※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-04-29 23:34:11
看板 Steam
作者 標題 [CSGO] DreamHack Masters Spring 2021 Day1
時間 Thu Apr 29 18:11:11 2021
Spirit 16 vs 19 G2 (Mirage)
Gambit 16 vs 5 Fiend (Dust2)
FaZe 13 vs 16 Virtus.pro (Train)
Natus Vincere 16 vs 14 mousesports (Overpass)
Complexity 16 vs 10 Vitality (Nuke)
Astralis 16 vs 8 Extra Salt (Nuke)
FURIA 6 vs 16 BIG (Vertigo)
paiN vs Heroic
Gambit vs G2
Fiend vs Spirit
Natus Vincere vs Virtus.pro
mousesports vs FaZe
1. mousesports過去兩天為了FP3及IEM Summer正賽資格竭盡全力 兩天下來共打了8個BO3
對上G2(2L),Lilmix(W),BIG(W),Movistar Riders(2W),HAVU(W),Complexity(L) 合計5W3L
雖然沒有晉級IEM Summer 但他們成功的取得了FP3的正賽資格
太血汗了吧= =
2. NA -4
@dust2usOCG part ways with lineuphttp://www.dust2.us/News/4802-ocg-part-ways-with-lineup …
@dust2usOCG part ways with lineuphttp://www.dust2.us/News/4802-ocg-part-ways-with-lineup …
High Coast, Levitate, Recon 5, OCG均宣布釋出隊伍
High Coast是因為財務問題
Levitate表現欠佳 差點要降級
Recon 5宣稱有成員想要專注在學業上
High Coast部分 根據教練推文 motm, bew, RCF已離開隊伍
所以找來了Djay及Infinite代替 目前正在尋找第五人
Joe 🧀
@MuensterGGFor S37 of premier we have added Djay and Infinite to our lineup. They will fill 2 of the 3 openings left by motm, RCF, and bew.
Coach: myself (@MuensterGG)
IGL: @ben1337cs
AWPer: @TheRealPwnAlone
Rifler: @djaycs
Rifler/lurk: @Infinite1csgo
Entry: TBA (hopefully very soon)
@MuensterGGFor S37 of premier we have added Djay and Infinite to our lineup. They will fill 2 of the 3 openings left by motm, RCF, and bew.
Coach: myself (@MuensterGG)
IGL: @ben1337cs
AWPer: @TheRealPwnAlone
Rifler: @djaycs
Rifler/lurk: @Infinite1csgo
Entry: TBA (hopefully very soon)
Levitate沒有消息表明他們分道揚鑣 估計他們會繼續待在一塊
Recon 5的情況有點複雜 tweiss及SATURN事前並不知情
而JazzPimp將加入ChocoCheck 其餘兩位則是沒有進一步的消息
ex-OCG將改名為QcClan 並找了兩位新選手INCRED及smL加入
3. 南美區RMR已有5隊因VAC退出
Isurus, Jaguares pull out of CBCS Elite League | HLTV.org
Five teams have now dropped out of first South American RMR tournament of the year. ...
Five teams have now dropped out of first South American RMR tournament of the year. ...
這五隊分別是Isurus, Jaguares, Keyd, Bears, DETONA
4. CSPPA改選理事會
Counter-Strike Professional Players' Association
@CSPPAggThe CSPPA General Assembly has elected a new board of players. The board will have the following members: @chrisJcsgo, @JTcsgo, @NBK, @goldenmajk, @Vitality_apEX, @MiGHTYMAXcsgo and @STYKOcsgo
@CSPPAggThe CSPPA General Assembly has elected a new board of players. The board will have the following members: @chrisJcsgo, @JTcsgo, @NBK, @goldenmajk, @Vitality_apEX, @MiGHTYMAXcsgo and @STYKOcsgo
Xyp9x, EliGE, tarik, TACO, n0thing將辭掉理事的職務
只有ChrisJ及NBK-留下 經過選手重新的票選後
新的五位理事是JT, Golden, apEX, MiGHTYMAX, STYKO
5. ESL One與IEM將合併
Here's to more of that!
@ESLThroughout the last 20 years, we have seen an immense growth, magical moments of both joy and heartbreak together with @IntelGaming. Today we are celebrating two decades of esports built on passion and for what is still to come.
Here's to more of that!
過去二十年 Intel一直大力的贊助ESL
今年雙方的合作合約再度延長三年 預計將投入一億美金
因此之後除了Pro League之外 其他比賽都會冠上IEM
所以之後會是IEM Cologne, IEM New York等等
ESL One這個品牌將再也不會出現了
6. Elisa, Relog, Funspark將聯合舉辦系列賽
Elisa, Relog Media, FunSpark unite to form $2.7m event circuit for 2021-2022 | HLTV.org
The three organizers, together with data partner GRID esports, have created a new tournament structure that will culminate with the Elisa Champion of ...
The three organizers, together with data partner GRID esports, have created a new tournament structure that will culminate with the Elisa Champion of ...
這是繼ESL, BLAST之後 第三個嘗試辦系列賽的主辦單位
7. 今日(4/29)壽星:
Sergey 'Ax1Le' Rykhtorov (19)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WYeP2eH (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1619691074.A.A11.html
推 : gambit又是輕鬆虐了~~~1F 04/29 18:37
推 : degster跟鬼一樣2F 04/29 19:12
→ : OT
→ : OT
推 : degster好誇張4F 04/29 19:15
推 : Infinite轉來轉去不知道在幹嘛5F 04/29 19:28
推 : mouz的進攻也太單調了吧...6F 04/29 19:28
→ : 不過他Valorant打不好被板凳倒是真的7F 04/29 19:28
→ : Elisa之前都是和BLAST合辦阿
→ : 南美RMR那真得超誇張 一堆隊伍VAC...
推 : ropz XD
推 : 笑死 主播一說火丟得很完美結果直接失誤
推 : mouz在overpass TS拿NAVI 8分基本上算很完美了
→ : Elisa之前都是和BLAST合辦阿
→ : 南美RMR那真得超誇張 一堆隊伍VAC...
推 : ropz XD
推 : 笑死 主播一說火丟得很完美結果直接失誤
推 : mouz在overpass TS拿NAVI 8分基本上算很完美了
→ : Cold pog13F 04/29 19:46
推 : wtf 這deagle14F 04/29 20:22
推 : 哇 這Eco15F 04/29 20:22
推 : 這在贏不下來 simple會氣哭哦==16F 04/29 20:22
推 : s1mple又是拯救世界的一天17F 04/29 20:24
推 : 來了來了,沒有dev1ce的A星的第一場比賽18F 04/29 20:40
推 : 我很好奇nip的近況 都沒他們的比賽19F 04/29 20:43
→ : 目前他們在基地集訓 要等到RMR才可以看到他們20F 04/29 20:51
推 : https://www.hltv.org/team/4411/nip#tab-matchesBox21F 04/29 20:51
→ : 上次是打到 EPL 3-4 名
→ : 應該可以期待一下
→ : 上次是打到 EPL 3-4 名
→ : 應該可以期待一下
NIP team overview | HLTV.org
Get the complete overview of NIP's current lineup, upcoming matches, recent results and much more ...
Get the complete overview of NIP's current lineup, upcoming matches, recent results and much more ...
※ 編輯: leon020315 ( 臺灣), 04/29/2021 21:17:10
推 : A 星贏了耶,該說意外還是不意外?24F 04/29 21:32
※ 編輯: leon020315 ( 臺灣), 04/29/2021 21:45:43推 : 欸 不是 怎麼g2先2:0阿...25F 04/29 23:00
※ 編輯: leon020315 ( 臺灣), 04/29/2021 23:02:38推 : 不要緊張,馬上就連輸九局給你看26F 04/29 23:23
推 : 那個拋AK過牆真的超過分27F 04/29 23:25
推 : G2rounds28F 04/29 23:25
※ 看板: Games 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 79
作者 leon020315 的最新發文:
- 前情提要: 1. HLTV記者MIRAA於9/22針對Astralis向BLAST請求緊急換人並獲得許可一事發表文章,文中指出BLAST在Astralis宣布簽下cadiaN後不久向全部參加秋季冠軍 …30F 20推
- 10F 8推
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