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看板 Steam
作者 InitialPower (InitialPower)
標題 [新聞] Steam 2013秋季特賣 - Day 1
時間 Thu Nov 28 02:08:32 2013

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 7.49
Save 75% on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on Steam
EPIC FANTASY REBORN The next chapter in the highly anticipated Elder Scrolls saga arrives from the makers of the 2006 and 2008 Games of the Year, Bethesda Game Studios. Skyrim reimagines and revolutionizes the open-world fantasy epic, bringing to life a complete virtual world open for you to explore ...

Prison Architect - 14.99
Save 50% on Prison Architect on Steam
Build and Manage A Maximum Security Prison. Prison Architect is the world's latest Prison Management Sim. Starting with an empty plot of land you must construct a holding cell with basic water and electricity to house your first batch of prisoners, to buy you enough time to create a proper cell bloc ...

Rogue Legacy - 5.09
Save 66% on Rogue Legacy on Steam
Rogue Legacy is a genealogical rogue-"LITE" where anyone can be a hero. Each time you die, your child will succeed you. Every child is unique. One child might be colorblind, another might have vertigo-- they could even be a dwarf. That's OK, because no one is perfect, and you don't have to ...

Left 4 Dead 2 - 4.99
Save 75% on Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam
Set in the zombie apocalypse, Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) is the highly anticipated sequel to the award-winning Left 4 Dead, the #1 co-op game of 2008. This co-operative action horror FPS takes you and your friends through the cities, swamps and cemeteries of the Deep South, from Savannah to New Orleans ac ...

Terraria - 2.49
Save 75% on Terraria on Steam
Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. The world is your canvas and the ground itself is your paint. Grab your tools and go! Make weapons to fight off a variety of enemies in numerous biomes. Dig deep underground to find accessories, money, and other  ...

Antichamber - 4.99
Save 75% on Antichamber on Steam
Antichamber is a mind-bending psychological exploration game where nothing can be taken for granted. Discover an Escher-like world where hallways wrap around upon each other, spaces reconfigure themselves, and accomplishing the impossible may just be the only way forward. ...

Sleeping Dogs - 4.99
Save 80% on Sleeping Dogs on Steam
Welcome to Hong Kong, a vibrant neon city teeming with life, whose exotic locations and busy streets hide one of the most powerful and dangerous criminal organizations in the world: the Triads. In this open world game, you play the role of Wei Shen, an undercover cop trying to take down the Triads f ...

The Walking Dead - 6.24
Save 75% on The Walking Dead on Steam
Gain access to the full season [5 episodes] of The Walking Dead by purchasing the Season Pass, which will act as your gateway to every episode of the game. All five episodes are now available immediately upon purchasing the full season. ...

Outlast - 6.79
Save 66% on Outlast on Steam
Hell is an experiment you can't survive in Outlast, a first-person survival horror game developed by veterans of some of the biggest game franchises in history. As investigative journalist Miles Upshur, explore Mount Massive Asylum and try to survive long enough to discover its terrible secret... if ...

Trials Evolution: Gold Edition - 4.99
Save 50% on Trials Evolution: Gold Edition on Steam
Trials Evolution: Gold Edition marks the Trials franchise’s triumphant return to the PC gaming platform. RedLynx’s signature franchise, the Trials series first made its mark in gaming with the 2008 release of Trials 2 SE for the PC. ...

Evoland - 2.49
Save 50% on Evoland on Steam
Evoland is a journey through the history of action/adventure gaming, allowing you to unlock new technologies, gameplay systems and graphic upgrades as you progress through the game. Inspired by many cult series that have left their mark in the RPG video gaming culture, Evoland takes you from monochr ...

Primal Carnage - 3.74
Save 66% on Primal Carnage on Steam
Primal Carnage is an online multiplayer shooter that will immerse its players in skilled PVP combat, team-based strategy and savage class-oriented matches unlike any you've previously experienced; be it an armed human mercenary or a cunning dinosaur, Primal Carnage is sure to unleash the inner beast ...

想買的遊戲沒看到75% OFF不要急

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scarofwind:dawn guard 33% off dragonborn 50% WTF!?1F 11/28 02:10
qq353535qq:感覺amazon的黑色星期五比較大方XD2F 11/28 02:10
kk9517:PAYDAY2 40% OFF3F 11/28 02:11
kk9517:文明帝國系列 50% OFF
InitialPower:比較有名的遊戲先等等,輪到他們上首頁才是特賣的價5F 11/28 02:13
jasop:payday 2 DLC 40%off  有點快阿XDDDDD7F 11/28 02:14
wade860708:所以 文明先不要買嗎?8F 11/28 02:14
kk9517:看了一下才發現DAWN GUARD也是50%..10F 11/28 02:16
InitialPower:文明五別急,等到他上首頁時75%是基本,但算算應該11F 11/28 02:17
sillymon:AMAZON便宜其實是慣例..13F 11/28 02:17
scarofwind:我保證剛剛看的時候還是33%特惠好像會一直變??14F 11/28 02:17
kk9517:CRYSIS2 也75% OFF15F 11/28 02:18
kk9517:XDD 我沒看到最後一行 耍蠢了
scarofwind:borderlands2的dlc全都10%off是怎樣XD超沒誠意17F 11/28 02:21
fightword:CRYSIS2 origin bundle表示:18F 11/28 02:22
druid3390:不要買crysis collection  分開個別買一、二代組合包比19F 11/28 02:23
LIONDODO:拉到最下面底圖會反過來假裝是倒影XD21F 11/28 02:25
whimsical:AC 2.B.R.3 50% OFF22F 11/28 02:27
dw031276:Trine Complete 80% off  !!!!!23F 11/28 02:27
iwcuforever:想問一下SKYRIM兩個版都有中文?有差很多?24F 11/28 02:29
dw031276:Trine 1 90% off  Trine 2 80% off25F 11/28 02:29
takase:skyrim與其用官方中文,不如用英文版漢化...26F 11/28 02:31
davy50707:上古5 一定是買傳奇版 再找網路上的中文化 別用官方的27F 11/28 02:31
LIONDODO:上古那三個DLC很讚嗎@@ 本來差點要買本體而已了28F 11/28 02:33
iwcuforever:了解!多謝!29F 11/28 02:36
ice76824:黎明守衛不錯,多個吸血鬼妹子(MOD補正)30F 11/28 02:36
jasop:上古5的中文化哪一個比較好? 大學漢化版?31F 11/28 02:36
ice76824:另一個龍裔的就普普通通,爐火則是養小孩用32F 11/28 02:37
seiyaku:首頁底下的倒影的願望清單現在好像有bug…我的是別人的…33F 11/28 02:41
darkbuffoon:大學不錯34F 11/28 02:41
seiyaku:重新整理有可能又換另一個人…網頁版沒這個問題35F 11/28 02:41
iwcuforever:Thomas Was Alone 75%36F 11/28 02:43
scarofwind:古墓奇兵2013 50%off 話說現在這個介面好爛37F 11/28 02:54
dw031276:倒影真的是別人! 而且我前幾天把好友刪光 代表那不是好友39F 11/28 02:57
dw031276:剛剛都用chrome所以沒發現  現在開了steam才發現
victor21813:RockSmith 2014 -25% $44.99 還是超貴XD 小砍聊表示意41F 11/28 03:00
dw031276:背景圖是TF2的heavy登山噎42F 11/28 03:00
iwcuforever:全擺首頁放不下吧,我願望清單二十多款至少都50%...43F 11/28 03:01
dw031276:RockSmith 才剛出就20% off不錯了 雖然也躺在我願望清單44F 11/28 03:03
victor21813:再蹲一年XD46F 11/28 03:05
langeo:不知道世紀帝國hd跟資料片會不會特價47F 11/28 03:10
victor21813:   -50       -2548F 11/28 03:16
langeo:只有這點還不夠阿 希望能三百以下49F 11/28 03:18
jessie2534:上古五之後要降的話會直接降原價嗎?還是就59.9975%off?50F 11/28 03:34
jay0215:原價隨著時間一定會降 趴數大多遊戲都會有75% 少數80% 或51F 11/28 03:37
jay0215:其他% (像85% 90%) 但若很想玩且有時間玩 66% 75%入手也不
bbQQQ:上古五剛剛入手傳奇版...因為蒸氣說要比66低要等很久...53F 11/28 03:39
jessie2534:考慮要不要刷傳奇版 20USD 說多不多說少不少的一個價格54F 11/28 03:40
jay0215:差 若沒時間玩且不介意等上一~兩個月 甚至等上幾年 那價格55F 11/28 03:40
jay0215:只會越變越低 甚至低到像去菜市場買菜一樣 或是合集一起賣
jessie2534:夏季特賣已經刷一筆大的了 現在就在想skyrim legendary57F 11/28 03:42
lexnero:steamcn有文說兩波折扣會一樣,不曉得是真是假XD58F 11/28 03:54
seiyaku:去年就是這樣阿 時間點相近 有驚喜的特價少 除非標錯價59F 11/28 04:00
johlmike:Contagion 目前也50%60F 11/28 07:18
hkhbb323:接近年底不太可能price drop,通常都是冬季特賣過後年初61F 11/28 07:42
jammy4102921:傳送門2 75%off  建議入手了嗎 還是說都會更低?63F 11/28 08:36
bolue:好像有1+2比較划算的樣子 如果只要2的話就直接入了吧64F 11/28 08:37
kevin90031:聖誕節只差一個月 不曉得聖誕節特價會不會更低(?)65F 11/28 08:40
hkhbb323:傳送門2 75%已經是最低了,除非你有傳說中的90%折價券66F 11/28 08:51
shiaobau:valve本家的遊戲目前最低都是75% OFF 除非有黃金折價券67F 11/28 08:55
jammy4102921:謝謝  直接刷1+268F 11/28 08:55
kevin90031:感謝各位,另外想請問一下 ...因為我以前是買實體包的70F 11/28 09:05
kevin90031:CS1.6 所以就會有組STEAM帳密,那像我朋友他本身沒有
dammed:帳號免費的申請就有了76F 11/28 09:08
shiaobau:帳號申請完就有 但裡面是空的 只能玩free to play的遊戲77F 11/28 09:10
kevin90031:好沒事,我犯傻了,STEAM的帳號可以自己申請,我超蠢78F 11/28 09:10
kevin90031:感謝樓上兩位XDDDD 我超低能的
OOLoop:Rogue Lagecy上上禮拜才在Humble store買7.49...不過好玩80F 11/28 09:34
sixx:背景圖有照顧到南半球的朋友 (今早才恍然大悟)81F 11/28 09:36
fightword:沒什麼好低能的啊 steam版就是溫馨 ptt清流82F 11/28 09:38
pillars:請問 The Walking Dead 75% 可以買了嗎? 還是有機會更低?83F 11/28 09:41
cwoldind:我覺得75%可以入手了有些很難等到80.9084F 11/28 09:45
fightword:TWD買amazon的較好1+400天75% 還送$5折價卷85F 11/28 09:47
pillars:了解 謝謝!!86F 11/28 09:50
cwoldind:剛剛發現好玩的,如果按最下面的精選,會全部反過來XD87F 11/28 09:51
wyiwyi:想替荷包噓一下XD88F 11/28 10:22
※ 編輯: InitialPower    來自:      (11/28 11:44)
dw031276:哭了 gone home上個月50%買 今天降到75%89F 11/28 11:46
kenick:有沒有人已經跳坑Risk of rain 看起來好好玩90F 11/28 11:47
kabkglomr:我也想買真人快打不過GMG後天要66%了92F 11/28 11:49
IFeltQQ:女友限制我不能超過500TWD QQ93F 11/28 12:51
zooxalju:想請問一下要入手上古5現在是時間點了嗎94F 11/28 12:53
dw031276:500買不了什麼大作啊  好可憐95F 11/28 12:57
LIONDODO:500夠了拉,上古5才240不到,還可以捏著250等其他的96F 11/28 12:58
a75091500:DELVER-50% 我是買Humble store 不過考慮到有drm free97F 11/28 13:13
TassadarGau:有$16的Quota,就決定是Skyrim吧XD99F 11/28 13:18
iwcuforever:這次目標就是上古5和把文明5補完了^^100F 11/28 13:28
johlmike:Risk of Rain不錯爽快,但是建議喜歡壓摳的再上XD101F 11/28 13:29
ljfscgyy:只說不能超過500,又沒說是"total"不能超過500,現在有特102F 11/28 13:29
kabkglomr:傳奇版要20$但DLC都很棒,買這個比較好104F 11/28 13:43
cwoldind:跟女友討論一下只買一款,就買上古5傳奇,可以玩很久105F 11/28 13:45
zooxalju:所以有人願意回答一下我的疑問嗎T^T...上古5現在是低點嗎106F 11/28 13:46
cwoldind:上面有說阿,想玩可以入手,要等更低可能要數個月到年107F 11/28 13:50
fightword:記得這種特價最好等到最後一天 不然很容易被打臉108F 11/28 13:53
jasop:這不是當天特賣嗎?110F 11/28 14:06
jay0215:建議想買的買一買後 就別再看特價資訊了 甚至暫時連STEAM111F 11/28 14:11
jay0215:版都暫時別來 (至少過完年) 就不會有被打臉的感覺了XDD
cwoldind:以後看到就會覺得算了沒差 XDDDDD113F 11/28 14:13
zooxalju:已買Skyrim Legendary Edition...114F 11/28 14:16
jay0215:因看過太多才剛買 隔天或過兩天更便宜 就哭天喊地的例子了115F 11/28 14:18
kevin90031:這個月才發現STEAM板..月初才買了CS GO XDDD116F 11/28 14:20
leo10152:好猶豫上古要不要買傳奇包...@口@117F 11/28 14:57
Siu:連南半球的春季特賣都弄好了, 真貼心118F 11/28 15:10
seiyaku:有上過今日特價或限時特價(8小時)就是本次特價最低點119F 11/28 15:52
seiyaku:下面暢銷排行的就參考 最後一天沒上特價再買
qq353535qq:現代戰爭只有25%off,好會撐喔XD121F 11/28 16:43
zooxalju:請問Steam板的Skyrim要裝MOD的話要怎麼弄呢???122F 11/28 17:03
sixx:上古傳奇包猶豫中+1123F 11/28 17:20
Wengboyu:同上。 短時間內我不會玩,所以在考慮要不要捏著以後在講124F 11/28 17:21
likol:忍住等傳奇包更低價...+1125F 11/28 17:22
cwoldind:暫時沒時間玩,有更低就在考慮,反正還有聖誕節126F 11/28 17:25
peefly:夏季特價買了傳奇現在還沒開的路過...T_T127F 11/28 17:33
digicat:我對那些indie games的特價比較有興趣128F 11/28 17:45
l17:L4D2 75% off 還會更低嗎?129F 11/28 17:49
InitialPower:L4D2一向都只到75% OFF,更便宜就找人合買4人包吧130F 11/28 17:50
l17:那我先衝L4D2好了 CSGO等聖誕節XD131F 11/28 17:54
victor21813:L4D2有人要開團嗎 +1132F 11/28 18:08
jammy4102921:trine 一代90%off 0.99美金  刷來補齊也好133F 11/28 18:10
shadow0326:本來想等skyrim75%,可是想想66%和75%價錢也差不到4.5134F 11/28 18:13
shadow0326:就不想忍了 XDD
dw031276:trine真的好玩  比雞排便宜的價錢  超級超值的136F 11/28 18:18
kevin90031:請問我剛剛刷了一個四人包 我要怎樣把遊戲分給朋友呢@@137F 11/28 18:18
amows:L4D2 開團 +1138F 11/28 18:21
hkhbb323:直接用交易功能把copy給你朋友,或是使用mail139F 11/28 18:22
kevin90031:HK謝謝你的幫忙,不過我還是聽不太懂 ..不曉得您能否再140F 11/28 18:23
kevin90031:詳細一點敘述呢 ... 不好意思^^"
hkhbb323:你朋友有在好友名單內就用內建交易功能把你庫存的L4D2交142F 11/28 18:26
kevin90031:非常詳細,感謝HK大 ^^145F 11/28 18:27
wkc0113:STEAM可以加好友 買四人包的話有一包是自己的 其他三包會146F 11/28 18:28
wkc0113:變成禮物 可以直接寄送給某帳號
※ 編輯: InitialPower    來自:      (11/28 18:35)
l17:可以問一下我可以直接序號批踢踢站內信嗎XD148F 11/28 19:05
l17:Deadspace1+2 有五折
langeo:skyrim傳奇版跟無印版差在那阿 有點心動想入手150F 11/28 19:24
leo10152:想問一下他的每日特價時間剩6小時但點遊戲倒數卻變30幾個151F 11/28 19:25
hkhbb323:每日都是48小時,只是24HR會換一批153F 11/28 19:37
SeanLiao99:上古5要玩mod的話最好還是買傳奇版比較划算(全DLC)154F 11/28 19:40
leo10152:喔喔~~感謝!!155F 11/28 19:43
LIONDODO:幫腔一下,上古5一定要買傳奇版!我單買了本體現在想補完156F 11/29 01:26
fightword:凡赫辛的驚奇冒險 有人玩過嗎? diablo"2"類的都很有愛158F 11/29 02:24

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