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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-29 21:11:15
看板 Gossiping
作者 a5091300 (穩潔海苔~*)
標題 [新聞] 紐西蘭法庭認定MegaUpload搜索令為非法
時間 Fri Jun 29 19:26:13 2012

NZ court finds Megaupload search warrants illegal

(Reuters) - Search warrants used when 70 New Zealand police raided the
mansion of the suspected kingpin of an Internet piracy ring were illegal, a
New Zealand court ruled on Thursday, dealing a blow to the FBI's highest
profile global copyright theft case.



German national Kim Dotcom, also known as Kim Schmitz, was one of four men
arrested in January as part of an investigation of his Megaupload.com website
led by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).


Prosecutors say Dotcom was the ringleader of a group that had netted $175
million since 2005 by copying and distributing music, movies and other
copyrighted content without authorization.


Dotcom's lawyers say the company simply offered online storage.


On Thursday, High Court Judge Justice Helen Winkelmann found the warrants
used in the seizure of property from Dotcom's mansion near Auckland were
illegal and that moves by the FBI to copy data from Dotcom's computer and
take it offshore were also unlawful.


"The warrants did not adequately describe the offences to which they

related," Winkelmann said in her ruling. "Indeed they fell well short of
that. They were general warrants, and as such, are invalid."


In response, New Zealand's police said in a statement they were considering
the judgment and were in discussions with Crown Law "to determine what
further action might be required".


Police said no further comment would be made until that process was complete.


Dotcom is on bail in New Zealand, fighting attempts by U.S. authorities who
are seeking to extradite him on charges of copyright theft and money
laundering. An extradition hearing is set for August.


Dotcom and his lawyers did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


Television New Zealand quoted a spokesman for Dotcom as saying he was
"pleased" but he would not be making any further comment on the court
decision as appeals were likely.


Lawyers representing the U.S. government said the ruling had come as "no
surprise" and that their legal team would be discussing options, including
whether an appeal will be lodged, TVNZ reported.


Armed officers, backed by helicopters, cut Dotcom out of a safe room he had
barricaded himself in within the sprawling country estate, reputedly New
Zealand's most expensive home. Millions of dollars in assets were seized or
frozen including almost 20 luxury vehicles, dozens of computers and art works.

Kim & 武裝軍隊的決鬥 (在他家)

Before it was shut down in January, Megaupload was one of the world's most
popular websites, where millions of users stored data, either for free or by
paying for premium service. Authorities say megaupload.com and related sites
cheated copyright holders out of more than $500 million.

U.S. lawyers for Megaupload have also argued that U.S. federal authorities
cannot charge the company with criminal behavior because it is Hong Kong
based, and also that no papers have ever been formally served.


(Reporting by Mantik Kusjanto; Writing by Lincoln Feast; Editing by Robert



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※ 編輯: a5091300        來自:        (06/29 19:26)
dp44:正義終於伸張了1F 06/29 19:27
jarry1007:檔案都被刪光啦 一些己廢盤的AV都找不到了...2F 06/29 19:27
or7:TV court:3F 06/29 19:27
widec:就跟成大mp3事件如出一轍4F 06/29 19:27
BigCat:「喔」 XDDDDDD5F 06/29 19:27
tysh710320:遲來的正義6F 06/29 19:27
ChiChiGo:靠北!都被抄了再講這個有P用喔?XDD7F 06/29 19:27
fireda:MU要在紐西蘭復活了嗎8F 06/29 19:27
chu630:美國真的是超流氓9F 06/29 19:27
kivan00:MU要復活了嗎?10F 06/29 19:27
jarry1007:若宮莉那、佐藤ひろみ11F 06/29 19:27
andy199113:*‧★,:*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:*‧° :*‧12F 06/29 19:27
kiyoe:回不去了13F 06/29 19:28
jolynn403:還我MU啊!還有我的必殺事仕人啊!14F 06/29 19:28
darkbrigher:有啥用 人都被關了 機房都被查封了15F 06/29 19:28
HAHAcomet:FBI要進攻紐西蘭了嗎16F 06/29 19:28
stella323:都刪光了17F 06/29 19:28
eva19452002:看來硬碟需求又要大增,價錢又更降不下來了18F 06/29 19:28
lc301:((((>(▔▽▔)<))))紐西蘭的司法又活起來了19F 06/29 19:28
deepdish:幫低調 難道沒二審三審制度嗎?20F 06/29 19:28
abian:MU快回來!!!!  塊回啊~21F 06/29 19:28
IDs:MF最近都在亂砍帳號22F 06/29 19:28
RedDog:跟FBI玩 真的賺好多喔23F 06/29 19:28
cynthia1207:快復活 快復活 快復活 快復活 快復活24F 06/29 19:29
gr1031:要復活了XDDD25F 06/29 19:29
tchialen:可是瑞凡 MU回不去了26F 06/29 19:29
kiyoe:復活有什麼用 之前的檔都沒了27F 06/29 19:29
eva19452002:等一下就會看到店家在換硬碟漲價後價格了28F 06/29 19:29
doom3:喔喔 非法關機跟扣留29F 06/29 19:29
p910520670:正義已獲得伸張 如今我將化身智慧30F 06/29 19:30
vickyshan:關紐西蘭什麼事@@@??31F 06/29 19:30
sakura000:現在說這些都太晚了 只能去死了32F 06/29 19:30
erilinda:還我MU33F 06/29 19:31
LiGungShia:免空的時代要回來了!34F 06/29 19:31
potionx:現在要跟FBI求償了!世界各地的鄉民快上XDDD35F 06/29 19:31
jokem:FBI:全面進攻紐西蘭36F 06/29 19:31
startlequiet:FBI本來就世界流氓 多少髒事都是他們@#%#$^$%^$%$%$%37F 06/29 19:31
oidkk:MU萬歲!38F 06/29 19:32
Hiromitsu:MU不滅!!39F 06/29 19:32
newglory:善良和正義回來了!40F 06/29 19:33
ohmygodf11:萬惡米國 還我MU41F 06/29 19:33
fm17:MU我想念你42F 06/29 19:34
KCKCLIN:之前的檔回不來了43F 06/29 19:34
ahsun:美國吃屎吧44F 06/29 19:34
Mahoutsukai:廢話少說 檔案還來45F 06/29 19:34
winiS:年初之前我也以為美國很自由 直到mu被抄掉…46F 06/29 19:34
HornyDragon:萬惡米國 還我MU47F 06/29 19:34
ibanes:還我MU!!48F 06/29 19:34
sugizo0:MU要復活了嗎?!!!!(希望啦... XD49F 06/29 19:35
winiS:就算洗清罪名 逝去的D槽再也沒辦法回來惹50F 06/29 19:35
kudo0930:最強的免空要回來了!!Y51F 06/29 19:35
penguinboy:霉國表示:我們懷疑紐西蘭擁有毀滅性武器52F 06/29 19:36
MIOisMyBride:檢察官:幹 我下片的地方你也趕動53F 06/29 19:36
winiS:現在都滿滿的錢空 再也沒有免空惹Q口Q54F 06/29 19:36
storyf66014:..........回得來了嗎!? 我的精神糧食 =口=55F 06/29 19:36
astranagant:MU快回來啊~~56F 06/29 19:36
sakura000:還我MIKU57F 06/29 19:37
jonothan:資訊 ◎<免空板> 免空的末日到了? (可以改版標了!58F 06/29 19:37
secscy:回得來嗎 我的檔案.....59F 06/29 19:37
kcl0801:檔案沒被刪吧 期待復活60F 06/29 19:38
venroxas:回不來了...61F 06/29 19:38
parkerlived:FDZONE....62F 06/29 19:38
apman:MU快回來吧!!!!!!!!!!!63F 06/29 19:38
jonothan:轉錄至看板 Free_box                                    06/29 19:39
s9341097:之前的檔案回不來也沒關係,之後的檔案不會消失就好。64F 06/29 19:39
a5091300:這篇是從免空版看到後找相關新聞的,其實不用轉免空..65F 06/29 19:40
jonothan:轉完才發現,哈哈...66F 06/29 19:41
hahn:MuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMuMu67F 06/29 19:41
otld:FBI會鳥這法庭嗎??68F 06/29 19:42
Yuwuen:==================還我MU 還我免空======================69F 06/29 19:42
chevalierxd:MU不會回來了70F 06/29 19:42
TheDark:MU快回來啊啊啊!!!!!!71F 06/29 19:43
nxlpeibn:耶~72F 06/29 19:45
misy4ru3:MU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!73F 06/29 19:46
bluenight251:還我MU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~74F 06/29 19:46
teddygoodgoo:MU  過去的就讓他過去!  再創黃金10年吧!75F 06/29 19:46
lowma:MU曾經是我的精神糧食啊76F 06/29 19:46
lc301:安真:可是....瑞凡77F 06/29 19:47
YU0987:MU:你知道被抄走的東西,根本就回不來了嗎?79F 06/29 19:48
ispy03532003:\還我MU/\還我MU/\還我MU/\還我MU/\還我MU/\還我MU/80F 06/29 19:48
misy4ru3:(」〒□〒)」MU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!81F 06/29 19:49
ckgegg:安真:可是...........瑞凡  死歌唱大了 你回不去了82F 06/29 19:50
koidnar:快快復活吧!!我的神阿83F 06/29 19:52
momogo11:塊回來阿 MU84F 06/29 19:52
ha0118:還我MU!!!!!!86F 06/29 19:53
blowupgod:只要mu回歸就能夠拯救世界阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿87F 06/29 19:53
roader28:還我mu88F 06/29 19:54
flux:米國:紐西蘭的羊咩咩為大規模生化武器89F 06/29 19:55
digimaster:FDZ也掰了 MU現在回來也沒意思了90F 06/29 19:56
asd2260123:喔喔喔喔喔~~~~~~~~~~還我MU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~91F 06/29 19:57
s0857168:紐西蘭的牛隻和羊隻要小心了92F 06/29 19:57
btpo:生化武器 暗陰羊93F 06/29 19:57
micotosai:都查封了...94F 06/29 20:02
leeyuanchan:貨幣戰爭 利益問題浮上來囉~~~~95F 06/29 20:02
gnrxjapan:帥喇96F 06/29 20:09
LEAFKEY:快回來吧MU97F 06/29 20:09
casnal:還我MU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fucking FBI~98F 06/29 20:14
morphyster:MU萬歲!!!!99F 06/29 20:16
livewater:還我MU!!!!!!!!!!100F 06/29 20:17
skyhome:復活吧MU   萬惡的美帝102F 06/29 20:28
BRIANKUO:!!!103F 06/29 20:29
Freeven:MU  快回來啊!!!!104F 06/29 20:29
shuizi:MU!!!!!!!!!!!!105F 06/29 20:33
xxxg00w0:突然發現硬碟沒理由不跌了 只好使出殺手鐧106F 06/29 21:01

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