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※ 本文為 SmileKarenC.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-23 20:46:33
看板 LadyGaga
作者 foamb ()
標題 [影] 菲律賓場 感性時間~
時間 Wed May 23 00:53:13 2012

原影片  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9F7wgUHesQ
Born This Way Ball Manila - Hair + Speeches - YouTube
Lady Gaga talks about the protests regarding her concert and sings Hair! I cry at some pointed, if you can spot it :P Embarrassing "ugh huh ugh huh" at 4:20-...


I know that everybody thinks that I stands for... well not everybody... but
some people think I'm stand for like, really inappropriate thing and really
bad... Listen! You don't have to boo, I'm slightly irresponsible. Let's be
honest. But they are not completely right, and the truth is, I want the fucking
best for you, I want the best for everything single one of you, I love you all
my heart all my soul, I really do.

And all the thing I think about the way I am my lifestyle is just part of this
one big giant live performance our statement of liberation. So... I hope that
you feel tonight as free as your hair. So for those if you don't feel free,
take this as an oppotunity to free yourself !

我知道大家都覺得.. 呃,不是大家


聽好,不用噓他們,其實我也免不了一些責任 :p

但他們的看法不全然都對。你們只要知道,我他媽是真心希望你們好 !

我發自內心、我的靈魂,愛你們大家,真的 !


希望你們在今晚,也可以感受到自由 --- 就像你們的頭髮


I think I'm also like a little bit jet lag so please don't cry I think that's

only because I've been traveled a lot ( 其實聽不清楚,不確定這樣對不對 XD )

But, I just feel like... you know so many people have been protesting and it
really doesn't bother me truely because I know that... it has to be changed.
But for all those kids all over the world that take their lives they are so
young because they feel bullied, or they are afraid because they are gay, they
don't wanna tell anybody... Don't you think that some of us should fucking
stand up and say the fucking truth!?

It's true! It's not about the music, it's not about anything it's not about my
clothes it's not about having hit record. It's fucking god damn true that
people in the world need to be free of who they are and be proud and feel
valuable no matter where they live




你們難道不覺得,碼的 ! 我們必須挺身而出,把該死的真相給說出來嗎 !!!

我說真的 ! 這無關我的音樂、我的服裝、還有什麼暢銷金曲...


都應該自由地成為他們想成為的人,然後為自己感到驕傲、感到有價值 !



英文聽打的部分感謝 christycamel >////<  超強的~

我只負責抓錯 & 中文翻譯 :p

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
lonelyboy94:大推1F 05/23 00:55
foamb:翻得不夠好請不用客氣直接糾正我 XD  (畢竟我不是本科系 @@)2F 05/23 00:56
minamityt:推推推~3F 05/23 00:56
eippuy:本科系說不定也沒你強4F 05/23 00:56
k15464:讚啦5F 05/23 00:57
icefishxx:推推推!!!!!!!!!!6F 05/23 01:04
foamb:謝謝 >///<7F 05/23 01:09
foamb:然後中間有兩個地方 我們都聽不出來 (我有標在script裡)
foamb:有高手要救援一下嗎  :p
yeanla:I'm slightly irresponsible. Let's be honest!10F 05/23 01:22

感謝y大!! 現在就剩中間她啜泣的地方不知道在說啥了 XD

VVax:11F 05/23 01:31
※ 編輯: foamb           來自:        (05/23 02:36)
sampower:推!!!!!!12F 05/23 07:58
llibertat:推!!!13F 05/23 09:44
eippuy:a...Gaga每場都要哭嘛= =?14F 05/23 12:08
s77727r:推推15F 05/23 12:43
hieidark7:哭是真性情啊~表示GAGA很在乎每一場的演出~她真的超賣力16F 05/23 13:12
JustD:想哭就哭阿,看她演出就知道有多賣力。17F 05/23 13:20
swimmingcold:QQ18F 05/23 14:27
ohyeah0512:QQ 太感動了19F 05/23 14:29
SmileKarenC:推一個~ ^^  借轉到FB上20F 05/23 20:37

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