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看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [外絮] 火箭 vs 76人 賽後訪談
時間 Thu Nov 14 14:21:31 2013
原文出處: http://www.nba.com/rockets/news/game-day-rockets-sixers
Analysis and observations from the Rockets ...
Q: Was there something specifically that changes in these fourth quarters when you’re up?
I don’t know. We try to do too much instead of letting the ball do the work. Normally, if we’re playing well enough, the ball does a lot of the work for us and it’s going from side to side. You get an eight, nine or 10-point lead, and it’s just we don’t play the same type of basketball.
Q: 第四節發生了什麼主要的變化
Q: Was there a point where maybe you felt comfortable with a game like this tonight?
We started off so badly defensively, they got everything they wanted. They had the momentum. James Anderson was making everything tonight. We got some stops. We got the lead at one point and stretched it out a little bit, but we just couldn’t maintain anything. That’s kind of been the story of our year all year, we aren’t able to maintain a level, and we have to find a way to do that.
Q: 像今晚這樣的比賽,當你們領先到幾分的時候,會覺得比較放心?
Q: A scoring drought in the fourth quarter into the overtime, was that just a result of missed shots? Did you get the shots you wanted?
Well, we started driving in and going into areas we shouldn’t be going in. Just making the simple play is what we did, we had guys around the perimeter all night long, simple play, simple play, and then we started trying to make the tough play. Trying to make too many tough plays just doesn’t work.
Q: 第四節到延長賽都有一點得分乾旱期的感覺,單純是因為投籃不準嗎? 球員在場上有完成你想要做到的攻擊嗎?
Q: These games with a double-digit fourth quarter leads, what’s changing?
I have to go back and watch. It’s frustrating. I’m not really sure. In my mind, the problem started in the first quarter when we came out, I came out and our team came out lackadaisical on defense. We let them get going, we let them feel good and all of a sudden it’s a whole different ball game. I definitely need to do a better job. Down the stretch, I have to look at it, I think we had a lot of turnovers in the second half and we didn’t get stops, and when we did get stops, we didn’t get the
rebounds.Q: 這兩場比賽火箭在第四節都曾領先達兩位數,但接著情況似乎都有點變化?
我也不是很確定,必須回去看看錄影再說,但這真是令人沮喪。不過我記得的是,狀況從第一節就存在了,因為我和我的隊友上場後,在防守端做得有點懶散,讓他們掌握了節奏,也讓他們找到球感,然後比賽的風向就轉變了。我絕對有需要做得更好的地方,尤其是”奮戰不懈到最後一刻”這件事! 我想我們在下半場有太多的失誤,然後防守也沒做好,而當我們守下來了,卻又沒掌握到籃板球。
Q: Was there any point where you guys felt comfortable at all in this kind of game. Is this just the type of game where nothing felt right?
Especially with this type of game, because the pace is so fast and we’re both really young and explosive teams, no lead is safe. I don’t want to put a number on it unless it’s significantly larger than what we had tonight.
Q: 通常這樣的比賽,到底要領先多少你們會比較安心? 或者說這又是一場讓你們如坐針氈的比賽?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :XX手機發文,排版失敗請見諒1F 11/14 14:22
推 :冰箱:我不知道 去問Lin啦~~~~(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧2F 11/14 14:24
→ :感謝翻譯!!!!!
→ :感謝翻譯!!!!!
→ :版面有跑掉嗎@@4F 11/14 14:24
→ :知道某些球員手感好那冰箱你設計的最後一擊是見鬼??5F 11/14 14:25
推 :沒有跑掉,感謝翻譯~6F 11/14 14:25
推 :電腦上看沒有跑掉7F 11/14 14:25
→ :謝謝:)8F 11/14 14:26
推 :冰箱最後一題回答感覺是在批Q4球員ISO而不把球給Lin?9F 11/14 14:26
→ :這是哪齣啊? 難道冰箱真是石內卜?
→ :這是哪齣啊? 難道冰箱真是石內卜?
推 :感謝翻譯。 冰箱說第四節球風沒有保持 那你要問問Big2啊~11F 11/14 14:28
→ :(補) 心得:要是能贏就好了T^T12F 11/14 14:28
推 :Q4跟OT,小貝跟林大部分過中場球都轉移到某人身上,13F 11/14 14:28
推 :又把責任推的一乾二淨= = 下台啦!14F 11/14 14:28
→ :給你老木 不過還是老樣子 LIN發言像教練 教練發言像酸民15F 11/14 14:30
推 :冰箱什麼都不知道16F 11/14 14:30
噓 :給力到底是甚麼鬼用詞17F 11/14 14:30
→ :給力,就是…很利害吧。18F 11/14 14:34
推 :有現成的翻譯看還要挑? 幫推。19F 11/14 14:37
推 :冰箱應該是真的不知道....20F 11/14 14:37
推 :給力又沒差,人家好心翻譯,又不是翻錯惡搞,推推推21F 11/14 14:37
推 :推彼得姬~(看別人現成的翻譯文還給噓?有沒有良心啊?XD)22F 11/14 14:38
→ :我沒差:)如果看不習慣我以後換個詞,雖然我覺得很貼切XD23F 11/14 14:40
推 :我覺得OK看的懂就好了,熱心在推一下24F 11/14 14:41
推 :感謝翻譯!林十四弟太有老大風範了。25F 11/14 14:41
推 :什麼東西啊 如果Q4冰箱覺得球員傳球傳到不該去的區域26F 11/14 14:42
推 :014奧義 XD 再推一次27F 11/14 14:43
→ :不會暫停點一下球員喔 話說Q4這樣打難道不是他指示的= =28F 11/14 14:43
推 :覺得用詞不好可以自己翻阿~( ′-`)y-~29F 11/14 14:44
→ :給力是左岸用詞,很夠意思很足的意思30F 11/14 14:44
→ :已經好幾次第四節都這樣打了..很難相信不是教練指示31F 11/14 14:45
推 :推翻譯,所以冰箱只是坐在場邊看球的鄉民吧32F 11/14 14:47
推 :tinamo大..我等你再去一次現場,拍一些福利圖回來XDDD33F 11/14 14:48
推 :感覺冰箱是在說第四節幹嘛不給林投外線34F 11/14 14:50
→ :對啊 所以才說冰箱發言很謎35F 11/14 14:51
→ :我也覺得奇怪為何一直給草莓跟CP單打?最後一擊也不給林36F 11/14 14:51
→ :結論:冰箱的確管不住球員 (蓋章37F 11/14 14:53
→ :冰箱如果覺得那樣打不對就叫暫停糾正啊!只會吼林,其他人38F 11/14 14:53
→ :都不敢管
→ :都不敢管
推 :記者同樣的問題同時問了LIN和冰箱..XDDD40F 11/14 14:53
推 :第四節那段是在婊big2嗎?
→ :愈來愈覺得火箭除了中二球員 還有個中二教練XDDDD
推 :第四節那段是在婊big2嗎?
→ :愈來愈覺得火箭除了中二球員 還有個中二教練XDDDD
→ :然後我怎麼覺得火箭全隊只有Lin每次都回去看錄影帶43F 11/14 14:59
→ :冰箱自己承認,試戰術,敗光光44F 11/14 15:10
推 :林每次開頭第一句就是我也不知道,要回去看錄影帶 XD45F 11/14 15:11
推 :冰箱每次一領先多了就開始試新東西啊 然後搞到輸XD46F 11/14 15:22
※ 看板: FW 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 572