※ 本文為 tatacoco 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-23 11:38:55
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 波波維奇:所有人對這賽季都感到失望
時間 Sun Jun 23 10:48:09 2013
"I don't really want to do a soliloquy, but the elephant in the room is that
we're all hurting because we had an opportunity to win a championship right
in the palm of our hands and it didn't happen," Popovich said. "So, that
hurts, and it will dissipate over time, but right now it hurts everyone to
varying degrees."
"That's the kind of articles you guys write," Popovich said, deflecting the
question before cracking a smile, "That we always read. ... I read every one
of them, I swear. I swear, I read every one."
"I'll be honest with you, when you saw the crowd, the first feeling I had was
embarrassment," Popovich. "We wanted to bring it home for them so badly. Was
just embarrassed that we didn't get it done and then as you look at them all
and they just keep cheering you realize, my gosh, you really felt the love
and the way they care for these guys and their team and then it did make it
easier. Like, `Hey, they're with us.' "
在今年的季後賽中,Danny Green、Kawhi Leonard、Gary Neal以及Splitter 等人都有著
"People have been telling us to get younger for the last 15 years, I think,"
Popovich said. "So, we stopped listening to that a long time ago. At one
point, I guess we will be too old, who knows when that is. Going to the
conference finals last year and Finals this year kind of proves that
something is going right."
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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