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※ 本文為 circosgood.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-12-22 21:59:03
看板 RockMetal
作者 deh3215 (黑金屬魂)
標題 Fw: [新聞] 瑞典男因為重金屬上癮而獲得政府傷殘補助
時間 Sat Dec 22 10:13:36 2012

※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1GrGsLsf ]

看板 Gossiping
作者 pentoxide (Penta)
標題 [新聞] 瑞典男因為重金屬上癮而獲得政府傷殘補助
時間 Sat Dec 22 09:32:02 2012

Swedish man gets disability benefits for addiction to heavy metal

A man in Sweden has been reportedly awarded state disability benefits for his addiction to heavy metal.

According to the Global Post, 42-year-old Roger Tullgren said he consulted three psychologists to testify his addiction to the Devil's Rock, which led to him attending over 300 concerts last year, leaving him seemingly unable to hold down a job.
根據Global Post報導,42歲的Roger Tullgren聲稱他已經與三個心理醫生諮詢過,判定他對Devil's Rock有成癮現象,導致他在去年一整年參加超過300場演唱會,因此可能無法好好工作

"I have been trying for 10 years to get this classified as a handicap," he told Swedish newspaper The Local. "I spoke to three psychologists and they finally agreed that I needed this to avoid being discriminated against."

According to the report, he now has a part-time job as a dishwasher at a restaurant in Hassleholm, which will be supplemented by disability benefits. Tullgren's new boss has agreed to let him rock out to Slayer as loud as he wants while scrubbing dishes, so long as it doesn't disturb guests. He has even agreed to grant Tullgren time off to go to gigs.
 根據報導,Roger現在有份兼職工作,是在餐廳洗碗,同時可以享有傷殘補助的支援。Roger的新老板同意讓他在洗碗的時候放心的rock Slayer的歌,只要不要影響客人即可。甚至同意Roger可以因為參加演唱會而請假。
"I signed a form saying: 'Roger feels compelled to show his heavy metal style. This puts him in a difficult situation on the labor market. Therefore he needs extra financial help'. So now I can turn up at a job interview dressed in my normal clothes and just hand the interviewers this piece of paper," Tullgren said.

Tullgren said he's been hooked on metal since his brother played him a Black Sabbath album when he was a toddler.
Tullgren說他是在小時後聽到哥哥播放Black Sabbath的歌而迷上重金屬音樂

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◆ From:
pinkowa: = =" 什麼鬼???1F 12/22 09:33
VVizZ:還以為是吃金屬2F 12/22 09:33
jarry1007:我看A片上癮不知道可不可以申請補助厚?3F 12/22 09:33
andrewyllee:ptt上癮 請給我補助4F 12/22 09:33
stratege:五樓A片上癮也想要政府補助5F 12/22 09:33
underload:難道我軟體中毒也要去申請補助嗎?6F 12/22 09:33
netsphere:ptt上癮可以申請國賠嗎7F 12/22 09:33
haoto:鉛中毒真的很可憐8F 12/22 09:33
AFROGUNSO:我對初音成癮,不知能不能領殘障手冊9F 12/22 09:33
lucifax:我有重度隨時幹譙馬英九上癮 可以給我補助嗎?10F 12/22 09:33
iwcuforever:= =11F 12/22 09:34
BS1017:超爽德,移民瑞典了12F 12/22 09:34
kisaku1980:我有看正妹上癮的症狀也可以申請嗎?13F 12/22 09:36
sunluna:這才是人權 台灣有的只是慣老闆血汗奴隸14F 12/22 09:40
asdf121250:怒推黑色安息日15F 12/22 09:53
Swashbuckler:過猶不及了吧?16F 12/22 10:00

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: deh3215 (, 時間: 12/22/2012 10:13:36
kria5304:那我也要領殘障證書1F 12/22 10:25
kria5304:呃 不過一年300場Live有點...
szuta:不愧是北歐福利國瑞典...我該在哪簽名?3F 12/22 10:30
l17:剩下的65天是待在家看youtube嗎XD4F 12/22 10:56
saigxx:300場...5F 12/22 11:04
kee32:瑞典和挪威不愧是結拜兄弟!6F 12/22 11:15
zack7301428:剩下的65天應該是移動日吧 移動到下個國家看演唱會XD7F 12/22 11:28
HornyDragon:你他媽的這是三洨XDDDDDDD8F 12/22 11:31
saidon:================明年版聚地點:瑞典====================9F 12/22 11:32
l17:好色龍別激動XDDDDD10F 12/22 11:35
miabcd199:潮爽得11F 12/22 14:33
saigxx:我朋友之前跟我說在法國洗碗工用薪是台幣七萬多...12F 12/22 15:19
EDGE:        比演唱會巡迴隨行工作人員的上班日還要多?太勤奮了13F 12/22 16:20
miabcd199:法國消費也高阿.. 不能這樣比14F 12/22 16:57

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