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看板 FuMouDiscuss
作者 標題 [外媒] 華爾街日報:抗議來自中國的貿協
時間 Tue Apr 1 13:24:43 2014
Thousands Protest Taiwan's Trade Pact With China
Organizers Say 500,000 People Gather in Taipei
Thousands Protest Taiwan's Trade Pact With China - WSJ.com
Tens of thousands of people gathered outside the Presidential Office Building in downtown Taipei, as protests against a trade deal between Taiwan and China intensify. ...
Tens of thousands of people gathered outside the Presidential Office Building in downtown Taipei, as protests against a trade deal between Taiwan and China intensify. ...
TAIPEI—Tens of thousands of people gathered for a protest outside Taiwan's
Presidential Office Building in downtown Taipei on Sunday, stepping up
pressure on President Ma Ying-jeou to re-examine a trade deal with Beijing
that has sparked an occupation of the legislature by students for nearly two
Sunday's protest is the latest demonstration since the unilateral passage of
the trade pact by the ruling Chinese Nationalist Party, or the Kuomintang,
during a first reading without bipartisan deliberation on March 17. The
protesters, who say the negotiations between Taipei and Beijing weren't
transparent and are worried China will exert more control over Taiwan's
economy, aim to tap into growing skepticism over increasing cross-Strait
economic ties and Taipei's rapprochement with Beijing since President Ma took
office in 2008.
The protesters, dressed in black and wearing yellow headbands that said
"Taiwan, No Services Trade Deal," were largely peaceful and disciplined.
There were families with baby strollers, and dogs dressed by their owners in
black at the demonstration, which also featured street performances and
people chanting slogans to the tune of "Do you hear the people sing?" from
the Les Misérables musical.
Taipei's weather was balmy early Sunday, before becoming drizzly and windy
toward evening. Crowds continued to grow hours after the rally started and
sprawled toward the central bank building, several blocks away from the
Presidential Office Building. Some nearby subway stations were shut to divert
the crowds.
Protest organizers said 500,000 people attended Sunday's sit-in. Taipei
police said there were 116,000 protesters.
At the heart of the protests is the Cross-Strait Service in Trade Agreement
signed between Taipei and Beijing last year. The pact, according to the
Taiwan government, will help the economy become more competitive by opening
service industries such as banking, health care and food catering to
companies across the Taiwan Strait.
"We are not against a trade pact with China, nor closer business ties with
China. What we are against is a lack of transparency. We want a negotiation
process in which everyone sitting here will have a chance to take part," Chen
Wei-ting, one of the student leaders behind the demonstration, told the crowd.
Chen Deming, China's chief negotiator in the trade talks with Taiwan, said
Sunday he would be "deeply regretful" if the pact isn't passed in Taiwan,
according to the Xinhua News Agency. The economies of Taiwan and China are
"highly complementary" and the deal could boost Taiwan's economy, Mr. Chen
was quoted as saying.
Opponents of the trade deal also say the agreement will favor conglomerates
and leave small- to medium-size enterprises in Taiwan struggling to compete.
The protesters' demands include a retraction of the pact and setting up a
mechanism to oversee all cross-Strait deals.
"Taiwanese people are in doubt and anxious about, not afraid of, the trade
pact. It all started as opposition against the lack of transparency, then it
grew into opposition against China and also Taiwan's government," said Evelyn
Chiang, 32, a Taiwanese working in Singapore as a marketing researcher who
flew in on Sunday morning to join the rally.
Huang Sheng-chao, a 51-year-old noodle-shop vendor, said: "This is not a
question of right or wrong because both sides make a valid point. But I am
against the pact because the government hasn't fully convinced me that I, an
ordinary citizen running a small business, can benefit from it. I have been
waiting for an explanation for a while."
Mr. Ma has said the deal would pave way to other regional trade deals
including the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and that the demonstrators' concerns
are unfounded.
He said a failure to pass the pact would damage Taiwan's reputation as a
trade partner, and could be a setback to its relationship with China, which
has warmed in recent years. "Taiwan's democracy didn't come easy. I urged the
students to respect the constitution, give the legislature back to the
people," the president said in a statement.
Lin Jih-wen, a political-science professor at Taiwan's National Chengchi
University, said: "Like it or not, the pact will be passed because the KMT
has the majority in the legislature. So the question is not if, but how it
will be passed. It remains to be seen if the government will empathize with
the people at the risk of upsetting Beijing."
Since Taiwan and China split some 60 years ago, the Taiwan Strait has been a
perennial flash point in the region, with Beijing vowing to reclaim the
self-ruled island by force if necessary. But tensions have eased since Mr. Ma
took office, with the two sides increasing communications and trade.
However, a student-led movement against the trade pact, dubbed the "sunflower
movement," started two weeks ago after a ruling Chinese Nationalist Party
lawmaker announced the completion of a first reading of the pact at a review
session without bipartisan discussion.
In response, a group of university students stormed into the legislative
building and took over the main meeting chamber. On March 23, hundreds of
more hawkish students stormed the cabinet compound. Antiriot police used
water cannons to dispel them, injuring more than 100, including policemen.
The movement has since then attracted more supporters, with as many as 20,000
protesters holding the legislative building at one point.
Mr. Ma, who is also chairman of the KMT, on March 25 offered to meet with the
students to hear their concerns. However, students refused to meet and
demanded a guarantee from Mr. Ma that he won't take disciplinary action
against any KMT legislators who support their cause.
As the deadlock between the government and protesters drags on, some people
in Taiwan have urged the protesters to retreat from the legislative building
and let lawmakers go back to work.
Some also say the benefits of the trade pact will likely outweigh the risks,
giving Taiwan's sluggish economy a boost it needs.
也有人說 Z > B BJ4
Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, a government think tank, said
earlier the agreement could add 12,000 jobs to Taiwan's services sector, with
the biggest beneficiaries being retail and storage sectors. It could also add
around 0.025-0.034 percentage point to Taiwan's gross domestic product, the
think tank said.
Taiwan's government said it would earmark nearly US$3 billion to help small
and medium enterprises survive or transform themselves in the face of rising
competition from China. But Luo Wei, an economist at Fubon Financial Holdings
Co. 2881.TW -0.24% , among other economists, said small businesses are
concerned over the scant details of the plan.
"Due to globalization and Taiwan's maturing market, those SMEs are facing a
tougher business environment whether there is a services trade pact with
China or not. But they just don't know how they will be assisted, of course
they are against the deal," Mr. Luo said.
—Aries Poon contributed to this article.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FuMouDiscuss/M.1396329891.A.8A8.html
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