※ 本文為 nthuhoward 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-04-21 18:53:13
看板 LoL
作者 標題 [閒聊] 老外做的開眼提摩.... XD
時間 Sun Apr 21 01:35:31 2013
Teemo from League of Legends
Hi guys, here is my twist of Teemo from League of Legends. Enjoy! :) 353150 353151 ...
Hi guys, here is my twist of Teemo from League of Legends. Enjoy! :) 353150 353151 ...
XD.... 深情款款,但...
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◆ From:
推 :不蘇胡1F 04/21 01:36
→ :其實水晶之痕的CG影片 題魔就有開演了2F 04/21 01:36
推 :還是好萌喔XDDD3F 04/21 01:37
→ :但那個影片的提摩長很醜就是了@@4F 04/21 01:37
→ :看到這篇才驚覺提魔還真的沒開過眼...5F 04/21 01:37
推 :感覺變老頭子了6F 04/21 01:37
推 :我笑到無法自拔7F 04/21 01:37
推 :想看汎開眼8F 04/21 01:37
→ :今天才注意到+19F 04/21 01:37
推 :這提摩也太老了10F 04/21 01:38
推 :超強...................11F 04/21 01:38
→ :你還是不要開眼好了12F 04/21 01:38
→ :好深情款款..13F 04/21 01:38
推 :有種霸氣14F 04/21 01:39
推 :汎的skin有開眼啊15F 04/21 01:39
→ :為什麼一開眼就老了五十歲....你腫摩了提摩16F 04/21 01:42
→ :整個噁心掉了 ~_~"17F 04/21 01:43
→ :給我閉眼..........18F 04/21 01:45
推 :補推
推 :補推
推 :現在你知道為什麼T毛必須死了吧!20F 04/21 01:49
→ :很寫實...21F 04/21 01:51
→ :這zbrush刻的好細緻啊~~22F 04/21 01:52
推 :這香菇也太皺了吧23F 04/21 01:54
League of Legends Dominion Cinematic Trailer (From S2 WC) - YouTube League, League and more League! _ _ _ League of Legends is an free MOBA game you liked dota? join league of legends here is my referral link (Optional) http:...

推 :個人滿喜歡這種畫風25F 04/21 01:55
推 :好想殺他XD26F 04/21 01:56
推 :那個眼是被殺了千千萬萬次的人才有的眼神啊!!27F 04/21 02:01
推 :那個.....提摩你還是閉上眼好了(煙)28F 04/21 02:09
推 :這不是兔美的眼睛嗎29F 04/21 02:40
推 :有點霸氣呀30F 04/21 03:19
推 :提摩的眼神變得犀利起來啦31F 04/21 03:40
推 :砲娘:Oh...提摩王子32F 04/21 05:54
推 :(眼神死)34F 04/21 08:48
推 :有霸氣35F 04/21 13:52
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