Steamgifts but with a much smaller community so the win cha...
Register at if you want free games for Steam! It's a site like Steamgifts but with a much smaller community so the win cha...

超級機器人大戰 GB 1991
The 1st Super Robot Wars - Getter Robo! - YouTube
Well remenber what not find the main theme from Getter Robo from The 1st Super Robot Wars for GB well, i found it! ;D whit this i complete the 1st SRW Soundt...
Well remenber what not find the main theme from Getter Robo from The 1st Super Robot Wars for GB well, i found it! ;D whit this i complete the 1st SRW Soundt...

超級機器人大戰A GBA 2001
超級機器人大戰W NDS 2007
超級機器人大戰A PORTABLE PSP 2008
Super Robot Wars A Portable - Shin Getter-1 Exhibition - YouTube Classic hot-blood. I'm loving it. - Getter Tomahawk Boomerang - Getter Tomahawk - Getter Blaster Cannon - Getter Beam - Stoner Sunshine - Stoner Sunshine Spa...

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推 :淦~!淦~!淦~!淦~!1F 11/17 08:33
SRW F/F Final (SS) - Getter Robo! - YouTube
SRW F/F Final (Sega Saturn) version of "Getter Robo!" from Getter Robo. Original performed by Isao Sasaki and Koorogi '73.
SRW F/F Final (Sega Saturn) version of "Getter Robo!" from Getter Robo. Original performed by Isao Sasaki and Koorogi '73.

推 :超喜歡蓋特的BGM4F 11/17 15:02
推 :連續播放超洗腦 = =5F 11/17 15:07
推 :SS的BGM太強大 至今依舊最強6F 11/17 16:05
推 :非常感謝分享~話說最強的音樂還是 SS版7F 11/17 16:15
→ :至於PS系主機,從PS1到PS2、PSP,我感覺一直都差不多
→ :頂多是編曲跟樂器換一下而已
→ :至於PS系主機,從PS1到PS2、PSP,我感覺一直都差不多
→ :頂多是編曲跟樂器換一下而已
推 :SS版的重低音好屌XDDDDD10F 11/17 16:51
→ :但是我最喜歡第二次...XD midi是童年的回憶啊11F 11/17 17:34
推 :第二次的讚啊...童年回憶加乘太多12F 11/17 17:47
推 :第四次s是ps的...sfc上的叫第四次...
→ :4s、合輯(2+3+ex)都是用f的資源重做成ps版的
→ :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsqpyRzhEUk sfc版
推 :第四次s是ps的...sfc上的叫第四次...
→ :4s、合輯(2+3+ex)都是用f的資源重做成ps版的
→ :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsqpyRzhEUk sfc版
推 :第四次S版 = PS F版16F 11/17 18:26
→ :樓上那個才是SFC中 第二次 第三次 EX 第四次版本
→ :https://youtu.be/tRiQa41ADuo?t=1m45s 第三次
→ :樓上那個才是SFC中 第二次 第三次 EX 第四次版本
→ :https://youtu.be/tRiQa41ADuo?t=1m45s 第三次
Super Robot Wars 3 SNES--Musashi and Getter Robo G - YouTube
Heavy spoilers in this video. Don't watch if you want to be surprised. Londo Bell went to the Saotome Research Institute to pick up the Getter G, which is FI...
Heavy spoilers in this video. Don't watch if you want to be surprised. Londo Bell went to the Saotome Research Institute to pick up the Getter G, which is FI...

→ :這影片比較清晰19F 11/17 18:30
推 :蓋特除了有最後之日版與第4次跟第2次 其他都覺得滿悲劇的20F 11/17 19:54
→ :皮薄打不中的超級系 又沒啥特殊能力
→ :皮薄打不中的超級系 又沒啥特殊能力
推 :他就打王專用機啊22F 11/17 21:28
推 :蓋特皮薄,如果有OPEN跟分身的話會好用不少23F 11/17 22:01
→ :同時有分身跟OPEN的真蓋特2開場氣力衝130就變成空氣坦了
→ :同時有分身跟OPEN的真蓋特2開場氣力衝130就變成空氣坦了
推 :近年的蓋特大概都是2號對付小兵,1號打王,3號水陸放大絕25F 11/18 00:07
→ :其實嚴格說起來,這樣的改變也沒有不好,
→ :不然F之前的2號幾乎完全沒有用處
→ :其實嚴格說起來,這樣的改變也沒有不好,
→ :不然F之前的2號幾乎完全沒有用處
推 :記得 A的真蓋特2很強的樣子?28F 11/18 00:30
推 :有迴避疲勞的作品 2都哭哭就是 反之則是很好用@@29F 11/18 00:43
推 :SS版超優30F 11/18 01:48
推 :最近的作品都沒有我的出場戲份31F 11/18 11:18
推 :樓上只有UX沒戲份啦32F 11/18 12:14
推 :人家搞不好是元祖GetterRobo33F 11/18 12:19
推 :G鋼眾:我才是真的很久沒戲份了吧34F 11/18 15:00
推 :Impact很像八嘎冏的電音版35F 11/18 20:05
※ 編輯: toyotomico 來自: (11/18 20:19)推 :哀 現在幾乎都不能聽到元祖的BGM 拜託Z3加進去@@36F 11/18 20:53
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