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※ 本文為 npc 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-17 11:08:07
看板 sex
作者 Nilo (辰)
標題 [閒聊] 西斯版翻譯第四篇(最後的啦)。
時間 Thu Aug 16 20:02:14 2012

   這兩篇很偏激= =,第一篇感覺像是阿宅幻想文;第二篇好像一個阿宅被甩而罵人。

    True enough. Taiwanese women are the most selfish creatures I ever
encounted. I used to live in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore and in all
these countries. I met gorgeous and sincere ladies with well manners and
good heart. Since I took this job in Taiwan my sexual, emotional and dating
life is totally fucked up...


   And yes, never, ever EVER marry taiwanese bitch unless she makes you
rich... You have to target women with money. Either self-employed or well
paid professional with a thick saving accounts. BUT BE AWARE; Even if you
hold Phd from Gigolo University it will be pretty tough to squeeze any money
out of her. Yet if you are that good or that lucky to put such spell on her
then try your best to squeeze her dry. Once you take her money then you are
the boss. You can enslave her and no matter what you do or how you treat her
she will be submissive little bich that licks your toes hoping for the rest
of her pathetic life that one day when you are off guard or off of your
mind she might somehow get her ''investment'' back.


    Piece of life saving advice;

    If you are that good or that lucky, take her money, make her empty her
accounts or sell the house or put her in debt if need. Don't feel any
remorse and DO NOT HESITATE just take it all if you can. During the entire
process make sure your passport is in the safe place.


    Enjoy island for a while and fuck around. (especially those teenage
little bitches, gold diggers. You have to tear them apart and destroy their
little cunts the way that they won't be good for any cock anymore. You also
have to fuck them in the ass until they have to wear dipers for the rest of
their hello kitty miserable animal lives).


   After you satisfy your rage and acomplish your revenge transfer all money
 to your country or switch it to good traveler's cheques and get the air
ticet. Tell your squeezed bitch your father just passed away so you have
to go without any delay. Or if you want to play with her a bit more just
talk her into threesome and expose her to the brutal and painful double
penetration together with some ruthless dude. You can even try asking her
for more money or turn her into hooker. You can be her pimp for a
while and see how it goes. But once you see black and thick question
mark above her dumb empty head just get ready and get a hella out of here!!!





     TW girls... as far as I know, they wish they were japanese. When they
speak, to differentiate their MANDARIN from what their Chinese cousins over
in the mainland, they always speak in a really fake ass Japanese wannabe
tone. It's so fucking lame. I know I know, there's a bit of history of
Japanese occupation of TW, but you don't see Koreans, as cocky as they
can be sometimes, completely idolizing another nationality to a point of
basically copying them. It's funny how TW wants to be recognized as its
own state, with its own nationality, but in the end, all their pride is
nothing more than a facade, an image. And if the Japs have an attractive
image, they'd rather become semi-Japanese. That's fucking lame dude. That's
not pride, that's just ignorance and a lack of self-worth.


    Then you get the whores, those rich ass international American born
Taiwanese bitches. I've met one. She was ugly as fuck, FLAT face with wide
nostrils and ugly ass fish lips. Her face looked like a puck or a pancake.
But I'm not a superficial guy. I really wouldn't give a shit other than the
fact that she has zero personality. She's always been a stuck up bitch, and
if it wasn't for the fact that she was always ugly, she'd be on every
daddies' dick.


    When she was done with her highschool and university education in
Toronto, she went somewhere in Asia, and got her rich ass family's funds to
get a full face plastic surgery. Now she flaunts her pretty little flawless
plastic face everywhere. She doesn't really work, her family pays for
everything. She's just gonna marry some rich guy and suck off boyfriends on
the side. That to me, pretty much sums up TW bitches. Born ugly, if you are
from a rich background, then go get plastic surgery as a "reward" for getting
through school studying god-knows-what, then going back to the states or
canada or where-ever else and party until you suck off the right guy who
will supply you with gucci and LV purses for the rest of your life.




    Fuck, an ugly bitch turning into a swan through the operating table,
and some turn of event somehow gives a TW hoe the right to be a bitch. What
a joke. She used to be the most insecure person in the world even as a kid
and in her teens and now all it took was some surgery... see how SHALLOW
these TW chicks are.


    Funny thing is, a lot of them are really stupid. Not just self-centered.
This plastic TW bitch graduated from Uni. Toronto with something, not sure
what exactly her degree was in (probably sucking cock for more surgeries)..
ad now she works at retail at a SHOESTORE.


    Tawianese chicks are a joke. It's fucked up. I'm sure there are girls
from all over like them but man, Taiwanese chicks can be pretty awful. None
of them can support themselves or have any rational thoughts or goals, or the
desire to become a complete PERSON rather than a fashion accessory.



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※ 編輯: Nilo            來自:         (08/16 20:03)
iammyfriend:要麻就全發完 不要半圖而廢1F 08/16 20:06
rexagi1988:這篇我就覺得沒啥好翻的了2F 08/16 20:07
zoeforce:完了完了我開始有了交個外國女友的念頭....3F 08/16 20:21
bamboo313:徵求勇者轉法西斯版4F 08/16 20:24
skylate:轉法西斯應該馬上秒殺吧XD5F 08/16 20:25
zoeforce:轉過去只是引戰而已吧? 沒CCR現在要戰法西斯?6F 08/16 20:25
Ianthegood:第一篇感覺像是東南亞人?7F 08/16 20:26
zoeforce:別轉啦8F 08/16 20:26
SGshinji:拜託你貼給你的女性家人朋友看洩洩9F 08/16 20:26
youyou4509:這篇不值得翻譯10F 08/16 20:31
Refauth:這篇就有點過頭了,完全我的菜。11F 08/16 20:32
AirPenguin:翻譯給推12F 08/16 20:34
look1225:講的偏激  等等某玩咖又要憤怒噓了   N大辛苦了13F 08/16 20:35
tattyHATE:這兩篇很無聊.  比較像幻想文沒錯14F 08/16 20:36
skhan:感覺這樣的英文課學很快 台灣姦強點 加油15F 08/16 20:45
j769132:阿 飛了16F 08/16 20:51
JackBarock:不知道為什麼我懷疑這作者一定被綠光感染過 XDD17F 08/16 20:52
j769132:我晚上9點飛機 有人要去嗎18F 08/16 20:52
JackBarock:字裡行間透漏了淡淡的哀傷 ? 表弟滿天下嗎 ? XD19F 08/16 20:52
feeling1230:樓下轉20F 08/16 20:55
NLchu:這系列挺有意思的21F 08/16 21:07
guide17:這篇也很好笑呀!!!外國人都很幽默22F 08/16 21:28
knight210497:操你媽的作者王八蛋 幹23F 08/16 21:35
knight210497:是罵原作 不是翻譯的人
a2626:翻譯辛苦啦..25F 08/16 22:58
TOMMY75410:歪果人都很耐斯的,衣錠是有甚麼誤會~27F 08/16 23:28
alphah:這太偏激了28F 08/16 23:51
linsmile:歪國人很耐斯的~29F 08/16 23:56
qwertyuiop:我開始相信你了30F 08/16 23:56
aiwenmango:翻譯辛苦了!  這老外肯定栽在台女手裡 所以悲從中來31F 08/17 00:24
leo6315:推  第二段講台女媚日超靠杯XDDDDDDDDDDDD32F 08/17 00:48
RedmanYO:實話實說33F 08/17 00:52
FUkobeCK: 實 話 實 說 系 列34F 08/17 01:43
jrhouse:真慘..我今天吃的魚..就是要寄錢給他外國男友讀書...慘吧35F 08/17 03:04
vocational5F:歪國人超耐濕36F 08/17 07:24
tp6u45p4:真的是婊子37F 08/17 08:02
ex951753:TRUE38F 08/17 08:46
archiuray:這篇中間論點我還滿認同的,會去整型就有點膚淺了,又不是39F 08/17 09:10

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  01-27 17:05 TW
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