※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-04-20 15:56:11
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 最經典的英文歌??
時間 Mon Apr 20 13:04:35 2015
我目前想到的大概就 billie jean, boom boom pow
小朋友會想到let it go
我媽會想到的大概就yellow submarine, waiting for you
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LD8ZcS0 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1429506278.A.700.html
→ : air supply1F 04/20 13:05
推 : close to you2F 04/20 13:05
推 : jingle bells?3F 04/20 13:05
推 : stairway to heaven4F 04/20 13:05
推 : fly me to the moon5F 04/20 13:05
推 : You Raise Me Up6F 04/20 13:05
→ : happy birthday to you7F 04/20 13:05
→ : Lemon tree8F 04/20 13:05
推 : Air supply- making love out of nothing at all9F 04/20 13:06
→ : Happy Birthday10F 04/20 13:06
→ : I will pray for you11F 04/20 13:06
推 : un un un un un unbelievable, thats what you are12F 04/20 13:06
推 : un ~un~un~unbelievable ~~13F 04/20 13:06
推 : happy birthday to you14F 04/20 13:06
推 : Every Woman In The World15F 04/20 13:07
推 : Never gonna give you up - rick astley16F 04/20 13:07
推 : 沒人推我難過或I sad 我樓下請大家吃雞排17F 04/20 13:07
推 : hey jude~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~18F 04/20 13:07
→ : wet back into love?19F 04/20 13:07
推 : I can't tell you why20F 04/20 13:07
→ : YMCA21F 04/20 13:07
推 : Seasons In The Sun22F 04/20 13:08
推 : My Angel23F 04/20 13:08
推 : rhythm of the rain 就算不聽英文歌也大概聽過24F 04/20 13:08
推 : 突然好想你25F 04/20 13:08
推 : you give love a bad name26F 04/20 13:08
推 : 雞排27F 04/20 13:08
推 : my heart will go on28F 04/20 13:09
推 : carpenters - yesterday once more29F 04/20 13:09
推 : 不就Happy Birthday30F 04/20 13:09
推 : big big girl big big world31F 04/20 13:09
推 : 雞排++33F 04/20 13:09
推 : tokyo is so hot34F 04/20 13:10
推 : I don't want to miss a thing35F 04/20 13:10
推 : OREA36F 04/20 13:10
推 : Jeanny 英文+德文 施文彬翻唱成七仔37F 04/20 13:10
→ : 找雞薖38F 04/20 13:10
推 : Imagine, where is love, linger39F 04/20 13:11
推 : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V40F 04/20 13:11
→ : obovganasai41F 04/20 13:11
推 : 找艱薖42F 04/20 13:11
推 : Take Me Home Country Roads43F 04/20 13:11
→ : Casablanca44F 04/20 13:11
→ : W X Y and Z45F 04/20 13:11
推 : Endless love47F 04/20 13:12
推 : I am sad(英文版我難過)48F 04/20 13:12
推 : we will~~we will~~rock you!!49F 04/20 13:13
推 : Kenny G, Ocean breeze50F 04/20 13:13
推 : GGININDER51F 04/20 13:13
推 : 我難過52F 04/20 13:14
推 : Bob Dylan/Joan Baez/The Beatles/Air Supply/ABBA53F 04/20 13:14
推 : 嘻哈鬥牛梗54F 04/20 13:14
推 : Louis Armstrong_what a wonderful world55F 04/20 13:15
推 : hbd56F 04/20 13:15
→ : Alan Menken/Elton John/Randy Newman57F 04/20 13:15
→ : aLIEz58F 04/20 13:15
推 : Row row row your boat59F 04/20 13:15
推 : I'm sad60F 04/20 13:16
推 : happy birthday to you61F 04/20 13:16
推 : 檸檬樹是翻唱還是本來就國語歌62F 04/20 13:17
→ : Jizz in my pants63F 04/20 13:17
推 : 推文有些太老有些太新,LAST CHRISTMAS 才是通用各年代65F 04/20 13:19
推 : It's my LINE~~~66F 04/20 13:19
推 : let it be67F 04/20 13:20
推 : 居然沒有 加州旅店68F 04/20 13:20
→ : 誰叫每年聖誕節每間店都一定要撥這首~69F 04/20 13:20
→ : I feel sad70F 04/20 13:20
推 : 檸檬樹是翻唱Fool's Garden 的 Lemon Tree71F 04/20 13:20
→ : 樓樓上是要講its my life嗎...72F 04/20 13:21
推 : sixpence none the richer - kiss me73F 04/20 13:21
推 : Yesterday74F 04/20 13:21
推 : YMCA75F 04/20 13:22
推 : Danger zone76F 04/20 13:23
推 : Just the way you are 應該是可以符合77F 04/20 13:24
推 : 要選最經典的一首根本沒辦法 個人第一個想到Yesterday78F 04/20 13:24
推 : 同志國歌 Your song 你的爽79F 04/20 13:25
推 : We are the world80F 04/20 13:26
推 : Wo Nan Guo81F 04/20 13:26
推 : ABCDEFG 人生第一首英文歌82F 04/20 13:27
推 : 現在在聽wonderwall也很經典83F 04/20 13:30
推 : Let it be84F 04/20 13:30
推 : UN UN UN85F 04/20 13:32
推 : because of you86F 04/20 13:32
→ : kids me87F 04/20 13:32
推 : XXXXGAY88F 04/20 13:33
→ : yi ba ba hay ya89F 04/20 13:34
推 : the swag song 絕對經典90F 04/20 13:35
→ : nothing's gonna change my love for you91F 04/20 13:38
推 : Last Christmas吧 每年聖誕節一定會聽到92F 04/20 13:38
推 : London bridge is falling down~folling down~93F 04/20 13:38
→ : Tie a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree94F 04/20 13:38
推 : 嘎了給給~~蹦蹦蹦95F 04/20 13:43
推 : I don't want to miss a thing、My heart will go on96F 04/20 13:43
推 : I'm sad97F 04/20 13:43
推 : Wo nan guo98F 04/20 13:44
→ : 雞排謝啦99F 04/20 13:48
→ : careless whisper100F 04/20 13:48
推 : inal countdown~~~~~~~~~101F 04/20 13:51
→ : WA GAN KO102F 04/20 13:52
推 : I don't want this night to end103F 04/20 13:54
推 : Last Christmas104F 04/20 13:54
推 : carry on105F 04/20 13:55
推 : YMCA 上次在德國的路邊派對,這首歌一出路人都跟著唱106F 04/20 13:56
推 : make sure gun more?107F 04/20 13:57
推 : unbreak my heart, say you'll love me again108F 04/20 14:00
→ : I see your true colors shining through~
→ : what if God was one of us~
→ : I see your true colors shining through~
→ : what if God was one of us~
推 : Who Let The Dogs Out111F 04/20 14:04
噓 : Mayday - OAOA112F 04/20 14:04
推 : I feel so sad113F 04/20 14:06
推 : YMCA114F 04/20 14:09
→ : I'm so sad115F 04/20 14:09
推 : I just have sex116F 04/20 14:10
→ : bon jovi-living on a prayer117F 04/20 14:13
推 : Hotel California118F 04/20 14:15
推 : apologize119F 04/20 14:17
推 : I am sad120F 04/20 14:18
推 : waiting in the moonlight121F 04/20 14:18
→ : head and shoulder, knees and toes, knees and toes~122F 04/20 14:19
推 : Right here waiting123F 04/20 14:20
推 : TEAR IN HEAVEN124F 04/20 14:22
推 : I"M Sad!125F 04/20 14:24
推 : I can't give you anything but my love126F 04/20 14:26
推 : Welcome to the jungle ~127F 04/20 14:27
推 : Back at one128F 04/20 14:35
推 : 5566-i am sad129F 04/20 14:38
推 : One little two little three little Indians ~130F 04/20 14:41
推 : I love you131F 04/20 14:54
推 : 推Hiiragi:wa gan ko132F 04/20 14:54
推 : At the day only can choose leave for say nothing133F 04/20 14:54
推 : This love134F 04/20 15:02
推 : Yesterday once more 謝謝雞排135F 04/20 15:03
推 : waiting for you不是胡彥斌的歌嗎?(逃)136F 04/20 15:05
推 : Lemon tree 雞排先謝啦~137F 04/20 15:08
推 : YMCA138F 04/20 15:10
→ : Go West
→ : Go West
推 : I'm sad140F 04/20 15:16
推 : Queen - We Will Rock You141F 04/20 15:16
推 : And I~~~will always love you~~~142F 04/20 15:24
→ : lemon tree!!!143F 04/20 15:26
推 : Wake Me Up When September Ends144F 04/20 15:38
推 : I'm sad 和kawsxkaws 講的那個對?145F 04/20 15:39
推 : Hotel California146F 04/20 15:43
→ : 要弄歪~~~要酸奶~~~胃痛啊~~~嗚嗚嗚嗚~~~啊啊啊啊~~~147F 04/20 15:51
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1871
1樓 時間: 2015-04-20 13:48:53 (台灣)
04-20 13:48 TW
nothing gonna change my love for you ←腦袋閃過第一首