※ 本文為 nthuhoward 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-12-21 22:24:35
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作者 標題 [情報] 東方系列 Skins
時間 Wed Dec 21 22:06:58 2011
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伊瑞莉雅(Irelia) http://leaguecraft.com/skins/6154.xhtml[Crestfall] Sakuya by Crestfall | Irelia, the Will of the Blades ..
A custom skin for Irelia, the Will of the Blades created by Crestfall | ENG
A custom skin for Irelia, the Will of the Blades created by Crestfall | ENG
拉克絲(Lux) http://leaguecraft.com/skins/4281.xhtmlYozora presents: Marisa Kirisame [touhou project] by Yozora | Lux ..
A custom skin for Lux, The Lady of Luminosity created by Yozora | ENG
A custom skin for Lux, The Lady of Luminosity created by Yozora | ENG
魔甘娜(Morgana) http://leaguecraft.com/skins/4161.xhtmlFlandre Scarlet Morgana (Ver 0.3) by Zareidriel | Morgana, Fallen ..
A custom skin for Morgana, Fallen Angel created by Zareidriel | ENG
A custom skin for Morgana, Fallen Angel created by Zareidriel | ENG
Yozora presents: Flandre Scarlet + Morgana by Yozora | Miss Fortu ..
A custom skin for Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter created by Yozora | ENG
A custom skin for Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter created by Yozora | ENG
Armageddon Morgana + Particles by Pitsis21 | Morgana, Fallen Ange ..
A custom skin for Morgana, Fallen Angel created by Pitsis21 | ENG
A custom skin for Morgana, Fallen Angel created by Pitsis21 | ENG
好運姐(MissFortune) http://leaguecraft.com/skins/4181.xhtml
Yozora presents: Flandre Scarlet + Morgana by Yozora | Miss Fortu ..
A custom skin for Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter created by Yozora | ENG
A custom skin for Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter created by Yozora | ENG
易大師(MasterYi) http://leaguecraft.com/skins/5501.xhtmlYoumu (model, texture) by kuma | Master Yi, The Wuju Bladesman | ..
A custom skin for Master Yi, The Wuju Bladesman created by kuma | ENG
A custom skin for Master Yi, The Wuju Bladesman created by kuma | ENG
Youmu Annie by heureux | Annie, The Dark Child | (LoL) League of ..
A custom skin for Annie, The Dark Child created by heureux | ENG
A custom skin for Annie, The Dark Child created by heureux | ENG
安妮(Annie) http://leaguecraft.com/skins/81.xhtmlCirno Annie by Ambi by HeroesMod | Annie, The Dark Child | (LoL) ..
A custom skin for Annie, The Dark Child created by HeroesMod | ENG
A custom skin for Annie, The Dark Child created by HeroesMod | ENG
安妮(Annie) http://leaguecraft.com/skins/79.xhtmlAlice in Wonderland by Ambi by HeroesMod | Annie, The Dark Child ..
A custom skin for Annie, The Dark Child created by HeroesMod | ENG
A custom skin for Annie, The Dark Child created by HeroesMod | ENG
索娜(Sona) http://leaguecraft.com/skins/2964
*Vaguely* Hakurei Sona by heureux | Sona, the Maven of the String ..
A custom skin for Sona, the Maven of the Strings created by heureux | ENG
A custom skin for Sona, the Maven of the Strings created by heureux | ENG
http://leaguecraft.com/skins/4161.xhtmlFlandre Scarlet Morgana (Ver 0.3) by Zareidriel | Morgana, Fallen ..
A custom skin for Morgana, Fallen Angel created by Zareidriel | ENG
A custom skin for Morgana, Fallen Angel created by Zareidriel | ENG
Yozora presents: Flandre Scarlet + Morgana by Yozora | Miss Fortu ..
A custom skin for Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter created by Yozora | ENG
A custom skin for Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter created by Yozora | ENG
Armageddon Morgana + Particles by Pitsis21 | Morgana, Fallen Ange ..
A custom skin for Morgana, Fallen Angel created by Pitsis21 | ENG
A custom skin for Morgana, Fallen Angel created by Pitsis21 | ENG
不過1788的痛苦腐蝕(Tormented Soil)特效:「泡泡」是土黃色
角色介紹 - 技能(仍在尋找合適的背景圖)
角色介紹 - 造型
遊戲房間 - 角色選擇前
遊戲房間 - 角色選擇後
遊戲開始 - 等待(loading)畫面
遊戲進行中 - 角色實際外觀&左下頭像&小地圖頭像&各個技能圖示
技能特效 - 暗影禁錮
技能特效 - 痛苦腐蝕
技能特效 - 黑暗之盾
技能特效 - 靈魂枷鎖
索娜(Sona) http://leaguecraft.com/skins/2637.xhtml
Hatsune Miku, Vocaloid of the Strings v1.5 by Abesolutzero | Sona ..
A custom skin for Sona, the Maven of the Strings created by Abesolutzero | ENG
A custom skin for Sona, the Maven of the Strings created by Abesolutzero | ENG
Miku DJ by l3lacklagoon | Sona, the Maven of the Strings | (LoL) ..
A custom skin for Sona, the Maven of the Strings created by l3lacklagoon | ENG
A custom skin for Sona, the Maven of the Strings created by l3lacklagoon | ENG
[FIXED]Hatsune Miku for Katarina by lovex24 | Katarina, The Sinis ..
A custom skin for Katarina, The Sinister Blade created by lovex24 | ENG
A custom skin for Katarina, The Sinister Blade created by lovex24 | ENG
Noel Vermillion
好運姐(MissFortune) http://leaguecraft.com/skins/3304.xhtml[Crestfall] Noel Vermillion by Crestfall | Miss Fortune, the Boun ..
A custom skin for Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter created by Crestfall | ENG
A custom skin for Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter created by Crestfall | ENG
雷玟(Riven) http://leaguecraft.com/skins/6519.xhtmlRiven - Sophitia by mago blanco | Riven, The Exile | (LoL) League .. A custom skin for Riven, The Exile created by mago blanco | ENG
伊瑞莉雅(Irelia) http://leaguecraft.com/skins/3252.xhtmlNu-13, Murakumo Unit of the Blades v0.8 by Abesolutzero | Irelia, ..
A custom skin for Irelia, the Will of the Blades created by Abesolutzero | ENG
A custom skin for Irelia, the Will of the Blades created by Abesolutzero | ENG
文: 「不好啦,靈夢!萃香才一喝醉,突然就變大丟火球,把神社弄垮啦!」
魔里沙:「靈夢,妳宅爆了耶!」 ψREIMU
萃香: 「對不起!靈夢,之前的事…但妳看,我蓋了間更棒的神社唷~」
魔里沙:「靈夢,好宅耶!」 ψdoe
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :現在改skin改太多會不會進不去遊戲啊?1F 12/21 22:11
推 :BB都有阿 這模組的確很合他 XD2F 12/21 22:11
→ :自從我YI大師用了一護的模組 開大都會喊卍˙解!3F 12/21 22:12
推 :安薩的卡特有改初音模組可是沒改好,有次實況對面的4F 12/21 22:13
推 :最後一個是東方喔 我怎麼都不知道- -5F 12/21 22:13
→ :卡特一整個變的很驚悚 XDD6F 12/21 22:13
推 :先推7F 12/21 22:14
推 :←因為魔理沙lux而跳坑的8F 12/21 22:14
推 :初音這乳量不對啊9F 12/21 22:14
→ :noel不是東方啊,不過noel的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ也不錯10F 12/21 22:15
→ :官方如果更新模組 整個遊戲會癱瘓只能重灌不能更新11F 12/21 22:16
推 :東方推一下12F 12/21 22:18
推 :這個魔理沙我認不出來耶QQ13F 12/21 22:19
推 :卡特的初音模組腳會破圖14F 12/21 22:19
推 :noel是蒼翼默示錄的吧15F 12/21 22:20
→ :安妮變成笨蛋這屬於整個不合啊XDDD16F 12/21 22:20
*Vaguely* Hakurei Sona by heureux | Sona, the Maven of the String ..
A custom skin for Sona, the Maven of the Strings created by heureux | ENG
A custom skin for Sona, the Maven of the Strings created by heureux | ENG
推 :Lux魔理沙下載後解壓縮檔名的確是寫魔理沙的羅馬拼音19F 12/21 22:26
推 :看到咲夜ire讓我突然想要玩irelia了 阿阿阿~~~20F 12/21 22:27
→ :提一下就是Yi大師的妖夢只有Skin,沒有頭像跟讀取圖21F 12/21 22:27
推 :那有語音嗎= =+22F 12/21 22:27
推 :CAIT的學姐SKIN勒~~23F 12/21 22:28
推 :語音也是有可能,跟Characters同層有個sounds資料夾24F 12/21 22:31
→ :理面的子資料夾FOD有寫著全英雄ID的*.fsb檔
→ :拿".fsb檔"當關鍵字去google後,會發現是有可能替換的
→ :理面的子資料夾FOD有寫著全英雄ID的*.fsb檔
→ :拿".fsb檔"當關鍵字去google後,會發現是有可能替換的
推 :安妮9好可愛!!!東方推~XD27F 12/21 22:42
→ :所以我可以讓SONA喊Demaciaaaaaaa嗎XDDD28F 12/21 22:43
推 :推~!29F 12/21 22:44
推 :不過這次我猜測的,先找到英雄語音是不是放在那資料夾30F 12/21 22:44
推 :我記得有少女安妮的SKIN...31F 12/21 22:44
推 :只有我念三樓的推文會念成開"大都會"喊卍解而疑惑嗎32F 12/21 22:58
推 :阿9安妮好讚!!!33F 12/21 22:58
推 :大都會近點拿掉了才比較公平34F 12/21 23:02
推 :妖夢安妮違合感0..35F 12/21 23:07
推 :MIKU拿兩根蔥想幹嘛~36F 12/21 23:20
推 :靈夢最不像37F 12/21 23:29
leagueoflegends Custom skin for Riven - soul calibur 4 - YouTube Skin Artist is Mago blanco Hi all. Here I offer you my new skin for riven. The model has been extracted from Soul Calibur IV. The skin contains: - Loadscreen...
推 :irelia有nu-13的skin40F 12/21 23:42
已新增於內文,感謝分享:)推 :芙蘭的滿酷的 不過幹嘛翻成深紅阿 冏41F 12/22 00:01
推 :樓上 scarlet=深紅 深紅姊妹...42F 12/22 00:03
推 :請問有些商店的SKIN我都買不了是甚麼原因呢?43F 12/22 00:24
→ :例如死哥的五殺樂團SKIN之類的
→ :是因為我等級不夠高的原因嗎0.0?
→ :例如死哥的五殺樂團SKIN之類的
→ :是因為我等級不夠高的原因嗎0.0?
推 :我知道意思是深紅阿 可是沒在這樣翻的吧= =46F 12/22 00:51
推 :通常都直接音翻斯卡雷特47F 12/22 01:20
推 :有人改4181的魔甘娜嗎? 一直改失敗@@ 放FallenAngel48F 12/22 01:47
→ :資料夾還是Morgana資料夾都不行
→ :資料夾還是Morgana資料夾都不行
推 :就lux skin最棒,其他覺得普普50F 12/22 02:18
→ :"大都會"+1 ...51F 12/22 02:43
推 :SONA才沒有靈夢這麼暴力 這其中一定有什麼誤會52F 12/22 04:42
推 :呃,我先說,這串的skin我全都用過,其中有四個無法53F 12/22 08:52
→ :套用在這一版,分別是魔甘娜、凱特、好運以及
→ :而除了十六夜與魔雨之外,我通通不推薦修改
→ :套用在這一版,分別是魔甘娜、凱特、好運以及
→ :而除了十六夜與魔雨之外,我通通不推薦修改
→ Anzar :因為都是半成品,這樣 12/22 08:54
已於內文加上補充→ :這篇裡面有兩個4181 0.0"56F 12/22 08:59
推 :那是因為4181可以對應兩個英雄,但是都是壞的57F 12/22 09:38
推 :妖夢Yi還不錯阿 我覺得完成度也還不錯58F 12/22 10:54
→ :妖夢Yi只有skin,完全沒有jpg png dds,要玩家自己做59F 12/22 11:49
※ 編輯: MakinoSora 來自: (12/22 13:13)※ 編輯: MakinoSora 來自: (12/22 13:15)
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