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看板 Steam
作者 randyhgmac (阿仁)
標題 [情報] 夏季特賣本檔快閃整理(至台灣下午5點)
時間 Fri Jul 12 12:21:23 2013

Bastion -85% 2.24
Save 50% on Bastion on Steam
Bastion is an action role-playing experience that redefines storytelling in games, with a reactive narrator who marks your every move. Explore more than 40 lush hand-painted environments as you discover the secrets of the Calamity, a surreal catastrophe that shattered the world to pieces. ...

Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition -75% 7.49

Euro Truck Simulator 2 -75% 9.99
Save 50% on Euro Truck Simulator 2 on Steam
Travel across Europe as king of the road, a trucker who delivers important cargo across impressive distances! With dozens of cities to explore from the UK, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and many more, your endurance, skill and speed will all be pushed to their limits. ...

Cities XL Platinum -75% 7.49
Save 50% on Cities XL Platinum on Steam
Build cities, shape a world. Cities XL Platinum lets you design, build and link up cities of all shapes and sizes around the Cities XL planet! Build more impressive cities than ever before! Cities XL Platinum offers a huge variety of over 1,000 buildings and constructions (including 50 brand new str ...


BOADERLANDS 2 -66% 10.19
Save 33% on Borderlands 2 on Steam
A new era of shoot and loot is about to begin. Play as one of four new vault hunters facing off against a massive new world of creatures, psychos and the evil mastermind, Handsome Jack. Make new friends, arm them with a bazillion weapons and fight alongside them in 4 player co-op on a relentless que ...


Saints Row: The Third -75% 5.00
Save 50% on Saints Row: The Third on Steam
Years after taking Stilwater for their own, the Third Street Saints have evolved from street gang to household brand name, with Saints sneakers, Saints energy drinks and Johnny Gat bobble head dolls all available at a store near you. The Saints are kings of Stilwater, but their celebrity status has  ...

Mass Effect 2 -70% 6.00

STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II -66% 3.40
Save 33% on STAR WARS®: Knights of the Old Republic™  II on Steam
Five years after the events from the award winning Star Wars® Knights of the Old Republic™ , the Sith Lords have hunted the Jedi to the edge of extinction and are on the verge of crushing the Old Republic. With the Jedi Order in ruin, the Republic’s only hope is a lone Jedi struggling to reconnect wi ...


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licpjesus: 請問一下我買了bastion+原聲帶,原聲帶在哪裡呀?1F 07/12 12:24
a75091500: 會不會在DLC那邊?2F 07/12 12:27
b34mac2:我投質量效應 黑街三我覺得就算不投也會特價==3F 07/12 12:29
narsilx:原聲帶好像在資料夾裡面4F 07/12 12:30
NovaWolf:我的荷包...5F 07/12 12:34
jasson:黑街三上次特價買過了 只有質量可以投6F 07/12 12:41
wody:沒東西買 有人推薦euro truck simulator嗎= =7F 07/12 13:04
efreet:我覺得那是模擬類型的神作之一,超放鬆的,還能看風景XD8F 07/12 13:13
wurenben:可以酒駕跟輾人為樂嗎?9F 07/12 13:13
efreet:沒有路人可以碾,酒醉碾人請洽GTA10F 07/12 13:15
wurenben:太可惜了..我玩sims 3都在想辦法創罰單數字紀錄11F 07/12 13:16
wuliou:ETS超放鬆的 喜歡輕鬆看風景的可以買(也有點難度就是了12F 07/12 14:29
Stone5566:bastion+原聲帶已收~XD13F 07/12 14:51
godrong95:DARK SOULS看起來很棒阿14F 07/12 16:14
z83420123:DARK SOULS好玩嗎?時間到了 忍不住就刷了..15F 07/12 16:18
three456:有點自虐的遊戲(誤)16F 07/12 16:19
Stone5566:Dark souls很有名阿~XD17F 07/12 16:39
Keng:Bastion+1 又便宜畫面音樂都很棒!18F 07/12 16:46
z83420123:Amazon有推薦的遊戲嗎?19F 07/12 16:50
z83420123:Bastion原本要買 但是到之前1美就沒FU了XD
jessie2534:黑街也太多人投了吧...之前特價很多次了21F 07/12 16:57
zongyi:請問要怎麼投票?22F 07/12 16:58
jessie2534:商店首頁中下方有三個選項 下面直接按Vote23F 07/12 17:00
zongyi:感謝樓上  剛剛沒有vote可以按  現在跑出來了24F 07/12 17:02
jessie2534:最後半個小時不能投 要換新的選項 GTA4 跟 Portal2...25F 07/12 17:03
z83420123:絕對是Portal2阿~26F 07/12 17:13
RickyRubio09:potal2  快投阿27F 07/12 17:15
ric0323:Portal 2 +1,上面flash sale有元祖毀滅公爵重量包耶...28F 07/12 17:22
azumanga:有上古五耶... (QwQ)29F 07/12 17:30
sillymon:dark souls非常好玩 不過不是每個人都玩的下去就是了30F 07/12 17:31
hangzer:Portal2之前就75% off過了 無感...31F 07/12 17:39
sillymon:投MIRROR'S EDGE才對啊 PORTAL 1+2今年就四次75%OFF過了32F 07/12 17:43
Orisinal:FM2013 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!33F 07/12 17:47
InitialPower:投票三次有機會拿到夏季特賣交換卡片,機率不知多少34F 07/12 17:52
zonemaster:看說明是steam的等級5以上就一定會拿到,而且在特賣間升36F 07/12 17:58
InitialPower:似乎因為大家都拿的到,現在價值狂降中38F 07/12 17:59
zonemaster:總之有拿到就先賣掉,照經驗等後來都一堆崩盤價的卡片39F 07/12 18:00
KaguyaNEET:投Mirror's edge啊!!Portal2 75% off很多次了41F 07/12 18:26
samuelsam:投Mirror's edge啊!!Portal2 75% off很多次了42F 07/12 19:01
hkhbb323:這三款都特價N次了吧= =43F 07/12 19:10
vicklin:endless space 大推XD 文明五資料片比預購還便宜T.T44F 07/12 19:13
lordlpg:Endless Space 原聲帶非常棒45F 07/12 19:15
godrong95:我的疑問是 DARK SOULS不是很有名嗎? 怎麼特價都沒人提?46F 07/12 19:28
RickyRubio09:是不是電腦版的優化不好?47F 07/12 19:29
efreet:不是優化不好,是根本沒優化,100%完全移植,沒有任何改變48F 07/12 20:12
efreet:http://blog.metaclassofnil.com/?tag=dsfix Dark Souls玩
efreet:家自製的優化程式,蠻好用的,已經買的人可以試試看50F 07/12 20:14
tsairay:720P 100%完全原汁原味的移植啊XD51F 07/12 20:52
sango354:借問下~ endless space現在的版本有可用的漢化嗎52F 07/12 20:52
licpjesus:有,但是翻得很爛,其實文明5比這好玩蠻多的。53F 07/12 22:17
sango354:多謝~文明五很讚,但只是無法抗拒太空背景54F 07/12 22:21
z83420123:文明5好玩嗎?55F 07/12 22:34
z83420123:痾 應該說甚麼類型的
z83420123:還有 Gold Edition Upgrade是多啥?
lordlpg:Gold Edition Upgrade 就是一次買完除了 Brave New World58F 07/12 22:46
lordlpg:之外的 DLC
azumanga:開始 Lag 嚕。60F 07/13 01:00
donkilu:卡車模擬意想不到的好玩耶,感謝推薦xdddd61F 07/13 01:24
fly0204:市集又爆炸了 XD62F 07/13 01:51
i923:the walking dead價錢可買嗎?之前玩過PS3的,想玩DLC63F 07/13 02:10
i923:但似乎還是需要主程式= =
hkhbb323:這款之前有進過包,不過75%可以入了,不太可能被打臉了65F 07/13 02:15
sillymon:繼續坐等本體+dlc包阿!66F 07/13 03:52
Flopbosh:請問COD:BO2 50%可入嗎?67F 07/13 04:46
hkhbb323:COD 50%已經是極限了!安心上路68F 07/13 05:04
akilight:CODBO2可以衝了,像MW3那樣掉到66%~75%大概還要等個一兩年69F 07/13 10:43
wurenben:COD BO2真的要買去Amazon,結帳輸入"Gooncave"再折5鎂70F 07/13 10:52
z83420123:悲劇~昨天要買文明5 結果STEAM網站開不起來71F 07/13 11:17

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