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※ 本文為 SIRO5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-08-14 11:32:04
看板 NBA
作者 colin4235tw ()
標題 [花邊] MPJ不小心貼出阿銀手機號碼
時間 Wed Aug 14 10:44:13 2019


Denver Nuggets forward Michael Porter Jr. may have just revealed NBA commissio
ner Adam Silver’s personal cell phone number — and he’s yet to even play a
single game in the league.

Porter posted a picture of what appeared to be Silver speaking on a stage to a
 group of players with his contact information on a screen behind him to his p
ersonal Snapchat account on Tuesday. Silver’s email office phone number and c
ell phone number were clearly visible on the screen.


Though it’s not clear if that number is actually Silver’s — it went straigh
t to voicemail when called — fans still had plenty of jokes about the inciden
t on social media.

And, naturally, they had plenty to text him about, too.





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evan87709   : 好奇問 這是機密嗎?1F 08/14 10:45
asd860079   : 進攻2F 08/14 10:46
evan87709   : 會這樣放投影片的 應該是商務機吧?3F 08/14 10:46
ODFans      : 當然是機密阿 沒有一家公司總裁會把自己手機公開的4F 08/14 10:46
TomBoHu     : 美國特!哥5F 08/14 10:47
gama        : 阿銀:先罰25000再說6F 08/14 10:47
HarunaOno   : 'U260e7F 08/14 10:47
ODFans      : 通常職位越大 都要先經過秘書篩選過才能轉接通話8F 08/14 10:47
HarunaOno   : `u260e9F 08/14 10:47
HarunaOno   : `u260e
rexagi1988  : 25000!!!11F 08/14 10:50
raku        : 阿銀 起床尿尿了12F 08/14 10:50
asder1950   : 阿銀打球13F 08/14 10:52
providence  : 阿銀  來打球  你當求我來打~~~14F 08/14 10:57
manuginobii : 原來阿銀的Email真的那麼簡單……15F 08/14 10:57
turnpoint   : 奇怪,打阿銀的電話怎麼會是勇士的總機接的?16F 08/14 10:59
F16V        : 管理學大師17F 08/14 11:00
gp03dan     : ☎☎☎18F 08/14 11:01
callme76    : 有什麼建議趕快寄信19F 08/14 11:02
francois106 : 樓下有什麼建議我幫你打電話跟阿銀說20F 08/14 11:07
jonhson10   : ☎阿銀打球☎21F 08/14 11:07
pc0805      : ☎22F 08/14 11:07
frank47147  : 光頭王 鐵頭功是吧23F 08/14 11:11
kawhiHarden : 快打去叫他不要養乾兒子了24F 08/14 11:15
vincecarterx: 做這麼爛  阿銀的手機一定被打爆25F 08/14 11:19

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