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※ 本文為 mailismine.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-01-01 23:57:23
看板 NBA
作者 dh127 (dh127)
標題 Fw: [外電] 火箭輸給馬刺的真相
時間 Tue Jan  1 15:34:20 2013

※ [本文轉錄自 Jeremy_Lin 看板 #1GuerTKQ ]

看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 colza (菜包)
標題 Fw: [外電] 火箭輸給馬刺的真相
時間 Tue Jan  1 15:16:44 2013

※ [本文轉錄自 Rockets 看板 #1Gue1FlS ]

看板 Rockets
作者 JimmyBlue (飛行電冰箱)
標題 [外電] 火箭輸給馬刺的真相
時間 Tue Jan  1 14:21:00 2013

Ultimate Rockets » Delfino returns after food poisoning he blames on dinner at Casa de Ginobili Delfino returns after food poisoning he blames on dinner at Casa de Ginobili ...

When Rockets forward Carlos Delfino gets a chance to reciprocate the hospitality shown to him by Manu Ginobili last week, Ginobili might want to bring a food taster along, just in case.

Delfino returned to Rockets’ shootaround on Monday after missing two days with symptoms of food poisoning that he blames on a piece of sausage he ate as Ginobili’s house on Thursday, the day before the Rockets played the Spurs in San Antonio.

“It’s funny,” Delfino said of dinner with his friend and Argentina National Team teammate. “I went to his house and everyone eats the same, but this little piece of sausage I get. Then when I get to the hotel … by the time I take a shower I ate a little piece of M&Ms. That was the only things I ate different from Ginobili’s family. I’ve been down for 72 hours and they are everybody healthy. He was blaming himself.

“I was kind of frustrated. Those games were important for us. We were talking about it being like a test for the team. Missing the games for me was tough, watching on TV. Maybe next time we play against them I will talk to my wife about putting some sausage for him, or something like that.”

The Rockets lost to the Spurs and Thunder, missing their most veteran player’s influence as they had a season-high 24 turnovers in both games.

“He gives us some stability,” Rockets coach Kevin McHale said. “I think he gives us a guy off the bench that has played long minutes in the NBA before. He played big games with his national team. He’s just been around. Carlos doesn’t get into too much of a panic mode. The last couple games, we had a lot of turnovers. We could have used Carlos, just kind of a steadying hand.”


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: colza (, 時間: 01/01/2013 15:16:44
※ 編輯: colza           來自:       (01/01 15:17)
Aswind:我可以免費提供我家冷凍庫角落冰了不知多久的香腸1F 01/01 15:18
phix:XD2F 01/01 15:27
dh127:借轉總版3F 01/01 15:32

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: dh127 (, 時間: 01/01/2013 15:34:20
weiweibo    :屌哥有出賽結果會不一樣嗎?1F 01/01 15:35
ChrisJericho:XDDDD2F 01/01 15:36
jokem       :馬妞的陰謀3F 01/01 15:36
ac197       :有笑有推XDD4F 01/01 15:38
dalensona   :這太幽默了
Rover       :同為阿根廷人,何苦相害XDDDD7F 01/01 15:39
CRAZYFAN    :看看聶雲哥今天的表現 而且馬刺對火箭那場第四節8F 01/01 15:39
CRAZYFAN    :很長一段時間兩隊差距都在三分
young123    :XD Manu真的冷面笑匠阿10F 01/01 15:40
Hsu1025     :xXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD12F 01/01 15:41
zerokonz    :冤冤相報XDDDD13F 01/01 15:41
xpu         :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD14F 01/01 15:43
liu2007     :他老婆有香腸可以準備?!15F 01/01 15:43
tassadar1   :這香腸…有毒… (衝廁所)16F 01/01 15:43
YumingHuang :好像豆豆先生的劇情啊 ....17F 01/01 15:44
wrqet       :哈哈 太有趣了18F 01/01 15:46
iamgoodboy  :我笑了19F 01/01 15:47
MrHeat      :XDDDDDDDDD20F 01/01 15:47
d86012005   :XDD22F 01/01 15:48
theskyofblue:Delfino去Manu家吃香腸...這...23F 01/01 15:50
iamgoodboy  :我覺得此篇可以翻全部耶    整篇都很好笑.....24F 01/01 15:52
dogville    :然後Manu自己沒吃嗎? XDDDDDDDDDD25F 01/01 15:55
MatrixMJ    :馬妞你...XD27F 01/01 15:55
ljuber      :黑暗兵法XDDDDD28F 01/01 15:56
Rover       :那道香腸好像只有Delfino有吃XDDDD29F 01/01 15:56
YumingHuang :看文章寫是大家都有吃,只是delfino有多吃MM巧克力30F 01/01 15:56
YumingHuang :更正,好像多吃一小塊香腸,囧
joker0928   :多吃巧克力跟香腸32F 01/01 16:02
KillLakers  :柯南:這是利用錯覺 讓Delfino吃下Manu下藥的香腸 XD33F 01/01 16:04
jtch        :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD34F 01/01 16:08
bear7977    :太好笑了XDDDDDDDDDDD35F 01/01 16:17
GianniC     :這是來自黑暗料理界的香腸嗎??36F 01/01 16:18
beck1986    :XXXXXD38F 01/01 16:34
circuswu    :兵不厭詐 這是戰爭(誤  wwwwww39F 01/01 16:35
ponkd       :借轉好吃香腸不用錢版,謝謝!XD40F 01/01 16:41
ponkd:轉錄至看板 Spurs                                          01/01 16:41
cadie       :D去G家作客..吃的食物都一樣..唯有M&M不同...但G家41F 01/01 16:42
cadie       :全家都沒有事...只有他一人烙賽..
forever3207 :XDDD43F 01/01 16:44
GianniC     :鬼禿:你是腸胃出事  我是頭髮早就出事了...44F 01/01 16:44
minoru04    :那應該是M&M和香腸相剋45F 01/01 16:44
shin80      :聶雲哥 XDD 下次靠你準備香腸囉46F 01/01 16:53
bokituto    :這太好笑了XDDDD47F 01/01 16:57
xiaohao     :太有趣了XDDDD48F 01/01 17:28
malaimo     :XD49F 01/01 17:31
linisthebest:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD50F 01/01 17:34
PiZ1129     :火箭隊: 原來我們輸給了一條香腸51F 01/01 17:36
yucher      :香腸MVP52F 01/01 17:41
Heechul710  :哈哈哈哈!!!好好笑!!!Delfino!!!!53F 01/01 17:42
cpla1017    :Delfino新綽號:毒香腸54F 01/01 18:10
whporsche   :火箭隊:原來我們輸給了馬妞的香腸(誤55F 01/01 18:20
chense      :老婆下面的香腸彈出來囉56F 01/01 18:23
ILOVEWAVE   :原來Delfino是火箭一哥57F 01/01 18:31
zed9104     :根本牽拖58F 01/01 18:38
unlock      :Manu先吃解藥當然沒事阿 傻傻的59F 01/01 18:46
martell11655:哈~真的假的60F 01/01 18:48
Kulan       :幹  XDDDDDDDDDD62F 01/01 20:39
lin11220206 :XDDD 小心過幾天後開始掉頭髮(誤63F 01/01 20:47

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