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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] LG 連網電視偷上傳USB隨身碟檔名、習慣
時間 Thu Nov 21 19:40:44 2013
LG smart TVs send viewing habits, filenames back to manufacturer
LG 智慧型電視會上傳觀看習慣、檔名回製造商
A UK blogger, known only as DoctorBeet, has discovered that his LG Smart TV
has been sending his viewing habits back to the manufacturer.
在英國的一個叫 DoctorBeet 的 blogger 發現他的 LG 電視會傳他的收看習慣回去。
The TVs have a "Smart Ad" feature which LG claims to analyse user behaviour
to help direct advertisements to more interested customers. An option exists
in the TV settings to turn off this collection, however DoctorBeet notes that
it does nothing.
這台電視有個 "智慧型廣告" 的功能,LG 宣稱是透過分析使用者行為來提供更有趣的
廣告。電視的設定裡有個選項可以關閉資料收集功能,但 DoctorBeet 說那個選項沒用。
After inspecting the outgoing traffic from his smart TV, DoctorBeet noticed
After inspecting the outgoing traffic from his smart TV, DoctorBeet noticed
that a unique device ID, along with the TV channel name was being transmitted
each time he changed channels.
分析從電視出來的封包,DoctorBeet 發現每次換台這台電視都會把電視的編號、
"This information appears to be sent back unencrypted and in the clear to LG
every time you change channel, even if you have gone to the trouble of changing
the setting above to switch collection of viewing information off."
這些資料在你每次換台的時候完全沒加密的傳到 LG,就算你去選項中關掉資料收集
However, when external USB storage is connected to the smart TV, filenames of
media contained on the external devices were sometimes sent back to LG's
servers, according to the blogger.
當接上外接 USB 儲存裝置,裡面所有的多媒體檔案的檔名有時會被上傳到 LG 的
The URL that the information is sent to returns a HTTP 404 error response,
indicating that there is no resource available to serve the request.
That does not necessarily mean that the information is not being logged
however. Webserver logs frequently capture information about HTTP requests,
although how these logs are used is impossible to know without access to LG's
傳上去後伺服器回傳 404 Not Found。但這不表示資料就一定沒被記錄。
LG Australia head of public relations Phillip Anderson said the company is
aware of the issue.
LG 澳洲的公關表示他們已經知道這件事。
"LG Australia acknowledges the issues that have been identified in the UK.
We take the claims very seriously and are currently investigating the
situation at a local level," he said in a statement.
聲明稿中說道 "LG 知道這個問題在英國被發現,我們很嚴肅的看待這項指控。
DoctorBeet's own letter to LG Electronics UK was met by a dismissive email
which stated that as he had accepted the terms and conditions on his TV,
his concerns should instead directed towards the retailer from which he
purchased the TV.
DoctorBeet 自己寄到英國 LG 電子的信完全不被鳥,宣稱他已經同意使用條款,
In the meantime, DoctorBeet has compiled a short list of domains that the
smart TV accesses for displaying advertising materials and sending information. These domains can be blocked at the network level.
目前 DoctorBeet 整理了一個 LG 電視會傳資料及取得廣告的域名清單。
LG smart TVs send viewing habits, filenames back to manufacturer | ZDNet
Businesses may want to think twice before plugging that USB device into the boardroom smart TV as a UK blogger has found that his TV has been sending back the names of files on his devices. ...
原文: http://tinyurl.com/npf7tyw
簡單來說就是被抓到就算把 "允許蒐集觀看資料" 選項關掉
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