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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] KD和記者談CJ事件有趣的來回反擊
時間 Fri Jul 27 13:48:12 2018
Funny Kevin Durant back-and-forth with a reporter on the CJ McCollum twitter t
iff yesterday
The question referenced “the incident yesterday with CJ.”
“CJ who?” Durant replied. “Oh, McCollum. What happened yesterday?”
Reporter: Was that all in fun or was it...?
Durant: What you thought it was?
Reporter: It seemed a little more serious?
Durant: Why?
Reporter: Just because it seemed like you were upset.
Durant: Why me?
Reporter: Because of what he had said when he answered that tweet.
Durant: So, why isn't he upset?
Reporter: He doesn't seem to be upset.
Durant: So why am I upset, though?
Reporter: I don't know, I just thought when you did his podcast and you called
it the f'ing podcast and snake in the grass...
記者:我不知道,我只是覺得,你上了他的節目,你後來還說是fucking podcast,也說
Durant: But so I'm the upset one because he responded to something I said?
Reporter: Well, it seemed like he was saying something about you and you respo
nded to that.
Durant: But he didn't have to say something about me.
Reporter: No.
Durant: K. So how am I upset?
Reporter: Well, he went first.
Durant: Exactly. So CJ is not upset but I am?
Reporter: I just thought you might be upset at the notion of what was being [i
Durant: Maybe he was upset about something I did.
Reporter: But you gave him time for the podcast...
Durant: So I'm the upset guy?
Reporter: No, I guess he was upset first...
Durant: Alright then.
Kevin Durant's Response to Twitter Beef With CJ McCollum Was Incredible
Kevin Durant's Response to Twitter Beef With CJ McCollum Was Incredible - NBC Bay Area
A day after a few interesting tweets, Kevin Durant was asked about his back-and-forth with CJ McCollum while with Team USA in Las Vegas. ...
A day after a few interesting tweets, Kevin Durant was asked about his back-and-forth with CJ McCollum while with Team USA in Las Vegas. ...
Warriors’ Kevin Durant answers back: ‘I know you’re all trying to make me l
ook crazy’
Kevin Durant, CJ McCollum continue war of words
Warriors superstar joined podcast hosted by Portland TrailBlazers All Star CJ McCollum, and on it goes ...
Warriors superstar joined podcast hosted by Portland TrailBlazers All Star CJ McCollum, and on it goes ...
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推 : 好會回答1F 07/27 13:49
→ : 看記者吃鱉滿爽的啊2F 07/27 13:51
→ : 葛羅夫街的嗎?3F 07/27 13:51
推 : KD:KD沒有森7,你們才森774F 07/27 13:52
推 : 所以酸酸才是生氣的 結案5F 07/27 13:52
推 : 我也很納悶為什麼每次酸酸都會自行宣布勝利6F 07/27 13:53
噓 : 承認自己7pupu到不能自我很難嗎7F 07/27 13:54
推 : 有趣的是 記者就是根據民意去問 記者本來就以市場8F 07/27 13:55
→ : 為主 所以被打臉的是一堆迷迷 結果迷迷:看記者吃鱉
→ : 爽
→ : 為主 所以被打臉的是一堆迷迷 結果迷迷:看記者吃鱉
→ : 爽
推 : 而且套路都一樣 你轉隊 我說的是事實 我贏了 你輸了11F 07/27 13:55
→ : 暑期特產迷迷:看KD蹦蹦7pupu 真好釣 XD12F 07/27 13:56
→ : 這記者戰力有點弱13F 07/27 13:56
推 : KD在跳針嗎 記者真辛苦14F 07/27 13:59
推 : 記者戰力太弱15F 07/27 13:59
→ : 被反殺 XDDDD16F 07/27 13:59
→ : 記者示弱又不是重點 重點是KD氣度真的小17F 07/27 14:01
→ : 很遺憾這麼有天賦的人情商如此低
→ : 很遺憾這麼有天賦的人情商如此低
→ : 這個對話有聲音 氣pupu19F 07/27 14:03
推 : 小學生吵架邏輯王膩20F 07/27 14:03
推 : KD很適合來台灣當政客21F 07/27 14:04
→ : 這個人怎麼可以氣成這樣...22F 07/27 14:04
→ : 記者好廢....23F 07/27 14:05
推 : 記者只是不想為難杯子蛋糕24F 07/27 14:08
推 : 先開酸不代表先生氣吧,KD邏輯25F 07/27 14:09
→ : 我覺得記者只是不想繼續抬槓只好讓步
→ : 我覺得記者只是不想繼續抬槓只好讓步
噓 : 勇士其他人可以認真一點不要再讓這種人拿FMVP好嗎27F 07/27 14:11
噓 : 跳針... 回家找柯瑞呼呼吧28F 07/27 14:12
推 : 好生氣,好敏感哦,笑死29F 07/27 14:12
→ : 這種幼稚讓我想起...鹹粥
→ : 這種幼稚讓我想起...鹹粥
推 : 跳針生氣31F 07/27 14:13
推 : KD好容易森氣32F 07/27 14:14
推 : KD:KD沒生氣33F 07/27 14:16
推 : 跳針...34F 07/27 14:16
推 : KD真的世界寶耶~ 超醋咪的人,不當鄉民好可惜35F 07/27 14:16
推 : KD:我才沒生氣 只是罵人罵到耳根通紅而已36F 07/27 14:17
→ : KD真的集酸民所有特色於一身耶37F 07/27 14:17
推 : KD沒有生氣 KD從不開分身38F 07/27 14:19
推 : 記者不想得罪他而已39F 07/27 14:20
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski (, 07/27/2018 14:21:51推 : 我沒生氣,到底是誰生氣40F 07/27 14:21
推 : 嘔摳打?41F 07/27 14:23
噓 : KD:KD不會生氣,他只會秀下限42F 07/27 14:24
推 : 不是KD回答太強,是記者太弱 XDDDDDDDDD43F 07/27 14:28
推 : KD腦羞44F 07/27 14:32
推 : KD:KD才沒有生氣,被打臉的是你們,去整理宿舍啦45F 07/27 14:32
推 : 我哪有生氣你哪隻眼睛看到我生氣我才沒生氣你才生氣46F 07/27 14:33
噓 : CJ叫館長來處理就好了阿47F 07/27 14:33
推 : 好笑XDDDDDD48F 07/27 14:40
推 : KD戰力這麼強一定手上沒鍵盤~(怎麼跟鄉民不大一樣)49F 07/27 14:44
→ : CJ那是標準的調侃啊 被調侃的人生氣比較合情吧 頂多50F 07/27 14:45
→ : 就是都沒有人生氣 記者在興風作浪
→ : 就是都沒有人生氣 記者在興風作浪
推 : 我英文差,upset翻成生氣恰當嗎?52F 07/27 14:46
推 : KD邏輯感覺很好啊53F 07/27 14:47
→ : unhappy and worried because something unpleasant54F 07/27 14:48
推 : 笑了55F 07/27 14:49
→ : 翻譯 記者:你7pupu KD:我哪有7pupu56F 07/27 14:49
→ : upset一般不是翻成沮喪會比較適合?57F 07/27 14:49
→ : 其實記者一直在挖洞要他施鹽 他不想跳坑狂反問記者58F 07/27 14:50
推 : 誰來寫一篇乙己文XD59F 07/27 14:51
推 : Upset就是不爽啦60F 07/27 14:52
推 : KD展現真我後面對媒體技能0分61F 07/27 14:53
噓 : 這記者戰力有夠弱 大概要被開除了62F 07/27 14:55
推 : 不知所云只會跳針63F 07/27 14:56
推 : 有種莊周夢蝶的感覺64F 07/27 14:57
推 : upset比較像是不舒服,不一定是生氣65F 07/27 15:00
推 : KD:他先7pupu!他先7pupu!他先的! 記者:好啦好啦>_>66F 07/27 15:00
推 : 好假67F 07/27 15:05
※ 看板: FW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 274
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