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作者 標題 [組包] HumbleBundle 2024 10月
時間 Wed Oct 2 03:32:01 2024
HumbleBundle 2024 10月
Humble Choice | Humble Bundle
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Get October 2024 Humble Choice and more when you subscribe for just $11.99 per month! ...
REMNANT II® on Steam
REMNANT II® pits survivors of humanity against new deadly creatures and god-like bosses across terrifying worlds. Play solo or co-op with two other fr ...
REMNANT II® pits survivors of humanity against new deadly creatures and god-like bosses across terrifying worlds. Play solo or co-op with two other fr ...
2.Persona 5 Strikers
Persona® 5 Strikers on Steam
Join the Phantom Thieves and strike back against the corruption overtaking cities across Japan. A summer vacation with close friends takes a sudden tu ...
Join the Phantom Thieves and strike back against the corruption overtaking cities across Japan. A summer vacation with close friends takes a sudden tu ...
Jusant on Steam
Enjoy meditative vibes in Jusant, an action-puzzle climbing game. Scale an immeasurably tall tower and ascend to new heights alongside your watery com ...
Enjoy meditative vibes in Jusant, an action-puzzle climbing game. Scale an immeasurably tall tower and ascend to new heights alongside your watery com ...
4.Dome Keeper (穹頂守護者)
Dome Keeper on Steam
Defend against waves of alien attackers in this innovative roguelike survival miner. Dig for resources and choose from powerful upgrade paths. Is ther ...
Defend against waves of alien attackers in this innovative roguelike survival miner. Dig for resources and choose from powerful upgrade paths. Is ther ...
5.Jack Move
Save 60% on Jack Move on Steam
Jack Move is a JRPG that features a unique blend of gritty cyberpunk story telling, turn based battles and beautiful modern pixel art. Take on the rol ...
Jack Move is a JRPG that features a unique blend of gritty cyberpunk story telling, turn based battles and beautiful modern pixel art. Take on the rol ...
6.Station to Station (站點連連)
Station to Station on Steam
‘Station to Station’ is a minimalist & relaxing game about building railway connections. Grab your conductor’s hat and bring the voxel-art world t ...
‘Station to Station’ is a minimalist & relaxing game about building railway connections. Grab your conductor’s hat and bring the voxel-art world t ...
7.Remnant Records
Remnant Records on Steam
Remnant Records is a horror investigation game for 1 to 4 players. Explore places haunted by the dead, survive elaborate and unique ghosts and find ou ...
Remnant Records is a horror investigation game for 1 to 4 players. Explore places haunted by the dead, survive elaborate and unique ghosts and find ou ...
8.McPixel 3
McPixel 3 on Steam
McPixel 3 is a mind-blowing save-the-day adventure that sees the titular wanna-be hero avert one disaster after another at every turn using unconventi ...
McPixel 3 is a mind-blowing save-the-day adventure that sees the titular wanna-be hero avert one disaster after another at every turn using unconventi ...
10% CK3最新 DLC折價券
35% 遺跡2 DLC折價券
20% 暗喻幻想折價券
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: ETTom 2024-10-02 03:32:01
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1c_4uszV (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1727811126.A.F5F.html
※ 編輯: ETTom ( 臺灣), 10/02/2024 03:37:07
推 : 又是想跳過1F 10/02 04:14
推 : 已經準備PASS一整年了……2F 10/02 04:17
推 : 沒有一款在願望清單的3F 10/02 04:18
推 : 我買了二代嗄啊啊啊啊4F 10/02 05:33
推 : 已經算今年 Choice 品質最好的一包了吧,比 2024/5 還好5F 10/02 06:30
推 : P5s竟然會入包 那p5r..6F 10/02 06:49
→ : 會玩遺跡的當初出早就買了 PASS7F 10/02 06:59
推 : 居然有P5S8F 10/02 07:14
推 : 很少日系遊戲會入包9F 10/02 07:19
推 : 這包我可以10F 10/02 07:28
推 : 有doom keeper 可以!11F 10/02 07:47
→ : dome
→ : dome
推 : 好欸 這包對我來說不錯13F 10/02 07:49
→ : 好 收14F 10/02 07:55
推 : 很多款看起來都不錯玩阿15F 10/02 08:21
→ : 嗯…算了一下remant2的dlc19.99再-35%大概381,三合一st16F 10/02 08:30
→ : eam賣550,難得稍微便宜
→ : eam賣550,難得稍微便宜
→ : 有遺跡2跟P5S了 只好跳過18F 10/02 09:19
推 : P5S!收!19F 10/02 09:25
推 : 竟然有P5S,但是pass20F 10/02 10:05
推 : 美區HB帳號拿到的遺跡2跟Jusant有鎖STEAM台區帳,要注意21F 10/02 10:07
推 : 兩個封面有一個喜歡就賺了22F 10/02 10:15
推 : 請問沒玩過p5系列作且只打算先玩一款 P5R 跟P5S推薦哪個?23F 10/02 10:15
→ : 當然是P5R啊,P5S算是P5的FanDisc耶,沒玩過P5玩P5S24F 10/02 10:16
→ : 不是很奇妙嗎
→ : 不是很奇妙嗎
推 : p5s是像無雙動作類型 ,p5r rpg類型26F 10/02 10:42
→ : 故事也有分 p5s是p5r後面的故事
→ : 故事也有分 p5s是p5r後面的故事
推 : p5s 是接無印版的p5, psr 的劇情反而是接不上的28F 10/02 10:53
→ : 喔喔 原來是這樣 感謝樓上29F 10/02 10:59
推 : 兩款在願望清單,還行吧30F 10/02 11:03
推 : p5只有出在ps3和ps431F 10/02 11:17
推 : P5S有點 無聊 個人覺得32F 10/02 11:32
推 : P5S那種遊戲在Steam還鎖60fps蠻難受的,但P5粉值得一33F 10/02 11:47
→ : 玩,音樂好聽
→ : SEGA也開始變進包大戶了...與其期待P4G不如期待P5T和
→ : 靈魂駭客這兩款評價不佳的
→ : 玩,音樂好聽
→ : SEGA也開始變進包大戶了...與其期待P4G不如期待P5T和
→ : 靈魂駭客這兩款評價不佳的
推 : 看起來不錯,有2D的還有點陣風的37F 10/02 12:44
推 : P5S, Remnant 2, Jusant 中三,不錯38F 10/02 13:10
→ : 這包不錯39F 10/02 13:45
→ : 等等60fps?40F 10/02 14:07
推 : 不錯耶41F 10/02 14:11
推 : 前面說錯,美區HB帳拿到的Dome Keeper有鎖台區STEAM帳42F 10/02 14:34
→ : 退潮沒鎖
→ : 退潮沒鎖
推 : 喔!!!!!44F 10/02 15:34
→ : 可惜6個月49沒訂,不然後幾包基本都有點興趣,但一45F 10/02 17:17
→ : 兩年內可能只會玩到一兩款
→ : 兩年內可能只會玩到一兩款
→ : 好欸 有兩三款想玩47F 10/02 17:47
推 : 台區帳號八款剛輸入完畢都能正常收藏遊戲48F 10/02 18:46
推 : 不錯49F 10/02 23:10
推 : 這包基本上都在願望清單,買了~50F 10/02 23:46
推 : P5S確實打起還蠻普的,綁手綁腳割草爽不起來,要動作51F 10/03 01:01
→ : 也不夠動作
→ : 也不夠動作
推 : 不是 p5s跟灰燼2沒有序號了是怎樣 騙訂閱嗎53F 10/03 15:17
推 : 暫時沒key 這很正常 代表很多人買這包 幾小時或一二天就有54F 10/03 18:05
→ : KEY可以去領了
→ : KEY可以去領了
→ : 生意太好賣完了,等補貨吧?56F 10/03 18:06
推 : 代表這包真的不錯 才第2天key就用完57F 10/03 18:08
推 : 剛剛買已經有KEY了,感謝推薦。前幾天還在想要不要買P5S58F 10/03 18:22
→ : 靠北 沒貨59F 10/03 18:53
推 : 這個月賣到缺貨?60F 10/04 17:18
推 : 剛買P5S缺KEY 其他都有61F 10/04 20:37
推 : 我還沒領到62F 10/04 23:16
※ 看板: Games 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 23
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- 這我也滿好奇理由,有去找一下對岸的影片。 他們給出的理由大致如下: 1.經濟不好 (主因): 1a.出社會一段時間的中產階級消費能力減弱 1b.就業及經濟導致剛出社會的新鮮人消費習慣改變 1c.財富 …86F 32推 2噓
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