※ 本文為 greatc.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-30 22:19:09
看板 tvxq
作者 標題 [影音] 你累了嗎趴3 五人美妙合音淨化你的耳朵
時間 Sat Jun 30 17:14:18 2012
1. Hug (Acapella) at 2nd Japan Tour Five In The Black
DBSK - Hug Acapella live at 2nd Live Tour 2007 - Five in the Black - YouTube Happy Valentines 2011 - DBSK performance of "Hug" acapella live at 2nd Live Tour 2007 Five in the Black. DBSK is best acapella ever.

2. Begin at Bigeast 3rd Fanclub Event
HDBSK - Begin Live (Bigeast 3rd Fanclub Event) - YouTube
There's much to say about this beautiful song. It's an amazing song with such great harmony. DBSK sing it with passion and harmonizing voice.
There's much to say about this beautiful song. It's an amazing song with such great harmony. DBSK sing it with passion and harmonizing voice.

3. Love In The Ice at SOUL POWER 07
DBSK - Love In The Ice (Soul Power Live T concert 2007) [HD] - YouTube This is such a beautiful song. Love in the Ice cannot get any better than this with all five artists singing in harmony on a beautiful tune. The background m...

4. Bolero at ONTAMA concert
5. Why Did I Fall In Love With You at 08'A-nation
Why Did I Fall In Love With You (HD)[Tohoshinki][DBSK] Breathtaking Performance - YouTube If you don't know, DBSK is a member of 2 (Yunho and Changmin) as of this present. And JYJ (Jaejooong, Yuchun, and Junsu) is in their group as well. Still man...

6. Lion Heart(cover SMAP) at Our Music
7. HaHaHa Song(acapella ver.)
DBSK - Hahaha Song Acapella Samsung Campaign 2008 - YouTube
This is what DBSK is known for - their beautiful acapella. This shows DBSK singing the "Hahaha" song in acapella form for the Samsung campaign that they did....
This is what DBSK is known for - their beautiful acapella. This shows DBSK singing the "Hahaha" song in acapella form for the Samsung campaign that they did....

8. In The Still of the Night(acapella ver.) at Love Letter
[HD] DBSK - In The Still of the Night (LoveLetter) - YouTube
A special performance from Yoon DoHyun's LoveLetter show - DBSK show off their vocal prowess with a version of It's In The Still of The Night! Fully HD, so e...
A special performance from Yoon DoHyun's LoveLetter show - DBSK show off their vocal prowess with a version of It's In The Still of The Night! Fully HD, so e...

9. Stand By You at 4th Japan Tour The Secret Code
[HD] Tohoshinki - The Secret Code Live at Tokyo Dome - Stand By U - YouTube Straight from the recent DVD release, this is Tohoshinki LIVE at the Tokyo Dome, the finale of their Secret Code Tour. This twenty-second clip (In HIGH DEFIN...

10. Tonight at 3rd Asia Tour Concert MIROTIC
DBSK - Tonight Live Performance (3rd Asia Tour Concert MIROTIC in Seoul) [HD] - YouTube One of my favorite songs by DBSK :) This is why they are called gods of the east! Breathtaking performance ♥ Jaejoong at 4:31 nuff said xD

11. Survivor at 09'A-nation
DBSK - Survivor (Live at A-Nation 09.26.2009) [HD] - YouTube
Survivor is one HOT song, especially when DBSK does it live here at A-Nation on September 26, 2009. Great beat, great song, great performance! For some reaso...
Survivor is one HOT song, especially when DBSK does it live here at A-Nation on September 26, 2009. Great beat, great song, great performance! For some reaso...

金在中 - 為了你
For You (Neoreul Wihae) // Jaejoong's Version (Mp3 Link + English Subtitels) - YouTube I just LOVE this song but or i should say this version of Jae. I have been searching for the original version and also the lyrics but couldn't find it anywhe...

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※ 編輯: tvxqwei 來自: (06/30 17:15)
推 :推合音!!真是超美好的www1F 06/30 17:16
推 :合音超級美好!!!!!!!!!!2F 06/30 17:18
推 :推!洗完眼睛洗耳朵~現在每陪我上下班依然是五人時的音樂~3F 06/30 17:18
推 :推~~ 謝謝分享 :)4F 06/30 17:19
推 :謝謝分享!! 感謝原PO5F 06/30 17:21
推 :超愛hug跟love in the ice!美妙合聲阿!6F 06/30 17:24
推 :我超愛東神的acapella啊! 真的很有洗滌心靈的效果!7F 06/30 17:31
推 :每天聽都不膩+18F 06/30 17:43
推 :還記得被hahasong驚到 就此跌坑的人(舉9F 06/30 18:01
推 :推 好多多多首神曲!10F 06/30 18:03
※ 編輯: tvxqwei 來自: (06/30 18:09)推 :合音真的超棒的!for you也好好聽喔11F 06/30 18:15
※ 編輯: tvxqwei 來自: (06/30 18:16)推 :合音真的超棒的 阿卡貝拉尤其治癒呀!!12F 06/30 18:33
推 :推壓~~合音真的超棒!!~~13F 06/30 18:41
推 :他們的合音真的是用來淨化耳朵的!!無敵!!14F 06/30 19:03
推 :推!! 超愛他們的合音!!!15F 06/30 19:03
推 :規!!謝謝分享~合音超棒的!!!!16F 06/30 19:07
推 :五人合音無敵!!!!Q/////Q17F 06/30 19:18
來個 PPT 短網址 - 不記名,不排名,膴廣告,真正低調的短網址
PPT(ppt.cc) 短網址,不是 PTT (ptt.cc)唷,幫縮找我就對啦! ...
PPT(ppt.cc) 短網址,不是 PTT (ptt.cc)唷,幫縮找我就對啦! ...
[TVHB] 東方神起 2007年 2nd Japan tour concert- Whatever they say (Acappella清唱合聲) 中字 - YouTube 來源:TVHB 東方神起(TVXQ/Tohoshinki/DBSK) 2007年 2nd Japan tour concert (日本二巡) "Five in the black" 演唱會 in 武道館 - Whatever they say (Acappella清唱合聲) 中字

推 :ohhhhh合音超棒的!!!!!!20F 06/30 19:41
推 :有這些歌陪伴真好~~~不然版上這麼安靜讓我好恐慌~~~21F 06/30 19:42
幼兒東神在車上清唱WHATEVER THEY SAY♥ - YouTube
最近無意間找到的視頻~好青澀的神起呀(*´ェ`*) 有天還在後面一邊吃零食一邊很敬業的唱歌^^小心噎到阿你-_- 在中不要調戲秀秀!!快去找允浩吧(不 允浩昌珉也一起合唱,但鏡頭沒TAKE到,想當藏鏡人吧我想(才不是
最近無意間找到的視頻~好青澀的神起呀(*´ェ`*) 有天還在後面一邊吃零食一邊很敬業的唱歌^^小心噎到阿你-_- 在中不要調戲秀秀!!快去找允浩吧(不 允浩昌珉也一起合唱,但鏡頭沒TAKE到,想當藏鏡人吧我想(才不是

推 :推 謝謝分享~ 不小心一首接一首的看下去了XDD23F 06/30 19:58
推 :吃零食真的很經典XD24F 06/30 19:59
推 :零食那超經典XDD 每次看每次笑 哈哈哈25F 06/30 20:00
推 :吃零食還硬要唱 很經典又好好笑XDDDDD26F 06/30 20:05
推 :好喜歡In The Still of the Night允浩超低音的部份 >////<27F 06/30 20:06
推 :合音是天籟啊...洗滌身心靈~~~28F 06/30 20:14
推 :推五人的合音~ 最後面是調戲俊秀嗎XDD29F 06/30 20:17
推 :sfh大的影片好好聽也好好笑.... XDDDDDDDD30F 06/30 20:21
推 :請問為了你那首歌是收在哪張專輯阿??31F 06/30 20:31
→ :為了你是舊歌耶 是任在範的歌32F 06/30 20:32
推 :所以不是他們自己的歌囉??33F 06/30 20:37
→ :只是演唱會上翻唱過 沒有收錄在專輯 樓上原唱好聽~35F 06/30 20:49
推 :推五人合音 歷久彌新36F 06/30 20:52
推 :今早剛好想聽Survivor,而且就是這首把我拉進來成為男仙的38F 06/30 21:20
推 :感謝整理分享阿!!!5人合音真的是天籟!!!39F 06/30 21:21
推 :五人的阿卡佩拉真的超級觸動人心阿!!!!!40F 06/30 21:33
推 :K大謝謝妳 上次在中FM之後就一直想找這首歌 ^^41F 06/30 21:34
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