※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-05-11 23:28:09
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] Bon Jovi哪一首歌最經典
時間 Mon May 11 20:39:14 2015
老邦是我第一個接觸的hard-rock團 當然現在年紀大了 已經變成pop團..
但是他們巔峰時期的每首經典歌曲 每張專輯 大家都是歷歷在目..
他們曾經上一個脫口秀的節目 訪問時 老邦說了一段話..
如果一個樂團 沒有一首 能讓大家稱為經典的歌曲 那他們不過就是一群
長的漂亮的Model罷了..XD 老邦這句話還屌打了台灣好多稱為天團的樂團..
因為bon jovi太多經點歌曲惹~
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZQyVUTcpM4 keep the faith
Bon Jovi - Keep The Faith - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Keep The Faith. (C) 2003 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Keep The Faith. (C) 2003 The Island Def Jam Music Group

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOUtsybozjg bad madicine
Bon Jovi - Bad Medicine - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Bad Medicine. (C) 1988 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Bad Medicine. (C) 1988 The Island Def Jam Music Group

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh8MIp2FOhc i'll be there for you
Bon Jovi - I'll Be There For You - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing I'll Be There For You. (C) 1988 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing I'll Be There For You. (C) 1988 The Island Def Jam Music Group

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahf2B_eZUc4 born to me my baby
Bon Jovi - Born To Be My Baby - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Born To Be My Baby. (C) 1988 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Born To Be My Baby. (C) 1988 The Island Def Jam Music Group

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvR60Wg9R7Q bed of roses
Bon Jovi - Bed Of Roses - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Bed Of Roses. (C) 1992 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Bed Of Roses. (C) 1992 The Island Def Jam Music Group

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCUzwEst3pE these days
Bon Jovi - These Days - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing These Days. (C) 1998 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing These Days. (C) 1998 The Island Def Jam Music Group

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nlDy6h-v9c this ain't a love song
Bon Jovi - This Ain't A Love Song - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing This Ain't A Love Song. (C) 1995 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Music video by Bon Jovi performing This Ain't A Love Song. (C) 1995 UMG Recordings, Inc.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifm00JEjSeo never say goodbye
Bon Jovi - Never Say Goodbye - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Never Say Goodbye. (C) 1986 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Never Say Goodbye. (C) 1986 The Island Def Jam Music Group

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hlcUMNeBc0 hey god
Bon Jovi - Hey God (Long Version) - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Hey God. (C) 1995 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Hey God. (C) 1995 The Island Def Jam Music Group

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siriZ8lSS_g hearts breaking even(這首><b)
Bon Jovi - Hearts Breaking Even subtitulado - YouTube
Del album these days de 1995 Bon Jovi con Hearts breaking even subtitulada
Del album these days de 1995 Bon Jovi con Hearts breaking even subtitulada

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BMwcO6_hyA always
Bon Jovi - Always - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Always. (C) 1994 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Always. (C) 1994 The Island Def Jam Music Group

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuMTfElyqW4 save the world
Bon Jovi Save the world - YouTube
This is one of Bon Jovi's best songs and probably one of the most beautiful songs ever written. I do not own the music or the pictures, they belong to their ...
This is one of Bon Jovi's best songs and probably one of the most beautiful songs ever written. I do not own the music or the pictures, they belong to their ...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ56h4ql8Dk santa fe
Jon Bon Jovi - Santa Fe - YouTube
The original fan made music video continaining Bon Jovi's song Santa Fe and clips from Young Guns. I know this video is getting reposted on youtube, but this...
The original fan made music video continaining Bon Jovi's song Santa Fe and clips from Young Guns. I know this video is getting reposted on youtube, but this...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ja1aHnj7Wk dry country
Bon Jovi - Dry County - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Dry County. (C) 1992 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing Dry County. (C) 1992 The Island Def Jam Music Group

有沒有Bon Jovi哪一首歌最經典der八卦?!
備註:These Days是我個人最愛的一張專輯 整張都神曲..
http://imgur.com/1h99JOe 國外大叔長這樣 台灣大叔呢..XD
換得的,卻是一個欺騙,一個謊言,所以他選擇和鬼隱合作..因為 他要讓舒石公知道被
義決的他,一下手便是此生最強的招式,「悲龍斬」,他悲傷多年的交情 竟然是落得這
樣的下場!他黯然流下了一滴眼淚,但眼淚卻混在他手上那片 風凌韻的血裡頭,而風
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→ : 一直買LINE1F 05/11 20:39
推 : you give love a bad name2F 05/11 20:39
→ : u give love a bad name3F 05/11 20:39
推 : 最喜歡Always但是最芭樂一定it's my life4F 05/11 20:40
Bon Jovi - It's My Life - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing It's My Life. (C) 2003 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing It's My Life. (C) 2003 The Island Def Jam Music Group

推 : 被的妹的生6F 05/11 20:40
推 : all about lovin't you7F 05/11 20:40
→ : Bon Jovi - It's My Life 沒有之一8F 05/11 20:40
推 : 何時會來台灣9F 05/11 20:40
推 : 怎麼可以少you give love a bad name...10F 05/11 20:40
→ : have a nice day11F 05/11 20:40
推 : 陳致遠三場比賽11K的那首12F 05/11 20:40
噓 : I am sad13F 05/11 20:41
→ : it's my life 大概是最廣為人知的吧14F 05/11 20:41
推 : we weren't born to follow15F 05/11 20:41
→ : 有哪首能超越這首?..It's My Life 找不到..16F 05/11 20:41
推 : living on a prayer跟dry county17F 05/11 20:41
→ : 1FXDD 跩康底也不錯啊18F 05/11 20:41
推 : LIVING ON A PRAYER19F 05/11 20:42
推 : you give love a bad name20F 05/11 20:42
噓 : 沒有Livin' On A Prayer給221F 05/11 20:42
推 : 陳致遠表示22F 05/11 20:42
推 : 一次買來23F 05/11 20:43
推 : 真的好聽!24F 05/11 20:43
→ : Thank You For Loving Me25F 05/11 20:43
→ : Wanted dead or alive!26F 05/11 20:43
推 : 可以去Bon_Jovi版找一下娘炮版的It's My Life,超好笑27F 05/11 20:43
推 : runaway 飆高音飆得很爽28F 05/11 20:43
噓 : I Love This Town29F 05/11 20:44
推 : 首推Livin' On A Prayer 居然沒提到這首30F 05/11 20:44
→ : yo give love a bd name跟living on a pryer忘了貼31F 05/11 20:44
推 : Livin' On A Prayer32F 05/11 20:44
推 : i don't want to miss a thing (跑錯棚)33F 05/11 20:44
→ : 我難過34F 05/11 20:44
→ : Sorry~~這兩首當然也都超愛..35F 05/11 20:44
推 : Everyday 幹 1F你真的戳到我笑穴XDDDDDD36F 05/11 20:45
→ : 因為老邦神曲太多 難免會有露~37F 05/11 20:45
推 : It's my life和We Weren't Born To Follow38F 05/11 20:46
→ : Wanted dead or alive..39F 05/11 20:46
推 : Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name40F 05/11 20:47
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrZHPOeOxQQ
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrZHPOeOxQQ
Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing You Give Love A Bad Name. (C) 1986 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing You Give Love A Bad Name. (C) 1986 The Island Def Jam Music Group

推 : 蝦酥來啦42F 05/11 20:47
推 : 一直買LINE 一直鬧偶爾NEVER XDDDDD43F 05/11 20:48
推 : 一樓XDD45F 05/11 20:48
推 : bad medicine+146F 05/11 20:48
推 : someday i'll be saturday night47F 05/11 20:49
推 : Livin' On A Prayer48F 05/11 20:49
→ : 樓上那手也超讚!!49F 05/11 20:50
→ : 1樓XDDDDD50F 05/11 20:51
推 : XDDD 推1F51F 05/11 20:51
→ : 1樓是要說it's my life嗎..XDD52F 05/11 20:52
推 : you give love a bad name53F 05/11 20:52
推 : 包包54F 05/11 20:53
→ : Livin' On A Prayer也超讚55F 05/11 20:53
→ : Make A Memory 則是最芭樂的 不過也很好聽
→ : Make A Memory 則是最芭樂的 不過也很好聽
推 : Livin應該勝過it's my life57F 05/11 20:55
推 : 蝦酥 the heart~~~~~~58F 05/11 20:55
推 : dry country 一票59F 05/11 20:56
→ : Dry County = =
→ : Dry County = =
→ : make a menory後期的歌惹..61F 05/11 20:56
推 : 當然是致遠哥11K主題曲62F 05/11 20:56
推 : 你能漏掉Livin' on a prayer 真不簡單63F 05/11 20:57
推 : 我喜歡的是出道曲 Runaway 不過代表作應該是 You give64F 05/11 20:57
推 : JEOY也不錯阿 雖然有點芭樂65F 05/11 20:57
→ : love a bad name66F 05/11 20:57
推 : 推1F XDD69F 05/11 20:58
→ : I am..這首也後期的70F 05/11 20:58
→ : Livin' On A Prayer也不錯71F 05/11 20:58
推 : These Days算是分水嶺 支後就剩偶有佳作了72F 05/11 20:59
推 : dry county73F 05/11 20:59
→ : ALL ABOUT LOVIN' U74F 05/11 20:59
→ : These Days是小魯本人最愛的一張..75F 05/11 21:00
噓 : Bon Jovi can suck my dick76F 05/11 21:01
→ : Just Older77F 05/11 21:04
推 : Livin On A Prayer堪稱美國國歌78F 05/11 21:05
→ : 看一下阿美利卡多少人 美國國歌..XD79F 05/11 21:06
→ : livin' on a prayer80F 05/11 21:07
推 : born to be my baby 沒有之一,超愛這首81F 05/11 21:14
→ : Blaze Of Glory82F 05/11 21:14
→ : born to be my baby+183F 05/11 21:15
推 : We Weren't Born To Follow84F 05/11 21:17
推 : 我難....喔不...是Always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!85F 05/11 21:20
推 : 我還以為是Livin' on a prayer86F 05/11 21:23
推 : you were born to be my baby87F 05/11 21:23
Bon Jovi - Something To Believe In - YouTube
Some pictures of 2001 Ted Demme's movie „Blow" and Bon Jovi concert in Yokohama, 19.05.1996
Some pictures of 2001 Ted Demme's movie „Blow" and Bon Jovi concert in Yokohama, 19.05.1996

Bon Jovi - Social Disease - YouTube
From 1986's Slippery When Wet. No ownership claimed. Strictly for amusement.
From 1986's Slippery When Wet. No ownership claimed. Strictly for amusement.

推 : In these arms91F 05/11 21:31
推 : Never Say Goodbye92F 05/11 21:32
噓 : 沒有Livin on A Prayer? 原po要不要說明一下93F 05/11 21:36
噓 : 沒有livin'on a prayer???94F 05/11 21:46
推 : 當然是have a nice day 竟然沒列出95F 05/11 21:50
→ : living on aprayer跟you give love a bad name露了96F 05/11 21:52
推 : 聽他們的歌總是可以讓我從沮喪中振作...97F 05/11 21:56
推 : These days98F 05/11 21:57
→ : 推 累次沮喪聽都會到想哭.. 最後又振作><b99F 05/11 21:59
→ : 每
→ : 每
推 : Two story town101F 05/11 22:07
推 : what do u got102F 05/11 22:11
推 : 未看先推版主,BonJovi也是我第一個引領我愛上西洋搖滾103F 05/11 22:18
→ : 的樂團,而且也是給歌迷超正面的價值觀的形象.我強推It
→ : 's my life!
→ : 的樂團,而且也是給歌迷超正面的價值觀的形象.我強推It
→ : 's my life!
推 : Everyday 旋律揮之不去106F 05/11 22:22
推 : We Weren't Born To Follow107F 05/11 22:26
推 : always 搖滾樂團的情歌蠻多都不錯聽108F 05/11 22:32
推 : 你都說these days了 推一下something for the pain109F 05/11 22:33
→ : something to believe in~ 深沉堅毅的吶喊啊~
→ : something to believe in~ 深沉堅毅的吶喊啊~
→ : 去google搜尋 第一個跳出來是it's my life111F 05/11 22:33
→ : 私心喜歡crush的two story town XD112F 05/11 22:34
→ : 沒有Livin on A Prayer這篇就是廢文113F 05/11 22:37
推 : 怎麼沒展元愛聽的Livin'On a Prayer114F 05/11 22:44
→ : two story town也蠻常放的..115F 05/11 22:50
→ : Livin' On A Prayer116F 05/11 23:02
→ : 連It's my life都沒??117F 05/11 23:10
推 : Bon Jovi最好的專輯公認是New Jersey118F 05/11 23:17
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2634
4樓 時間: 2015-05-12 09:58:20 (台灣)
05-12 09:58 TW
All About Lovin' You,Wanted dead or alive