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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-11-06 11:27:08
看板 Steam
作者 ETTom (外星姆湯)
標題 [組包] HumbleBundle 2024 11月
時間 Wed Nov  6 02:26:50 2024

HumbleBundle 2024 11月

Humble Choice | Humble Bundle
Get November 2024 Humble Choice and more when you subscribe for just $11.99 per month! ...



1.Warhammer 40,000 Darktide®(戰鎚40K:黑潮)
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide on Steam
Take back the city of Tertium from hordes of bloodthirsty foes in this intense and brutal action shooter. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is the new co-op  ...

褒貶不一 (83,353) 69% 史低 NT.574

2.Persona 4 Golden
Persona 4 Golden on Steam
A coming of age story that sets the protagonist and his friends on a journey kickstarted by a chain of serial murders. ...

壓倒性好評 (62,387) 97% 史低 NT.354

3.Lamplighters League
The Lamplighters League on Steam
Recruit a team of misfits with unique abilities and unforgettable personalities, and chase the Banished Court to the ends of the earth in a mix of rea ...

大多好評 (522) 72% 史低 NT.699

4.Cassette Beasts (磁帶怪獸)
Cassette Beasts on Steam
Collect awesome monsters to use during turn-based battles in this open-world RPG, now with online multiplayer mode. Combine any two monster forms usin ...

壓倒性好評 (6,615) 95% 史低 NT.196

5.The Bookwalker: Thief of Tales
The Bookwalker: Thief of Tales on Steam
The Bookwalker is a narrative adventure in which you play as Etienne Quist, a writer-turned-thief with the ability to dive into books. Use your powers ...

極度好評 (1,270) 92% 史低 NT.107

6.KarmaZoo (卡瑪動物園)
KarmaZoo on Steam
Share the love and die trying! KarmaZoo is a joyful, altruistic, cooperative platformer where up to 10 random players help each other with the unique  ...

極度好評 (872) 90% 史低 NT.112

7.Hexarchy (帝王牌局:古國紛爭)
Hexarchy on Steam
A fast-paced strategy game, which takes the weighty decisions of a 4X and stuffs them into an action-packed 60 minutes. Build a deck capable of foundi ...

極度好評 (758) 83% 史低 NT.196

8.Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator
Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator on Steam
Garden Life is a relaxing gardening game in which you create your dream garden in a peaceful, colourful world. Plant and add ornaments at your own pac ...

大多好評 (525) 78% 史低 NT.425




既然P4G都出了,我猜下一款 SEGA人龍極或者戰槌1會進包好了 XD

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: ETTom 2024-11-06 02:26:50
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dAcDmtW (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1730831216.A.DE0.html
※ 編輯: ETTom ( 臺灣), 11/06/2024 02:27:43
goodchild067: 看到P4G秒買1F 11/06 02:29
vmc: 人龍極進過包了阿2F 11/06 02:34
ETTom: 原來極1有進過  我沒跟到 QQ3F 11/06 02:36
Raquzza0526: 極1進包的時候還是Monthly4F 11/06 03:01
Raquzza0526: SEGA真的變月包大戶了...下一款我猜是未知邊境or靈魂
Raquzza0526: 駭客
Raquzza0526: 我看國外都猜是審判
rneovv: 好包8F 11/06 03:20
Gogogogoyes: 上個月的P5S我到現在都還沒有Key可領9F 11/06 03:26
ETTom: P4G想要的可能也要早點領 不然我猜可能也會缺key一陣子10F 11/06 03:27
NaNaSe88: 暗潮神作,近戰FPS打擊感最強作品11F 11/06 03:30
CIDgreen: 乾   P4G  早就買了  好猶豫12F 11/06 03:36
shen5678: 下一次行浪商人吧13F 11/06 03:46
ctes940008: 好14F 11/06 03:57
w520670: 戰鎚1是說偷偷握嗎 那個也進過包了15F 11/06 05:06
enix625: 有P4G就夠了16F 11/06 06:54
DogFearCat: 上個月的P5S不是有補過一波key了嗎@@17F 11/06 06:55
alanjiang: 哭喔P4G已有18F 11/06 06:57
sldj: 有美區的能回報key都能啟用嗎?感謝19F 11/06 07:03
sldj: 上次比較早買結果dome跟另一個無法啟用
Sunerk: 審判之眼 世界樹迷宮 等入包就好了嗎21F 11/06 07:17
liccacat: 感謝大大 剛秒買全領完了 一大早看到這個就開心!!22F 11/06 07:18
Alanetsai: P4G竟然入包頗意外但作為+1無可挑惕,磁帶怪獸在願望,23F 11/06 07:30
Alanetsai: 收
Alanetsai: SEGA我想許願法老,反正那款放著大概註定不會買
devilhades: P4G已經在NS買了 戰鎚又不愛 這包好猶豫26F 11/06 07:43
songbasara: 上個月p5s到31號才補到…27F 11/06 07:43
Alanetsai: 啊,帝王牌局也在我願望,這樣這次算蠻划算的28F 11/06 08:03
cycutom: 美帳的Cassette Beasts有鎖台區STEAM29F 11/06 08:13
cycutom: P4G則不知,因為出的時侯我就買了
sldj: 感謝,有鎖區我切台區帳號買好了31F 11/06 08:27
alvistan: P5S補key隔天才看到信 結果又沒來...32F 11/06 08:35
onlySN: 這包不錯阿阿阿阿33F 11/06 08:48
LonyIce: 微34F 11/06 08:51
oas: 鎖區這邊看 https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/ZXWce/35F 11/06 09:07
oas: 美區應該只有Cassette Beasts鎖台區 其他台灣皆可啟動
m21423: P4G有了...37F 11/06 09:42
bu17: p4g捏很久夏特才買...[@ss38F 11/06 09:44
GlowNight246: 黑潮真的好玩 現在版本對新手來說改的很舒服了39F 11/06 09:46
cms6384: 這包好強@_@40F 11/06 10:09
cms6384: DarkTide P4G 太讚了吧
h75311418: P4g很好但想等畫質重製版42F 11/06 10:28
h75311418: 不過steam 很常特價了也不貴
h75311418: 都pa2時期的遊戲入包滿正常了吧過很久了
h75311418: *ps2
g020488854: 推一個 中好幾款 太爽啦46F 11/06 10:43
leo19981: p4g當時定價才500多就直接買來玩47F 11/06 11:02

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