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※ 本文為 rediner.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-05-23 23:19:19
看板 Gossiping
作者 hikarusio (sio)
標題 Re: [爆卦] 學運果然被抹黑了(作者Tom McGregor回信)
時間 Fri May 23 23:00:19 2014

※ 引述《ph861403 (欸斯君)》之銘言:
: Sunflower Activist Terrorizes Taipei Subway, 4 Dead
: The Dallas Blog has just received information from credible sources in
: Taipei, Taiwan that the university student, who went on a stabbing spree at
: the Taiwan MRT subway station yesterday and killed four people, was allegedly
: affiliated with the Sunflower student activist group, which is a Leftist
: Democracy movement.
: Dallas Blog根據台北的一個可信來源說明,
: 臺灣的大學生昨天在捷運殺了四個人,
: 據說這個人是太陽花學運組織的成員。
: 而太陽花學運是一個左派民主運動。
: According to ABS CBN News, "Four people were killed and 21 wounded in a
: stabbing attack Wednesday afternoon on a Taipei subway train, after which
: police arrested a male university student as a suspect, authorities said."
: A Taiwan source described Sunflower group as copying, "the little Red Guard
: from the Chinese Cultural Revolution for political gain."
: 根據ABS跟CBN,四個人被殺,21人受傷。
: 來自臺灣的情報說明,太陽花團體就像是文革的紅衛兵。
: As reported by ABS CBN News, "The suspect, reportedly a 21-year-old sophomore
: at Tunghai University in Taichung, began the stabbing spree at Longshan
: Temple Station, on the Taipei Metro's Banqiao Line that runs between Taipei
: and New Taipei, at the start of the evening rush hour."
: ABS跟CBN說嫌犯是21歲的東海學生...(以下是事件概述)
: Billionaire tycoon George Soros is considered a strong supporter of the
: Sunflower Group and allegedly a generous donor for them.
: To read the entire article from ABS CBN News, link here:
: Tmcgregordallas@yahoo.com
: 到底是哪個「可信來源」散佈這種消息,
: 說鄭捷跟太陽花學運有關=____=
: http://ppt.cc/eSpS
Dallasblog.com, the Dallas, Texas news blog and Dallas, Texas information source for the DFW Metroplex. - DALLAS BLOG - Alleged Sunflower Activist Terrorizes Taipei Subway, 4 Dead Dallasblog.com is the Dallas, Texas news blog and Dallas, Texas information source for the DFW Metroplex. They cover Dallas, Texas Politics like the Dallas Mayoral Election, Dallas City Government News, Dallas City Council News, Dallas Society News Dallas County and Dallas City Hall News, the Wright ...




寄給 Tmcgregordallas

Hey ,Tom McGregor I have to tell you that your are totally wrong.

Are you insane?????

What’s your ‘’credible sources’’?
It sounds  ‘’incredible’’.

Oh come on , you made the whole things up.

I recommend you read more ‘’True News’’

CNN  News↓↓↓↓↓


You make me sick! .

Finally, Screw you.



How are you? I appreciate receiving emails from my readers.
My source predicted you would react in such a manner.
I support my credible sources and

would not reveal my sources under any circumstances.
(在任何情況下 我都不會透露我的消息來源)

I'm willing to die for them.

Meanwhile, I would not post their comments if I believed they were
Have a good day.


Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad



(還是無法得知他的消息來源 僅能得知他使用iPad....???)

PS 我好(懷)奇(疑)他的那張『蘋果即時』有無侵犯蘋果智慧財產權

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1400857226.A.40C.html
wurenben:你這樣語氣要期待他回答你什麼?1F 05/23 23:01
lions0164:而且英文還滿爛的2F 05/23 23:02
Taidalmc:我猜來源就是邱液3F 05/23 23:02
GalLe5566:就是KMT打手阿 你覺得他真的不知道?4F 05/23 23:02
ga023630:KMT的國外黨工阿 你意外嗎5F 05/23 23:02
fakeiori:你一直罵他我快笑死XDDDD6F 05/23 23:02
ogisun:你的語氣真的太差了7F 05/23 23:03
conshelity:Are you insane 你知道安麗嗎8F 05/23 23:03
zone0317:就國民黨黨工阿 海外一堆勒9F 05/23 23:04
ymx3xc:推10F 05/23 23:04
ienari:推原po XD11F 05/23 23:04
ZaaRri:腦殘不分國籍12F 05/23 23:04
alvar:你應該問 是不是拿了$50013F 05/23 23:04
chaoliang:他相信他的那個來源  不相信這個來源14F 05/23 23:05
shiriri:這位歪國人應該是拿錢辦事的吧 罵的好 他也不敢回嗆15F 05/23 23:07
TNTKK:跟腦殘黨公說有用逆?16F 05/23 23:07
handsomeSEAN:"I'm wiling to die for them." 那他趕快去死吧!17F 05/23 23:09
roy800107:直接回他Over my dead body!!!18F 05/23 23:14
wameme:黨工不分國界19F 05/23 23:17

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 3 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2019 
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( ̄︶ ̄)b revive, tresmiel, maw1250 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2014-05-23 23:24:06 (台灣)
  05-23 23:24 TW
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