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※ 本文為 sate5232.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-07-03 13:32:04
看板 Free_box
作者 GoNow (狗腦)
標題 [討論] 紐西蘭法院判警方違法搜索MU
時間 Fri Jun 29 10:30:51 2012

http://reut.rs/Lk2S20 (路透社)

NZ court finds Megaupload search warrants illegal

Thu, Jun 28 2012  By Mantik Kusjanto

* Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom arrested in NZ mansion raid in Jan
* Search warrants too vague, are invalid - NZ judge
* Ruling casts doubt on high profile FBI copyright piracy case
* U.S. extradition hearing set for August


WELLINGTON, June 28 (Reuters) - Search warrants used when 70 New Zealand
police raided the mansion of the suspected kingpin of an Internet piracy ring
were illegal, a New Zealand court ruled on Thursday, dealing a blow to the
FBI's highest profile global copyright theft case.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 編輯: GoNow           來自:       (06/29 10:33)
cathyforever:美國也太鴨霸了~什麼事情都跟他有關係1F 06/29 12:57
d145088:世界警察......2F 06/29 14:44
timeofeve:MU回的來...嗎?3F 06/29 14:49
a5091300:正義正一步步回來了!4F 06/29 18:27
oidkk:其實他們不是要打盜版,而是有大公司不爽,FBI才去抄5F 06/29 19:37
jin062900:不是說是美國那幾間電影公司施壓的嗎6F 06/29 19:46
s25g5d4:now in被調查局抄 全部人都幹譙調查局7F 06/29 20:00
s25g5d4:MU被FBI超 全部的人都幹譙FBI
a5091300:           O你O的10F 06/29 20:09
t0042380:公理跟正義都要回來了嗎…?11F 06/29 21:07
supercoolman:FBI原本不是抓壞蛋的嗎?現在變成大公司的打手?12F 07/01 16:25
kamichu:FBI 不是第一次當打手了吧 像是台灣的四維膠帶13F 07/02 11:57

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