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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 湯姆漢克公開他得武漢肺炎時的身體狀態
時間 Tue Apr 21 04:20:54 2020
2.記者署名:Chloe Melas, CNN
Tom Hanks recounts his exhaustion and wife Rita Wilson's nausea during
Tom Hanks is getting personal about the coronavirus battle that he and
his wife Rita Wilson experienced.
Tom Hanks分享了他與他妻子Rita在對抗武漢肺炎的個人經歷
The actor says although he didn't have symptoms as bad as Wilson, he felt
"wiped" while in isolation at a hospital in Queensland, Australia, last month.
"I was wiped after 12 minutes [of exercising]. I laid down in my hospital bed
and just slept," Hanks told National Defense Radio Show.
Tom Hanks說他的症狀並沒有他妻子Rita Wilson那麼糟,當他在澳洲醫院隔離時,
He recalled telling a medical professional who was treating him at the time,
"'I just had the weirdest thing. I just tried to do basic stretches and
exercises on the floor and I couldn't even get halfway through.' And she
looked at me through her glasses like she was talking to the dumbest human
being. And she said, 'You have Covid-19.'"
Hanks said that his wife had such bad nausea from the anti-malaria drug
hydroxychloroquine, that at times she couldn't even walk.
Rita Wilson appeared on "CBS This Morning" on Tuesday to talk about her
experience with the coronavirus.
Rita Wilson在CBS的節目中談到了他得到武漢肺炎的經驗。
"I felt extremely achy, uncomfortable, didn't want to be touched, and then
the fever started," Wilson told Gayle King, adding that she suffered from
"chills like I never had before."
She described her temperature hitting 102 and feeling "tired."
Wilson, who has since recovered and is now at home in Los Angeles with
husband Tom Hanks, described his symptoms as "milder" than hers. "He did not
have as high a fever. He did not lose his sense of taste or smell, but it
still took us the same time to get through it," she said.
她與丈夫Tom Hanks在康復後就待在LA的家中,Tom Hanks的症狀也比較輕微
While she was sick, she was prescribed chloroquine, which she's not sure
contributed to her recovery.
"I can only tell you that I don't know if the drug worked or if it was just
time for the fever to break," she said. "The fever did break, but the
chloroquine had such extreme side effects. I was completely nauseous and I
had vertigo and my muscles felt very weak. I think people have to be very
considerate about that drug. We don't really know if it is helpful in this
Hanks last month said he and his wife were traveling in Australia when they
were tested after exhibiting symptoms like tiredness, body aches, chills and
"slight fevers."
Wilson believes both she and Hanks are now immune, and both have donated
blood to aid research for a vaccine.
她相信她以及Tom Hanks目前已經免疫,而且都會捐血來幫助疫苗研究
Wilson is also helping the MusicCares Covid-19 Relief Fund by recording a
remix of Naughty By Nature's "Hip Hop Hooray."
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Tom Hanks recounts his exhaustion and wife Rita Wilson's nausea during coronavirus - CNN
Tom Hanks is getting personal about the coronavirus battle that he and his wife Rita Wilson experienced. ...
Tom Hanks is getting personal about the coronavirus battle that he and his wife Rita Wilson experienced. ...
Rita Wilson失去嗅覺及味覺的症狀已經消失,目前已經完全恢復正常,
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UdWGe4I (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1587414056.A.112.html
→ : 威爾森!1F 04/21 04:22
噓 : 豪洨 wilson明明是顆球2F 04/21 04:22
推 : Wilson是拍球,以為我們沒看過電影嗎3F 04/21 04:23
→ : *排
→ : *排
推 : 威爾森只能抽氣啦5F 04/21 04:28
推 : 連無人荒島都有武漢肺炎惹?6F 04/21 04:30
推 : 幹,真的跟一顆排球結婚7F 04/21 04:32
推 : 肺壞了8F 04/21 04:39
推 : 靠北真的跟Wilson結婚?9F 04/21 04:39
推 : 反觀最早就有一堆醫療樣本的國家分享了什麼醫療情報。10F 04/21 04:45
推 : 威爾森11F 04/21 04:59
推 : 南無阿彌陀佛12F 04/21 05:42
噓 : 這樣就免疫= =13F 04/21 06:28
→ : 原來wilson是女的...14F 04/21 06:33
推 : 原來Wilson是真的15F 04/21 06:44
→ : 難怪那大喊威爾森時那麼真誠16F 04/21 06:45
推 : 原來那時候在叫老婆17F 04/21 07:07
推 : 不是,你們的重點是wildon嗎?18F 04/21 07:21
推 : Wilson...19F 04/21 07:25
推 : 查了資料才發現,Wilson 本來就是因爲老婆的名字而取的
推 : 查了資料才發現,Wilson 本來就是因爲老婆的名字而取的
推 : 排球老婆21F 04/21 07:41
推 : 果然忘不掉Wilson ~22F 04/21 07:43
推 : 幹林北差點變湯姆黑客23F 04/21 07:44
推 : 捍衛戰士2要延期上檔了24F 04/21 08:08
推 : 是「氯奎寧」25F 04/21 08:16
推 : 16天康復 光明會給的解藥吧26F 04/21 08:24
→ : 恭喜27F 04/21 08:26
→ : 老婆你當球(物理)
→ : 老婆你當球(物理)
→ : 有經歷過荒島漂流果然不一樣29F 04/21 08:41
推 : 喔喔喔 難怪我一直睡 睡起來就好很多比較不咳30F 04/21 08:48
推 : 原來Wilson的名字叫Rita呀!31F 04/21 09:01
推 : Wilson真人化了喔32F 04/21 09:26
推 : 相信免疫..........33F 04/21 09:28
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