※ 本文為 nnccp 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-08 00:26:43
朴 有 天 2012 生日快樂 慶生活動 之
╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵) 眾所矚目推圖活動第五回!! ╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)
北七無理數! 越三八越是愛!
http://disp.cc/b/27-3Kuy 抓圖用網頁版 不定期更新!
詳細說明如圖: http://i.imgur.com/gw5mV.jpg (請打開來看喔!)
例如這篇網頁好讀版: http://disp.cc/b/27-3KtF
[JYJ ][活動]♥ twa~~~a甜甜♥ 有天生日推圖04 - FW板 - Disp BBS
"*-.,_,.( ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"'*-.,_,.-*'
"*-.,_,. 推圖活動第四回!! "身體景點六通 ... ...1.帶副檔名.jpg or .gif 的推文網址
回到主題!! 米飯的資料夾裡一定要有的就是北七崩壞照
http://ppt.cc/W3p7 翻白眼我很早就會了
http://ppt.cc/l2cK 這位少女真放得開~
~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~以下開放幼幼班報名~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~
※ 編輯: nnccp 來自: (06/05 19:57)
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
推 :哦哦哦~我就是在等這篇啊!!(搓手)3F 06/05 20:01
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
推 :期待這篇很久了 我右鍵準備好了XDDDDD5F 06/05 20:02
→ :she大~~要推"帶有副檔名"的網址~~~~~~~~~~~7F 06/05 20:03
→ :沒有I的也可以~8F 06/05 20:03
→ :she大那種的也可以^^9F 06/05 20:04
推 :辛苦了!!我愛好讀網誌版 XD11F 06/05 20:04
→ :啊啊啊拍謝 我沒看清楚Q__Q12F 06/05 20:05
推 :因為今天米秀在推特上的賣萌...應景的先來些米秀北七圖14F 06/05 20:05
→ :我貼的圖都還是沒崩壞的 崩壞的我好像不多XDDDDDD15F 06/05 20:06
※ 編輯: nnccp 來自: (06/05 20:08)推 :差點滑倒的好有笑點XDDDD23F 06/05 20:10
→ :這篇太好笑了拉XDDDDDDD24F 06/05 20:10
推 :翻白眼頭還一直搖XDDDDDDDDDDDDD25F 06/05 20:10
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
→ :拖下水XD28F 06/05 20:11
→ :櫻桃大那張 跳的時候要喊 "胎胎 胎胎" XDDDDDDDDD29F 06/05 20:12
推 :超愛那個的 ㄍ一ㄚˊ~ㄍㄧㄚˊ~~XDDDDDDD30F 06/05 20:13
推 :櫻桃大的胎胎~~XDDDDDDDDDD 有天是猿!XD32F 06/05 20:14
→ :我覺得這篇會成為經典XDDDD34F 06/05 20:14
推 :keita大那個影片我一直re那段 沒想到有動圖XDDDD37F 06/05 20:15
→ :經典好阿!!!XDDDDDD bbbbb38F 06/05 20:15
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
推 :nnccp大,我也覺得這篇很驚人XDDDD42F 06/05 20:16
→ :我覺得被揮開好帥喔> <45F 06/05 20:18
→ :有天 俊秀 昌民 上演鹹濕戲碼 XD51F 06/05 20:20
→ :第二章被揮開 手在那裏游移很變態XD52F 06/05 20:20
推 :等一天了 右鍵預備 謝謝各位先進XDDDDD55F 06/05 20:20
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
→ :斜笑搓手好好笑XD68F 06/05 20:23
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
→ :mini大玩wii那張XDDDDDDDDDDDDD79F 06/05 20:27
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
→ :香蕉牛奶跟名模XDDDDDD84F 06/05 20:28
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
→ :要開下一篇嗎? 大家會有空去樓下嗎XD95F 06/05 20:31
→ :nn大先開沒關係 等等就下去樓下了XDDD97F 06/05 20:31
推 :在中就這樣被坐嗎XDDDD98F 06/05 20:32
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
→ :是阿XDDDDD 在中就這樣被...XDDD101F 06/05 20:32
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
推 :mini大那張李先俊XDD116F 06/05 20:38
→ :=============== 今晚 9 點半 猜題活動開跑 ===============130F 06/05 20:52
→ :啊咧...怎麼只剩我一隻......131F 06/05 20:53
→ :因為我丟出來的圖...貼玩了XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD132F 06/05 20:53
→ :其實我有圖 但是上傳很慢(哭奔)138F 06/05 20:57
推 :北極熊是哪個節目裡的呢@@? 印象沒有看過哩139F 06/05 20:57
→ :北極熊就是拍HAHA song的花絮142F 06/05 20:59
→ :有換OS:你是我哥嗎?!囧145F 06/05 21:00
推 :是有煥,我打太快了!(哭奔)147F 06/05 21:02
→ :櫻桃大連打.......是無言的意思嗎XD151F 06/05 21:05
推 :一回家看到這些快笑死!cherry大的真的都很厲害XDDDDD152F 06/05 21:05
→ :我無法用言語形容我內心的膨湃XD153F 06/05 21:05
推 :這系列絕對會是經典!XDDDDD154F 06/05 21:07
推 :囧圖大集合XDDDDDDD157F 06/05 21:12
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
推 :樓上的衰臉我笑了XDDD161F 06/05 21:21
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
→ :那個主題的 但最後那個鏡頭讓我果斷放來這惹~164F 06/05 21:22
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
→ :衰臉我大笑XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD168F 06/05 21:25
→ :81cm 後面更好笑 XDDD171F 06/05 21:27
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
推 :泡麵的也好好笑XDDD175F 06/05 21:30
→ :活動要開始囉!177F 06/05 21:30
→ :ending惹~~ (撥瀏海)182F 06/05 21:41
→ :掐ㄍㄧㄚ超可愛!!!!!183F 06/05 22:00
→ :我要先把整篇讀完~才不會推到重複的圖XDDD184F 06/05 22:58
推 :小木馬的逆襲太天才了185F 06/05 23:13
→ :整篇讀完很難耶 XD 要好久 XDDD186F 06/05 23:22
推 :有網頁好讀版嗎?歹勢我動圖太多.....187F 06/05 23:24
[JYJ ][活動]?煸wa~~~a甜甜?犌酗悒秅敼戴?5 - FW板 - Disp BBS
朴 有 天 2012 生日快樂 慶生活動 之 ╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵) 眾所矚目推圖活動第五回!! ╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵) ... ...
推 :n大 感恩~~190F 06/05 23:31
推 :謝謝n大 好讀板可以一次笑到底XD191F 06/06 00:55
→ :大家都轉移到網頁版了嗎XD 記得回來原文逛逛啊XDD192F 06/06 00:56
推 :我一直以為這篇文會很快爆的XD193F 06/06 00:59
推 :大家可能正在用右鍵XDDDD194F 06/06 00:59
→ :我也以為這篇會很快爆XDD195F 06/06 01:08
→ :大家可能明天要去買新滑鼠吧
→ :大家可能明天要去買新滑鼠吧
推 :剛又找到一堆圖....明天應該還可以貼吧XD197F 06/06 01:43
→ :有勞櫻桃大了XD198F 06/06 01:46
→ :期待~~~XDD199F 06/06 01:46
推 :我愛北七照!! 願望一次滿足~~笑到肚子痛!右鍵快壞了XDDD200F 06/06 01:48
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
→ :我去上班了! T^T212F 06/06 07:47
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
推 :倉鼠朴好好笑!!!真的有像XDDD218F 06/06 07:58
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
推 :這篇從頭看到尾會笑死XDDDD222F 06/06 11:20
→ :剛剛才想到有個北七資料夾沒貼完XDDD223F 06/06 11:52
推 :笑到肚子好痛~新米飯們還在吧?224F 06/06 11:55
推 :這篇太經典了,會笑死XDD225F 06/06 14:04
推 :昨天右鍵到電腦生氣了ㄒ.ㄒ226F 06/06 14:14
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
imgur: the simple image sharer
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. ...
推 :永遠不嫌晚XD234F 06/06 19:48
→ :cherry大超強XDDDDDDDDD 我好愛你!!!!!!!!!!250F 06/06 20:09
→ :OOO好可愛!!!!!257F 06/06 20:18
→ :呼~貼完惹~~~米飯都還在吧(笑)272F 06/06 20:33
→ :在唷XD273F 06/06 20:37
→ :默默地一直收圖中XD
→ :默默地一直收圖中XD
推 :櫻桃大乾脆把檔案開分享好了 XD275F 06/06 20:39
推 :XD圖都很經典276F 06/06 20:42
推 :我檔案裡面一堆亂七八糟的東西...還是不要開比較好XD277F 06/06 20:44
推 :每次看有天吃東西的圖 就覺得那東西感覺好好吃~(口水)279F 06/06 21:29
→ :亂七八糟的東西很吸引人.....(?)280F 06/06 23:15
推 :非常同意很吸引人!快公開吧!櫻桃大!XD281F 06/06 23:36
推 :分享分享 XDDDD282F 06/07 00:03
推 :因為我裡面有放一些韓站周邊的掃圖跟DVD的動圖....283F 06/07 00:28
→ :那些東西不太適合在公開版面放....
→ :那些東西不太適合在公開版面放....
推 :哇賽!!韓站得更吸引人>/////<285F 06/07 00:36
推 :其實我網上空間的圖都是我從電腦資料夾裡挖出來的也幾286F 06/07 02:05
→ :乎全貼了(除了韓站周邊真的比較不好貼這外) 然後因為我
→ :圖檔都亂塞在各個硬碟裡 所以找圖不太容易XD 但剛又找
→ :到幾張有笑點的...明天再來貼...生日都過3天了還在貼圖
→ :有很過份嗎XD 話說回來我電腦裡為什麼都是這種圖(抱頭)
推 :http://tinyurl.com/8ayok2d 朴男模(?)
→ :乎全貼了(除了韓站周邊真的比較不好貼這外) 然後因為我
→ :圖檔都亂塞在各個硬碟裡 所以找圖不太容易XD 但剛又找
→ :到幾張有笑點的...明天再來貼...生日都過3天了還在貼圖
→ :有很過份嗎XD 話說回來我電腦裡為什麼都是這種圖(抱頭)
推 :http://tinyurl.com/8ayok2d 朴男模(?)
→ :呼~真的要OVER了....再貼我就刴手XD314F 06/07 20:30
推 :被抬走那張好好笑XDDDDDD315F 06/07 23:09
推 :捕捉到 黏到紙花的那一幕好強316F 06/07 23:09
→ :感覺櫻桃大的圖庫很大!!!!!好多北七圖XDDD317F 06/07 23:10
→ :嚇死人了櫻桃大貼好多XDDDDDDD318F 06/07 23:31
推 :我08年那時比較閒 所以他們的影片我都一直死盯著朴有天319F 06/07 23:35
→ :看XDD
→ :然後就會看到很多不該看到的小細節...朴有天真的是北七
→ :界的霸主無誤XDD
→ :看XDD
→ :然後就會看到很多不該看到的小細節...朴有天真的是北七
→ :界的霸主無誤XDD
推 :看完櫻桃大新貼的一輪照片 真的很想說 朴有天你這北七XDDD323F 06/07 23:42
→ :這篇真的太精彩了XDD324F 06/08 00:24
※ 看板: FW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1193